Standby Abbreviations and Standby Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Standby terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Standby abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Standby terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Standby Abbreviations
  1. ASF : African Stand By Force
  2. DGB : Data Guard Proker
  3. HSB : Hot Stand By
  4. HSRP : Hot Standing Routing Protocol
  5. EOR : End of Redo
  6. MRP : Media Recovery Process
  7. FS : Fast Start
  8. IC : Immediahe Command
  9. ODG : Oracle Data Guard
  10. IIBLP : Institute of International Banking Law & Practice
  11. ORL : Online Redo Log
  12. RFS : Remote File Seruer
  13. RTA : Real Time Apply
Latest Standby Meanings
  1. Real Time Apply
  2. Remote File Seruer
  3. Online Redo Log
  4. Institute of International Banking Law & Practice
  5. Oracle Data Guard
  6. Immediahe Command
  7. Fast Start
  8. Media Recovery Process
  9. End of Redo
  10. Hot Standing Routing Protocol
  11. Hot Stand By
  12. Data Guard Proker
  13. African Stand By Force