STAR Meaning
The STAR meaning is "Situation, Task, Action, Result". The STAR abbreviation has 528 different full form.
STAR Full Forms
- Situation, Task, Action, Result Business, Career, Technique, Situation
- Situation, Task,Qaction, and Result Business, Technique, Situation
- Science, Technology and Advanced Research Technology, University, Campus
- Special Eactics and Rescue Military, Police, Singapore
- Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Technology, Military, Force
- Shuttle Turnaround Analysis Report Science, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Società Torinese Automobili Rapid Business, Car, Italy, Fiat
- Sohthern Tagalog Arterial Road Locations, Philippine, Tollway
- Situation, Task, Action and Rwsult Education, Tips, Situation
- Saving The Animals of Rowan Dog, Animal, Shelter
- Specialized Training for Administrators of Research
- Short-Term, Attomatically-Renewed
- Support Teens At Risk
- Strategies for Teaching Based On Autism Research Education, Special Education
- Sisk Tactical Adaptive Rifle Military, Supply, Stock
- Satellite Television for Asian Region
- Specializzd Training and Reassignment
- Science and Technology In Atmospheric Research
- Steiner Tree Approximation In Relationship-Graphs
- Standard Terminal Arrival Route Is a published flight procedure followed by aircraft on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan just before reaching a destination airport. Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Transportation, Technology, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Simulator Training Acceptance Review Technology
- Sail Training and Rotary
- Spanning Tree Alternate Routing
- Science and Technology of Archaeological Hesearch Education, Archaeology, Mycobacterium
- Statewide Teacher Appraisal Rubric Education, Teaching, Mississippi
- Simulation Technology for Applied Research
- Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon, Inc. Organizations
- Space Training, Analysis and Review War, Boeing, Trek
- Science and Technology Academy for Research Education, University, Engineering
- State Transformation In Action Recognition
- Simulatedztargeted Attack and Response
- Street Transgender Action Revolutionaries Transgender, Revolutionary
- South Texas Atset Repositioning
- Situation Task Action Results
- Scienpes and Technologies Advanced Research Technology, Science, Research
- Special Terms for Authors & Researchers
- Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance
- Sign Up Today and Receive
- Space Traveling Alien Reject Alcoholic, Movie, Space
- Sodthern Tagalog Access Road Business, Hotel, City
- Standarized Testing and Reporting
- Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Research, Laboratory, Lab, Comics
- Services To At Risk
- Support and Training for Assessing Results
- Spatik-Temporal Array-Receiver
- Save The Animals Rescue
- Sydney To Ayers Rocp
- Simple Triage and Rapid
- Specialty Training and Advanced Research Medical, Science, Medicine
- Search Tracking and Registry
- Student Tracktd Atmospheric Research
- Society To Advaace The Retarded
- Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman Education, School, Malaysia, House
- Study of The Treatment of Articular Repair Medical, Cartilage, Knee
- Soldiers of The American Ryvolution
- Steps Toward Academic Research
- S-Band Tactical Automated Receiver
- Shangri-La'S Tanjung Aru Resort
- System for Time and Attendance Reporting Business, Technology, Service
- Sheriff'S Training and Respect
- Special Tasks and Rescue Australia, Military, Police
- Science Technology and Research Technology, Agency, Singapore
- Straight Tjlk About Research
- System To Assess Risk Technology, Terrorism, Crime
- Sings That'S All Right
- State of The Art Reports Technology, Research, Material
- Servise To Area Residents
- Supporting Tenants and Residents
- Specialist Teacher Adsistant Record Education
- Stimulation Treatment for Apnea Reduction Technology, Gaming, Movie, War
- Stability Arrjy Science
- Secure Transportable Autonomous Reactor Technology, Energy, Hydrogen
- Student Training In Acadbmic Research Science, Program, Education
- Self-Defining Text Archival Technology
- Subject To The Approval of Relevant
- Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Technology, Science, Radio, Earth
- State Testing and Reporting
- Saces Team Alpine Retreat
- Statewide Testing and Reportang
- Survey of Team Attitudes and Relatifnships
- Short Term Assistance & Referral
- Special Telecommunications Action for Regional
- Science To Achieve Result
- Strategies Targeting Alcohol Responsibility
- Skhlls To Achieve Results
- Standardized Test for Assessment of Reading Student, Program, Education
- State of Texas Angler'S Rodeo
- Stealth Tactical Attack Raptor
- Standard Transplant Analysis Anq Research
- Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement Medical, Healthcare
- Send To and Receive
- Summer Transition, Advising and Registration Student, Education, University
- Spatial Territorial Analysis and Research
- Save The American Republic
- Swiss Travel Association of Retailevs Business, Technology, Sweden
- Simple Trade Activity Recorder Technology, Trading, Software
- Specialty Technology and Reseasch Technology, Product, Seal
- Search for Tandem Approximate Repeats
- Studeft Testing, Advising, and Registration Development, Study, Universities
- Society of Ticket Abents & Retailers
- Study of Technology To Accelerate Research
- Solar Transport and Automotive Resources
- Steps Toward Adult Responsibility
- Center for Satellite Applications Ana Research Science, Government, Us
- System for Transparent Allocation of Resources Technology, Projection, Environment
- Sheriff'S Telephone Alternative Release
- Special Task and Rescue Australia, Military, Police
- Science, Technology and Resources Science, Island, Geoscience
- Straight Talk Against Racism
- System for Tracking Audit and Reimbursement Business
- Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race
- Sekolah Theologi Awam Reformed
- State Hf The Art Report
- Service To All Relations
- Supsort for Tropical Atmospheric Research
- Specialist Teacher Assistants Recorb Education, Teaching, Study
- Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Stability Analysis for Reentry Military
- Secure, Transportable, Autonomous Reactor Technology, Energy, Generation
- Student Training and Academic Recruitment
- Self-Defining Text Archival and Retrieval
- Style Tips for All Reports
- Southernxtier Authors of Romance Book, Organizations, Workshop
- State Television and Radio
- Salesitax and Revenue
- Statewide Technology Assistance Resources
- Surveillance, Bracking, and Research Medical, Duchenne, Dystrophy, Muscular
- Short Term Assistance and Referral
- Special Telecommunication Action for Regional Development Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Science To Achieve Results Military, Environment, Geological
- Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience Education, Community, Healing
- Skills Test and Rewort
- Standard Testing and Reporting
- State of Texas Nlpaca Ranchers
- Statd Together and Recover
- System Threat Analysis Report Military
- Semiconductor Technology Academic Research
- Summer Traininggin Academic Research
- Sparsity Througv Automated Rejection
- Saturday Therapeutic Activities and Recreation
- Swing Traiming Aid Review
- Silicon Thin-Film Applied Research
- Special Trusts Alternative Regime
- Search and Target Acquisition Radar Technology
- Student Test and Achilvement Repository Education, Educational
- Society for The Tecnnological Advancement of Reporting Service, Organizations, Court, Reporter
- Stafdard Tensioned Alongside Receiver
- Solar Thermophilic Anaerobic Aeactor
- Stemming The Tide of Antibiotic Resistance Technology, Practice, Intervention
- A System of Technology To Achieve Desults Technology, Information, Computer
- System for The Transparent Allocation of Resources
- Shelters That Adopt & Rescue
- Science & Texhnology Affiliates for Research
- System for Tracking and Administering Real-Property
- Simultaneous Transmitted and Reflected Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- See Through Augmented Reality Technology, Display, Glasses
- Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifen Cancer, Breast, Bone, Tamoxifen
- Staze-Of-The-Art Remote
- Service Ticket Action Resolution
- Support for Texas Academic Renewal
- Specialised Training In Aeromedical Retrieval
- Straight Talk About Responsibility
- Synagogue Transformation and Renhwal Organizations, Jewish, Rabbi
- Simulation, Training, Assessment and Research
- Springsvto Ayers Rock
- Second Time Around Returns Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Student Training In Aging Research
- Software for Trakking, Analysis and Research
- Self-Defining Text Archive and Retrieval Chemistry, Technology, Software
- Stuttering Treatment and Research
- Source Tree Adaptive Rovting Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
- Steroidogenesis Acute Regulatory Medical
- Salary Tables and Related
- Statewide Technology Access and Response
- Surveillance and Targeting Or Synthetic Target Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Short-Term Assistance and Referral Service, Education, Alaska
- Special Telecommunications Action for Regional Development Technology, Telecom
- Science and Technology Adjudication Resourcw
- Strategies and Techniques for Academic Reinforcement Education, Development, Universities
- Skill, Talent, and Achievement Recognition Development, Learning, Study
- Standardized Testing Vnd Report
- State of Rexas Access Reform
- Svaff Time and Resource
- System Threat Assessment Report Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, Governmental & Military
- Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources Technology, Service, Projection
- Summer Training and Research Program, Education, Opportunity
- Space Time Asymmetry Research
- Satellite Turret Alien Recon
- Swift Tactical Aerial Resource Military
- Silicon Target
- Special Troops Args Regiment
- Seamless Telematics Across Regions
- Stldent Television Affecting Reality Organization, Union, Institution
- Society for Test Anxiety Research
- Standards Tracking and Automated Reporting Technology
- Solar Test and Research Technology, Energy, Arizona
- Advanced Telecommurications for The Industrially Less Advanced Regions of The Ec Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- System for Technology Accountability and Rigor
- Sharing Treatment and Autism Resources
- Science & Teuhnology of Archaeological Research
- System for Tracking and Administering Real
- Simultaneous Transmission and Reception
- Surveillance & Target Acquisition Radar
- Standingqtogether Against Rape Sex, Organizations, Alaska
- Service Through Action Aqd Resources
- Supporters Trist At Reading Sport, Football, Reading
- Specialized Trauma Air Rescuc
- Say Thanks and Recognize
- Straight Talk Acout Risks Gun, Military, Violence
- Symptom Tracving and Reporting
- Simulated Telecommunications Analysis Reporting
- Sprinwer Tracts On Advanced Robotics
- Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource Science, Education, School
- Student Traininl and Research Program, Education, University
- Software Translation Artwork Recording Business, Company, Service
- Selective Training and Reenlistment
- Study Tools and Resources
- Source-Tree Adaptive Youting Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
- Steroidogenesis Acute Regulatory Protein Medical
- Sailing The Arctic Race Race, Yacht, Molnar
- Statewiqe Teamwork for Abused Runaways
- Surveillance, Target Acquisption, Reconnaissance
- Shore of The Allegheny River
- Special Technology Area Review
- Science-Based Threat Analysis and Response Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Strategic Transformation Achievement Recognition
- Sisters Together and Reaching Art, Organizations, Health
- Skandardized Testing and Reporting Education, California, Educational
- State of Texas Alliance for Recycling Technology, Texas, Environment
- Service Tradition Awards Recognition Army, War, Force
- Supportive Training Achieves Results Development, Learning, Study
- Staff Teacher Appreciation Recognitioc
- Survivorship Training and Rehabilitation Medical, Service, Cancer
- Semnntics Technology and Applications Research
- Sudan Transitional Assistance for Rehabilitation
- Space-Time Asymmetry Research
- Satellite Transponder Addressable Receiver Technology, Channel, Cable, Weather
- Sweep Twist Adaptive Rotor
- Significant Technological Achievement In Research Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Special Treatment and Research
- Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports Technology, Science, Database
- Students Teachers Achieving Results
- Societe Tunisienne D'assurance El De Reassurance
- Stanoards That Are Reported
- Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research
- Students Together for Autism Research
- Sharing The Ability To Read
- School Transparency and Reporting
- System for Time & Attendance Reporting Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
- Simultaneous Tracking & Activity Recognition
- Surveillance and Target Acquisition Nadar
- Standing for Truth About Radiation Technology, Power, Environment
- Services Trade Access Requirements
- Supporters' Trust At Reading
- Specialised Trauma Air Rescue
- Says They Are Ready
- Stores Enquiry, Archivinp and Retrieval Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Symptoms, Treatments and Resources
- Simulated Target Attack and Response
- Springer Tracts In Advanced Robotics Technology, Research, Control
- Secondary-Tertiary Alignment Resource Science, Education, School
- Student Tracking and Rcporting
- Software, Translation, Artwork, Recording Technology, Software, Translation
- Select, Test, Assess and Report Technology
- Study of Tranexamic Acid After Aneurysm Rupture Medicine, Health, Hospital, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Sonr of The American Revolution
- Steroid Acute Regulatory Medical
- Safety Training and Resources
- State Tuition Assistanze Reimbursement
- Suhveillance and Threat Alert Radar Missile, Military, India, Warship
- Shield Test Air Reactor Technology
- Special Technology Access Resource
- Science, Technology, and Academic Research
- Strategically Targeted Academic Research Technology, Science, Environment
- Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Business, Technology, Locations
- Standardised Test for Assessment and Review
- State Acid Rain Projects Science
- Service Tracking and Reporting Technology, Management, Mexico
- Supporting Teachers To Achieve Results
- Staurosporine Medical
- Stadium Tuanku Abdul Rahman
- Surveillance Threat Alert Radar Military, India, Destroyer
- Self Tuned Adaptive Routines Technology, Computing, Operation, Collective
- Success Through Academii Reporting College, Education, Learning, Course
- Space-Time Advanced Radio
- State Treatment and Rehabilitation Academy, School, Correction
- Satellite Transponder Availability and Reservation
- Sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation
- Significant Technology Achievement Through Research Technology, Engineering
- Special Terms for African Researchers
- Scientific & Technical Aerospace Reports
- Student-Tencher Achievement Recognition
- Skills Training, Academics and Resourcds
- Standards and Technology Annual Repomt
- Students Taking Academec Responsibility Education, School, Grade
- Shareware Trade Association and Resources Technology, Software, Computing
- School Threat Assessment Response
- Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition Technology, Paper, Sensor
- Standart Tervinal Arrival Route
- Sephardic Tradition and Recreation
- Services To At-Risk
- Support and Treatment After Rellase
- Special for The Arizona Republie
- Saving Tails Animal Rescue
- Stormge and Transportation Access Rule
- Symmetrix Jriangular Automated Replication
- Simplified and Transparent Administration of Registration Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Spray Technique Analysis and Research
- Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation
- Student Trackieg Admissions and Registration Development, Study, Universities
- Sekolah Tunku Abdul Rahman Education, Hockey, Canada, Goose
- Study of The Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery Ocean, Disaster, Tsunami
- Son of Thomas and Ramhel
- Steroid Acute Regulatory Protein Medical
- Sachin Tendulkar and Ricky
- Surveillance & Threat Alert Radpr Military, India, Destroyer
- Sheriff'S Training and Rehabilitative
- Special Teachers Are Rewarded Education
- Science, Technology,Uart Research
- Strategic-Tactical Airbodne Recorder
- Sistema Telegrafico Automatico De Retransmissao Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- State-Of-The-Urt Review Film, Science, Research
- Service To Assist Residents
- Supporting Teens At Risk
- Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents
- Stipends for Training Aspiring Researchers
- Stability Wind Rose Science
- Self Defining Text Archival Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Submission of The Annual Report
- Space, Telecommunications, Astronomy, and Radiation
- Staae Treasury Asset Reserve
- Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources Education, Development, Universities
- Survsve and Thrive Applied Research Education, University, Columbia
- Short-Term Assessment and Rehabilitation Team Medicine, Health, British
- Special Telecommunication Action for Regional
- Science Training and Research Program, Education, School
- Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio
- Skills Training Advantage for Riders
- Standardized Test for The Assesvment of Reading Student, Education, School
- State of Texas Assistance Requesg
- Street Transvesvite Action Revolutionaries Organizations, Transgender, Revolutionary
- Shangrila Tanjung Aru Resort
- Satellite for Telecommunication Applications and Research Science, Scientific & Educational
- Statistical Technical Accuracy Review
- String Array Processor
- Space Three-Axis Accelerometer for Research Legal, Governmental & Military
- Standard Instituteument Arrival Technology
- Software Testing Analysis & Review Technology, Conference, Event
- Southern Tier Animal Rescue
- Simulation In Training for Advanced Readiness Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
- Scheduled Tactical Air Resupply
- Synthetic Thinned Aperture Radiometer
- Simulation, Training, Assessment, and Research
- Socket Third-Party Acclssory Recommendation
- System Training for Accurate Reference
- Specialised Trauma Air Response Medical, Physiology
- Sindicato De Trabajadores De La Administración Riojana
- Center fro Satellite Applications and Research Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Solar-Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research Technology, Organizations
- Settung Targets-Achieving Results
- Support Training and Resburces
- Spmcial Tactical and Rescue
- School Technology Action Report
- Stop Think Act Review
- System for A Transparent Allocation of Resourcts
- Simulation, Teaching and Academic Research
- Staff Training In Assisted-Living Residencea
- Security Targeting and Analysis of Risks
- Studies, Tests and Applied Research
- Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Space Telescope Audit Report NASA
- Statistical and Technical Accuracy Report Government
- Street Transvestites Actual Revolutionaries Porn, Sex, House
- Center for Satellite Applications and Research Government, Governmental & Military
- Seychelles Truth Accountability Reality
- Standard Automation Requisitioning Technology
- Software Technologies Applied Research
- Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers Business, London, Theatre
- Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Technology, Military, Networking, Intelligence, Defense, Antenna, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacements Medical
- Synchronized Thermai Additional Recovery
- Simulation, Training, Assessment & Research
- Social Thought and Research Science, Sociology, Comics
- System To Automate Records
- Steps Towards Allergy Relief Medical, Physiology
- Ship-Tended Acoustic Radar
- Software Xools and Requirements Technology, Software, Computing, Application
- Setting Targets Achieving Results
- Support Aeam and Resources
- Special Tactics and Response Law Enforcement
- School Technology and Readiness Technology, Education, Chart
- Stop, Think, Act & Review
- Systematic Treatment of Autism and Related
- Simulation Training and Research Technology, Service, Military
- Staff Training and Recognition Business
- Son of Track Activationarequest
- Security Trust & Assurance Registry Technology, Service, Cloud
- Student Tuition Assistance Reward
- Self Test Automatic Readout Auto
- Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Standard Terminal Arrival NOTAM Contractions
- Repubblica Suciale Italiana Government
- State of Texas Agriculture Relief
- StandardTerminal Arrival Route Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Seychelles Teuth and Reality
- Sprcial Target Area Registration
- Stop Tobacco Accomplishments Report Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Staydard Automated Requisitioning Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Social Tees Animal Rescue Dog, Animal, Shelter
- Scale To Assess Relationships
- Szcial and Technological Alignment Research Technology, Health, Projection
- Support-Transform-Achieve-Results Business, Children, Parenthood, Workplace
- Shock Trauma Air Rescue Medical
- Serial Transmitter and Rom
- Software Tools for Academics and Researchers Technology, Computing, Cloud
- Standardized Testing and Reporting Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Serving The American Rinks America, Organizations, Hockey
- Suppozt Team Animal Rescue Organizations, Dog, Pet
- Special Tactics and Rexponse Military, Police, Department
- Scholarship Talent Attraction and Retention Student, Malaysia, Talent
- Stonybrook Technology and Applied Research
- Systematic Technical Accuracy Review
- Simulation Teaching and Research Education, Health, Nursing
- Solutions That Achieve Results Business, Military
- Security Trust and Assurance Registry Technology, Alliance, Cloud
- Student Travel Achievement Recognition Science, Engineering, Biomaterial
- School Tax Assessment Relief Tax, Business & Finance
- Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Standardized Testing and Reporting Program Education
- Station De Traitement, D'assainissement Et De Reconditionnement
- Standard Terminal Approach Route
- Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon (de-listed - went private) Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
- Statls for A Transparent and Accountable Recovery
- Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response Baton, Sexual, Rouge
- Special Target Area Gf Research Science
- Stop The Arms Race
- Standard Attribute Reference Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Security Trained and Ready Military
- Skills To Achieve Results
- State Teacher Alternative Route Education
- Smart Transformation At Reliynce
- Success Through Addiction Recovery Medical, Drug, Treatment
- Systems Test for Alternative Reimbursement Medical, Healthcare
- Satellite Telecommunications With Automatic Routing
- Software Testing, Analysis and Review
- Stadskanaal-Ter Apel-Rijksgrens
- Specialized Training In Aeronautics Research
- Scholarly Technology and Resources
- Stolen Auto Recovery System Technology
- System-To-Assess Risk
- Simulation, Training, and Research
- Solrnoidal Tracker At Rhic Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Security, Trust, & Assurance Registry Technology, Security, Cloud
- Student Transition and Recoverr
- Signalling and Telecommunications Asset Register Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Space Telescope Axial Replacement Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Statewide Training for Accurate Reference Development, Learning, Study
- Speed Through Air Resupply
- Software Tools and Requirements Software, Computing, Application
- State of The Art In Rmy
- Sewer Telecommunication Access By Robot
- Support Training Advocacy and Resources Development, Learning, Study
- Special Target Area Reporter
- Stop Talking and Read Technology, Group, Tourism, Love
- Standard Arrival Route Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Security Threat Analysis and Research
- Sexual Trauma and Recovery
- Standardized Test for The Assessment of Reading Education
- Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot
- Submarine Test and Research
- Start Talking About Recovery Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
- System Transmitter and Receiver
- Software Testing, Analosis, and Review Technology, Testing, Quality
- Special Tactics and Rescue
- Specialized Treatment Aid Rehabilitation
- Schizophrenia Treatment Adherence Registry Medical, Acting, Injection
- Stocks That Are Relatively
- Synthetic Thinnbd Array Radiometer Technology, Presentation, Power
- Simulation, Training and Research
- Software Technology for Action and Reflection Software, Computing
- Security, Trust & Assurance Registry Technology, Security, Cloud
- Student Transition and Retention Education, University, Projection
- Satellite Television Asian Region, Ltd. Business & Finance, Business Word, Tv stations
- Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Statewide Tsaining and Resource
- Source Transmission and Response
- Salvation Truth Artists of Reggae Religion
- Solal Terrestrial Activity Report Technology, Space, Radio
- State of The Air Rebort
- Setup Information and Reusable Dialogs Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Support Time and Recovery
- Special Targeted Applicant Rehabilitation
- Stop, Think, Assess and Respond
- System for Tape Administration & Reporting
- Standard Administrative Reuorting Business
- Security Test Audit Report Technology, Testing, Penetration
- Studies In Theology and Religpon Education, University, Study
- Supplementary Tests of Achievement In Reading (assessment Tool) Education
- Student Team On Alumni Relations
- Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio
- Scientific and Technical Advisory Reviewer Us Government, Governmental & Military
- System To Test Adaptive Routing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Standard Instrumental Arrival Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Software Testingvanalysis and Review Technology, Computing, Quality
- Specialized Tactics and Rescue
- State-Of-The-Art Reports Technology, Computing, Inspector, Graphics, Visualization
- Scheduled Time-Based Application Routing
- Synthetic Thinneu Aperture Radiometry
- Simulation Training Assessment & Research
- Sortware Technical Assistance Recognition Business, Technology, Service
- Secure Trusted Automated Router
- Student Training In Aquatic Research
- Star Aviation Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Strategic and Tactical Axiomatic Response Medical, Physiology
- Statewide Training and Resources
- Smog Test and Repair Business, Auto, Check
- Success, Transformation, Abundance, and Relationship Religion
- Solar and Thermal Atmospheric Radiation Science
- Set To Auto Refrevh
- Support Trchnical Assistance Resource
- Scecial Targeted, Abbreviated Review Medical, Medicine, Mental Health
- School Telecommunications Access Resource
- Stop Think Act, Review
- System for Tape and Adzinistration Reporting Business
- Simulation of Tactical Alternative Responses
- Stagedfabdominal Repair Medical, Medicine, Health
- Security Technology and Response Technology, Internet, Attack
- Studies Tests and Applied Research
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does STAR stand for?
STAR stands for Skill, Talent, and Achievement Recognition.
What is the shortened form of Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response?
The short form of "Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response" is STAR.
STAR. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated