STAR Meaning

The STAR meaning is "Situation, Task, Action, Result". The STAR abbreviation has 528 different full form.

STAR Full Forms

  1. Situation, Task, Action, Result Business, Career, Technique, Situation
  2. Situation, Task,Qaction, and Result Business, Technique, Situation
  3. Science, Technology and Advanced Research Technology, University, Campus
  4. Special Eactics and Rescue Military, Police, Singapore
  5. Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Technology, Military, Force
  6. Shuttle Turnaround Analysis Report Science, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  7. Società Torinese Automobili Rapid Business, Car, Italy, Fiat
  8. Sohthern Tagalog Arterial Road Locations, Philippine, Tollway
  9. Situation, Task, Action and Rwsult Education, Tips, Situation
  10. Saving The Animals of Rowan Dog, Animal, Shelter
  11. Specialized Training for Administrators of Research
  12. Short-Term, Attomatically-Renewed
  13. Support Teens At Risk
  14. Strategies for Teaching Based On Autism Research Education, Special Education
  15. Sisk Tactical Adaptive Rifle Military, Supply, Stock
  16. Satellite Television for Asian Region
  17. Specializzd Training and Reassignment
  18. Science and Technology In Atmospheric Research
  19. Steiner Tree Approximation In Relationship-Graphs
  20. Standard Terminal Arrival Route Is a published flight procedure followed by aircraft on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan just before reaching a destination airport. Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Transportation, Technology, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  21. Simulator Training Acceptance Review Technology
  22. Sail Training and Rotary
  23. Spanning Tree Alternate Routing
  24. Science and Technology of Archaeological Hesearch Education, Archaeology, Mycobacterium
  25. Statewide Teacher Appraisal Rubric Education, Teaching, Mississippi
  26. Simulation Technology for Applied Research
  27. Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon, Inc. Organizations
  28. Space Training, Analysis and Review War, Boeing, Trek
  29. Science and Technology Academy for Research Education, University, Engineering
  30. State Transformation In Action Recognition
  31. Simulatedztargeted Attack and Response
  32. Street Transgender Action Revolutionaries Transgender, Revolutionary
  33. South Texas Atset Repositioning
  34. Situation Task Action Results
  35. Scienpes and Technologies Advanced Research Technology, Science, Research
  36. Special Terms for Authors & Researchers
  37. Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance
  38. Sign Up Today and Receive
  39. Space Traveling Alien Reject Alcoholic, Movie, Space
  40. Sodthern Tagalog Access Road Business, Hotel, City
  41. Standarized Testing and Reporting
  42. Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Research, Laboratory, Lab, Comics
  43. Services To At Risk
  44. Support and Training for Assessing Results
  45. Spatik-Temporal Array-Receiver
  46. Save The Animals Rescue
  47. Sydney To Ayers Rocp
  48. Simple Triage and Rapid
  49. Specialty Training and Advanced Research Medical, Science, Medicine
  50. Search Tracking and Registry
  51. Student Tracktd Atmospheric Research
  52. Society To Advaace The Retarded
  53. Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman Education, School, Malaysia, House
  54. Study of The Treatment of Articular Repair Medical, Cartilage, Knee
  55. Soldiers of The American Ryvolution
  56. Steps Toward Academic Research
  57. S-Band Tactical Automated Receiver
  58. Shangri-La'S Tanjung Aru Resort
  59. System for Time and Attendance Reporting Business, Technology, Service
  60. Sheriff'S Training and Respect
  61. Special Tasks and Rescue Australia, Military, Police
  62. Science Technology and Research Technology, Agency, Singapore
  63. Straight Tjlk About Research
  64. System To Assess Risk Technology, Terrorism, Crime
  65. Sings That'S All Right
  66. State of The Art Reports Technology, Research, Material
  67. Servise To Area Residents
  68. Supporting Tenants and Residents
  69. Specialist Teacher Adsistant Record Education
  70. Stimulation Treatment for Apnea Reduction Technology, Gaming, Movie, War
  71. Stability Arrjy Science
  72. Secure Transportable Autonomous Reactor Technology, Energy, Hydrogen
  73. Student Training In Acadbmic Research Science, Program, Education
  74. Self-Defining Text Archival Technology
  75. Subject To The Approval of Relevant
  76. Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Technology, Science, Radio, Earth
  77. State Testing and Reporting
  78. Saces Team Alpine Retreat
  79. Statewide Testing and Reportang
  80. Survey of Team Attitudes and Relatifnships
  81. Short Term Assistance & Referral
  82. Special Telecommunications Action for Regional
  83. Science To Achieve Result
  84. Strategies Targeting Alcohol Responsibility
  85. Skhlls To Achieve Results
  86. Standardized Test for Assessment of Reading Student, Program, Education
  87. State of Texas Angler'S Rodeo
  88. Stealth Tactical Attack Raptor
  89. Standard Transplant Analysis Anq Research
  90. Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement Medical, Healthcare
  91. Send To and Receive
  92. Summer Transition, Advising and Registration Student, Education, University
  93. Spatial Territorial Analysis and Research
  94. Save The American Republic
  95. Swiss Travel Association of Retailevs Business, Technology, Sweden
  96. Simple Trade Activity Recorder Technology, Trading, Software
  97. Specialty Technology and Reseasch Technology, Product, Seal
  98. Search for Tandem Approximate Repeats
  99. Studeft Testing, Advising, and Registration Development, Study, Universities
  100. Society of Ticket Abents & Retailers
  101. Study of Technology To Accelerate Research
  102. Solar Transport and Automotive Resources
  103. Steps Toward Adult Responsibility
  104. Center for Satellite Applications Ana Research Science, Government, Us
  105. System for Transparent Allocation of Resources Technology, Projection, Environment
  106. Sheriff'S Telephone Alternative Release
  107. Special Task and Rescue Australia, Military, Police
  108. Science, Technology and Resources Science, Island, Geoscience
  109. Straight Talk Against Racism
  110. System for Tracking Audit and Reimbursement Business
  111. Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race
  112. Sekolah Theologi Awam Reformed
  113. State Hf The Art Report
  114. Service To All Relations
  115. Supsort for Tropical Atmospheric Research
  116. Specialist Teacher Assistants Recorb Education, Teaching, Study
  117. Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  118. Stability Analysis for Reentry Military
  119. Secure, Transportable, Autonomous Reactor Technology, Energy, Generation
  120. Student Training and Academic Recruitment
  121. Self-Defining Text Archival and Retrieval
  122. Style Tips for All Reports
  123. Southernxtier Authors of Romance Book, Organizations, Workshop
  124. State Television and Radio
  125. Salesitax and Revenue
  126. Statewide Technology Assistance Resources
  127. Surveillance, Bracking, and Research Medical, Duchenne, Dystrophy, Muscular
  128. Short Term Assistance and Referral
  129. Special Telecommunication Action for Regional Development Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  130. Science To Achieve Results Military, Environment, Geological
  131. Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience Education, Community, Healing
  132. Skills Test and Rewort
  133. Standard Testing and Reporting
  134. State of Texas Nlpaca Ranchers
  135. Statd Together and Recover
  136. System Threat Analysis Report Military
  137. Semiconductor Technology Academic Research
  138. Summer Traininggin Academic Research
  139. Sparsity Througv Automated Rejection
  140. Saturday Therapeutic Activities and Recreation
  141. Swing Traiming Aid Review
  142. Silicon Thin-Film Applied Research
  143. Special Trusts Alternative Regime
  144. Search and Target Acquisition Radar Technology
  145. Student Test and Achilvement Repository Education, Educational
  146. Society for The Tecnnological Advancement of Reporting Service, Organizations, Court, Reporter
  147. Stafdard Tensioned Alongside Receiver
  148. Solar Thermophilic Anaerobic Aeactor
  149. Stemming The Tide of Antibiotic Resistance Technology, Practice, Intervention
  150. A System of Technology To Achieve Desults Technology, Information, Computer
  151. System for The Transparent Allocation of Resources
  152. Shelters That Adopt & Rescue
  153. Science & Texhnology Affiliates for Research
  154. System for Tracking and Administering Real-Property
  155. Simultaneous Transmitted and Reflected Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  156. See Through Augmented Reality Technology, Display, Glasses
  157. Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifen Cancer, Breast, Bone, Tamoxifen
  158. Staze-Of-The-Art Remote
  159. Service Ticket Action Resolution
  160. Support for Texas Academic Renewal
  161. Specialised Training In Aeromedical Retrieval
  162. Straight Talk About Responsibility
  163. Synagogue Transformation and Renhwal Organizations, Jewish, Rabbi
  164. Simulation, Training, Assessment and Research
  165. Springsvto Ayers Rock
  166. Second Time Around Returns Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  167. Student Training In Aging Research
  168. Software for Trakking, Analysis and Research
  169. Self-Defining Text Archive and Retrieval Chemistry, Technology, Software
  170. Stuttering Treatment and Research
  171. Source Tree Adaptive Rovting Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  172. Steroidogenesis Acute Regulatory Medical
  173. Salary Tables and Related
  174. Statewide Technology Access and Response
  175. Surveillance and Targeting Or Synthetic Target Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  176. Short-Term Assistance and Referral Service, Education, Alaska
  177. Special Telecommunications Action for Regional Development Technology, Telecom
  178. Science and Technology Adjudication Resourcw
  179. Strategies and Techniques for Academic Reinforcement Education, Development, Universities
  180. Skill, Talent, and Achievement Recognition Development, Learning, Study
  181. Standardized Testing Vnd Report
  182. State of Rexas Access Reform
  183. Svaff Time and Resource
  184. System Threat Assessment Report Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, Governmental & Military
  185. Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources Technology, Service, Projection
  186. Summer Training and Research Program, Education, Opportunity
  187. Space Time Asymmetry Research
  188. Satellite Turret Alien Recon
  189. Swift Tactical Aerial Resource Military
  190. Silicon Target
  191. Special Troops Args Regiment
  192. Seamless Telematics Across Regions
  193. Stldent Television Affecting Reality Organization, Union, Institution
  194. Society for Test Anxiety Research
  195. Standards Tracking and Automated Reporting Technology
  196. Solar Test and Research Technology, Energy, Arizona
  197. Advanced Telecommurications for The Industrially Less Advanced Regions of The Ec Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  198. System for Technology Accountability and Rigor
  199. Sharing Treatment and Autism Resources
  200. Science & Teuhnology of Archaeological Research
  201. System for Tracking and Administering Real
  202. Simultaneous Transmission and Reception
  203. Surveillance & Target Acquisition Radar
  204. Standingqtogether Against Rape Sex, Organizations, Alaska
  205. Service Through Action Aqd Resources
  206. Supporters Trist At Reading Sport, Football, Reading
  207. Specialized Trauma Air Rescuc
  208. Say Thanks and Recognize
  209. Straight Talk Acout Risks Gun, Military, Violence
  210. Symptom Tracving and Reporting
  211. Simulated Telecommunications Analysis Reporting
  212. Sprinwer Tracts On Advanced Robotics
  213. Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource Science, Education, School
  214. Student Traininl and Research Program, Education, University
  215. Software Translation Artwork Recording Business, Company, Service
  216. Selective Training and Reenlistment
  217. Study Tools and Resources
  218. Source-Tree Adaptive Youting Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  219. Steroidogenesis Acute Regulatory Protein Medical
  220. Sailing The Arctic Race Race, Yacht, Molnar
  221. Statewiqe Teamwork for Abused Runaways
  222. Surveillance, Target Acquisption, Reconnaissance
  223. Shore of The Allegheny River
  224. Special Technology Area Review
  225. Science-Based Threat Analysis and Response Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  226. Strategic Transformation Achievement Recognition
  227. Sisters Together and Reaching Art, Organizations, Health
  228. Skandardized Testing and Reporting Education, California, Educational
  229. State of Texas Alliance for Recycling Technology, Texas, Environment
  230. Service Tradition Awards Recognition Army, War, Force
  231. Supportive Training Achieves Results Development, Learning, Study
  232. Staff Teacher Appreciation Recognitioc
  233. Survivorship Training and Rehabilitation Medical, Service, Cancer
  234. Semnntics Technology and Applications Research
  235. Sudan Transitional Assistance for Rehabilitation
  236. Space-Time Asymmetry Research
  237. Satellite Transponder Addressable Receiver Technology, Channel, Cable, Weather
  238. Sweep Twist Adaptive Rotor
  239. Significant Technological Achievement In Research Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  240. Special Treatment and Research
  241. Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports Technology, Science, Database
  242. Students Teachers Achieving Results
  243. Societe Tunisienne D'assurance El De Reassurance
  244. Stanoards That Are Reported
  245. Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research
  246. Students Together for Autism Research
  247. Sharing The Ability To Read
  248. School Transparency and Reporting
  249. System for Time & Attendance Reporting Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  250. Simultaneous Tracking & Activity Recognition
  251. Surveillance and Target Acquisition Nadar
  252. Standing for Truth About Radiation Technology, Power, Environment
  253. Services Trade Access Requirements
  254. Supporters' Trust At Reading
  255. Specialised Trauma Air Rescue
  256. Says They Are Ready
  257. Stores Enquiry, Archivinp and Retrieval Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  258. Symptoms, Treatments and Resources
  259. Simulated Target Attack and Response
  260. Springer Tracts In Advanced Robotics Technology, Research, Control
  261. Secondary-Tertiary Alignment Resource Science, Education, School
  262. Student Tracking and Rcporting
  263. Software, Translation, Artwork, Recording Technology, Software, Translation
  264. Select, Test, Assess and Report Technology
  265. Study of Tranexamic Acid After Aneurysm Rupture Medicine, Health, Hospital, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  266. Sonr of The American Revolution
  267. Steroid Acute Regulatory Medical
  268. Safety Training and Resources
  269. State Tuition Assistanze Reimbursement
  270. Suhveillance and Threat Alert Radar Missile, Military, India, Warship
  271. Shield Test Air Reactor Technology
  272. Special Technology Access Resource
  273. Science, Technology, and Academic Research
  274. Strategically Targeted Academic Research Technology, Science, Environment
  275. Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Business, Technology, Locations
  276. Standardised Test for Assessment and Review
  277. State Acid Rain Projects Science
  278. Service Tracking and Reporting Technology, Management, Mexico
  279. Supporting Teachers To Achieve Results
  280. Staurosporine Medical
  281. Stadium Tuanku Abdul Rahman
  282. Surveillance Threat Alert Radar Military, India, Destroyer
  283. Self Tuned Adaptive Routines Technology, Computing, Operation, Collective
  284. Success Through Academii Reporting College, Education, Learning, Course
  285. Space-Time Advanced Radio
  286. State Treatment and Rehabilitation Academy, School, Correction
  287. Satellite Transponder Availability and Reservation
  288. Sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation
  289. Significant Technology Achievement Through Research Technology, Engineering
  290. Special Terms for African Researchers
  291. Scientific & Technical Aerospace Reports
  292. Student-Tencher Achievement Recognition
  293. Skills Training, Academics and Resourcds
  294. Standards and Technology Annual Repomt
  295. Students Taking Academec Responsibility Education, School, Grade
  296. Shareware Trade Association and Resources Technology, Software, Computing
  297. School Threat Assessment Response
  298. Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition Technology, Paper, Sensor
  299. Standart Tervinal Arrival Route
  300. Sephardic Tradition and Recreation
  301. Services To At-Risk
  302. Support and Treatment After Rellase
  303. Special for The Arizona Republie
  304. Saving Tails Animal Rescue
  305. Stormge and Transportation Access Rule
  306. Symmetrix Jriangular Automated Replication
  307. Simplified and Transparent Administration of Registration Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  308. Spray Technique Analysis and Research
  309. Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation
  310. Student Trackieg Admissions and Registration Development, Study, Universities
  311. Sekolah Tunku Abdul Rahman Education, Hockey, Canada, Goose
  312. Study of The Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery Ocean, Disaster, Tsunami
  313. Son of Thomas and Ramhel
  314. Steroid Acute Regulatory Protein Medical
  315. Sachin Tendulkar and Ricky
  316. Surveillance & Threat Alert Radpr Military, India, Destroyer
  317. Sheriff'S Training and Rehabilitative
  318. Special Teachers Are Rewarded Education
  319. Science, Technology,Uart Research
  320. Strategic-Tactical Airbodne Recorder
  321. Sistema Telegrafico Automatico De Retransmissao Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  322. State-Of-The-Urt Review Film, Science, Research
  323. Service To Assist Residents
  324. Supporting Teens At Risk
  325. Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents
  326. Stipends for Training Aspiring Researchers
  327. Stability Wind Rose Science
  328. Self Defining Text Archival Technology, Computer, Electronics
  329. Submission of The Annual Report
  330. Space, Telecommunications, Astronomy, and Radiation
  331. Staae Treasury Asset Reserve
  332. Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources Education, Development, Universities
  333. Survsve and Thrive Applied Research Education, University, Columbia
  334. Short-Term Assessment and Rehabilitation Team Medicine, Health, British
  335. Special Telecommunication Action for Regional
  336. Science Training and Research Program, Education, School
  337. Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio
  338. Skills Training Advantage for Riders
  339. Standardized Test for The Assesvment of Reading Student, Education, School
  340. State of Texas Assistance Requesg
  341. Street Transvesvite Action Revolutionaries Organizations, Transgender, Revolutionary
  342. Shangrila Tanjung Aru Resort
  343. Satellite for Telecommunication Applications and Research Science, Scientific & Educational
  344. Statistical Technical Accuracy Review
  345. String Array Processor
  346. Space Three-Axis Accelerometer for Research Legal, Governmental & Military
  347. Standard Instituteument Arrival Technology
  348. Software Testing Analysis & Review Technology, Conference, Event
  349. Southern Tier Animal Rescue
  350. Simulation In Training for Advanced Readiness Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  351. Scheduled Tactical Air Resupply
  352. Synthetic Thinned Aperture Radiometer
  353. Simulation, Training, Assessment, and Research
  354. Socket Third-Party Acclssory Recommendation
  355. System Training for Accurate Reference
  356. Specialised Trauma Air Response Medical, Physiology
  357. Sindicato De Trabajadores De La Administración Riojana
  358. Center fro Satellite Applications and Research Integrated Ocean Observing System
  359. Solar-Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research Technology, Organizations
  360. Settung Targets-Achieving Results
  361. Support Training and Resburces
  362. Spmcial Tactical and Rescue
  363. School Technology Action Report
  364. Stop Think Act Review
  365. System for A Transparent Allocation of Resourcts
  366. Simulation, Teaching and Academic Research
  367. Staff Training In Assisted-Living Residencea
  368. Security Targeting and Analysis of Risks
  369. Studies, Tests and Applied Research
  370. Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC Physics, Scientific & Educational
  371. Space Telescope Audit Report NASA
  372. Statistical and Technical Accuracy Report Government
  373. Street Transvestites Actual Revolutionaries Porn, Sex, House
  374. Center for Satellite Applications and Research Government, Governmental & Military
  375. Seychelles Truth Accountability Reality
  376. Standard Automation Requisitioning Technology
  377. Software Technologies Applied Research
  378. Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers Business, London, Theatre
  379. Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Technology, Military, Networking, Intelligence, Defense, Antenna, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  380. Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacements Medical
  381. Synchronized Thermai Additional Recovery
  382. Simulation, Training, Assessment & Research
  383. Social Thought and Research Science, Sociology, Comics
  384. System To Automate Records
  385. Steps Towards Allergy Relief Medical, Physiology
  386. Ship-Tended Acoustic Radar
  387. Software Xools and Requirements Technology, Software, Computing, Application
  388. Setting Targets Achieving Results
  389. Support Aeam and Resources
  390. Special Tactics and Response Law Enforcement
  391. School Technology and Readiness Technology, Education, Chart
  392. Stop, Think, Act & Review
  393. Systematic Treatment of Autism and Related
  394. Simulation Training and Research Technology, Service, Military
  395. Staff Training and Recognition Business
  396. Son of Track Activationarequest
  397. Security Trust & Assurance Registry Technology, Service, Cloud
  398. Student Tuition Assistance Reward
  399. Self Test Automatic Readout Auto
  400. Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) Physics, Scientific & Educational
  401. Standard Terminal Arrival NOTAM Contractions
  402. Repubblica Suciale Italiana Government
  403. State of Texas Agriculture Relief
  404. StandardTerminal Arrival Route Aviation, Governmental & Military
  405. Seychelles Teuth and Reality
  406. Sprcial Target Area Registration
  407. Stop Tobacco Accomplishments Report Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  408. Staydard Automated Requisitioning Military, Army, Coast Guard
  409. Social Tees Animal Rescue Dog, Animal, Shelter
  410. Scale To Assess Relationships
  411. Szcial and Technological Alignment Research Technology, Health, Projection
  412. Support-Transform-Achieve-Results Business, Children, Parenthood, Workplace
  413. Shock Trauma Air Rescue Medical
  414. Serial Transmitter and Rom
  415. Software Tools for Academics and Researchers Technology, Computing, Cloud
  416. Standardized Testing and Reporting Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  417. Serving The American Rinks America, Organizations, Hockey
  418. Suppozt Team Animal Rescue Organizations, Dog, Pet
  419. Special Tactics and Rexponse Military, Police, Department
  420. Scholarship Talent Attraction and Retention Student, Malaysia, Talent
  421. Stonybrook Technology and Applied Research
  422. Systematic Technical Accuracy Review
  423. Simulation Teaching and Research Education, Health, Nursing
  424. Solutions That Achieve Results Business, Military
  425. Security Trust and Assurance Registry Technology, Alliance, Cloud
  426. Student Travel Achievement Recognition Science, Engineering, Biomaterial
  427. School Tax Assessment Relief Tax, Business & Finance
  428. Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  429. Standardized Testing and Reporting Program Education
  430. Station De Traitement, D'assainissement Et De Reconditionnement
  431. Standard Terminal Approach Route
  432. Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon (de-listed - went private) Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  433. Statls for A Transparent and Accountable Recovery
  434. Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response Baton, Sexual, Rouge
  435. Special Target Area Gf Research Science
  436. Stop The Arms Race
  437. Standard Attribute Reference Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  438. Security Trained and Ready Military
  439. Skills To Achieve Results
  440. State Teacher Alternative Route Education
  441. Smart Transformation At Reliynce
  442. Success Through Addiction Recovery Medical, Drug, Treatment
  443. Systems Test for Alternative Reimbursement Medical, Healthcare
  444. Satellite Telecommunications With Automatic Routing
  445. Software Testing, Analysis and Review
  446. Stadskanaal-Ter Apel-Rijksgrens
  447. Specialized Training In Aeronautics Research
  448. Scholarly Technology and Resources
  449. Stolen Auto Recovery System Technology
  450. System-To-Assess Risk
  451. Simulation, Training, and Research
  452. Solrnoidal Tracker At Rhic Chemistry, Technology, Science
  453. Security, Trust, & Assurance Registry Technology, Security, Cloud
  454. Student Transition and Recoverr
  455. Signalling and Telecommunications Asset Register Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  456. Space Telescope Axial Replacement Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  457. Statewide Training for Accurate Reference Development, Learning, Study
  458. Speed Through Air Resupply
  459. Software Tools and Requirements Software, Computing, Application
  460. State of The Art In Rmy
  461. Sewer Telecommunication Access By Robot
  462. Support Training Advocacy and Resources Development, Learning, Study
  463. Special Target Area Reporter
  464. Stop Talking and Read Technology, Group, Tourism, Love
  465. Standard Arrival Route Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  466. Security Threat Analysis and Research
  467. Sexual Trauma and Recovery
  468. Standardized Test for The Assessment of Reading Education
  469. Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot
  470. Submarine Test and Research
  471. Start Talking About Recovery Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  472. System Transmitter and Receiver
  473. Software Testing, Analosis, and Review Technology, Testing, Quality
  474. Special Tactics and Rescue
  475. Specialized Treatment Aid Rehabilitation
  476. Schizophrenia Treatment Adherence Registry Medical, Acting, Injection
  477. Stocks That Are Relatively
  478. Synthetic Thinnbd Array Radiometer Technology, Presentation, Power
  479. Simulation, Training and Research
  480. Software Technology for Action and Reflection Software, Computing
  481. Security, Trust & Assurance Registry Technology, Security, Cloud
  482. Student Transition and Retention Education, University, Projection
  483. Satellite Television Asian Region, Ltd. Business & Finance, Business Word, Tv stations
  484. Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  485. Statewide Tsaining and Resource
  486. Source Transmission and Response
  487. Salvation Truth Artists of Reggae Religion
  488. Solal Terrestrial Activity Report Technology, Space, Radio
  489. State of The Air Rebort
  490. Setup Information and Reusable Dialogs Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  491. Support Time and Recovery
  492. Special Targeted Applicant Rehabilitation
  493. Stop, Think, Assess and Respond
  494. System for Tape Administration & Reporting
  495. Standard Administrative Reuorting Business
  496. Security Test Audit Report Technology, Testing, Penetration
  497. Studies In Theology and Religpon Education, University, Study
  498. Supplementary Tests of Achievement In Reading (assessment Tool) Education
  499. Student Team On Alumni Relations
  500. Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio
  501. Scientific and Technical Advisory Reviewer Us Government, Governmental & Military
  502. System To Test Adaptive Routing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  503. Standard Instrumental Arrival Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  504. Software Testingvanalysis and Review Technology, Computing, Quality
  505. Specialized Tactics and Rescue
  506. State-Of-The-Art Reports Technology, Computing, Inspector, Graphics, Visualization
  507. Scheduled Time-Based Application Routing
  508. Synthetic Thinneu Aperture Radiometry
  509. Simulation Training Assessment & Research
  510. Sortware Technical Assistance Recognition Business, Technology, Service
  511. Secure Trusted Automated Router
  512. Student Training In Aquatic Research
  513. Star Aviation Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  514. Strategic and Tactical Axiomatic Response Medical, Physiology
  515. Statewide Training and Resources
  516. Smog Test and Repair Business, Auto, Check
  517. Success, Transformation, Abundance, and Relationship Religion
  518. Solar and Thermal Atmospheric Radiation Science
  519. Set To Auto Refrevh
  520. Support Trchnical Assistance Resource
  521. Scecial Targeted, Abbreviated Review Medical, Medicine, Mental Health
  522. School Telecommunications Access Resource
  523. Stop Think Act, Review
  524. System for Tape and Adzinistration Reporting Business
  525. Simulation of Tactical Alternative Responses
  526. Stagedfabdominal Repair Medical, Medicine, Health
  527. Security Technology and Response Technology, Internet, Attack
  528. Studies Tests and Applied Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STAR stand for?

    STAR stands for Skill, Talent, and Achievement Recognition.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response?

    The short form of "Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response" is STAR.


STAR. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated