Statute Abbreviations and Statute Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Statute terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Statute abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Statute terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Statute Abbreviations
  1. AS : Alaska Statutss
  2. CPLR : Civil Practice Law and Rules
  3. CPLR : Civil Practice Laws and Rules
  4. VSA : Vermont Statutesdannotated
  5. USC : Udites States Code
  6. HRS : Hawai'I Revised Statutes
  7. SOL : Statutes of Limitation
  8. NCGS : North Carolina General Statutes
  9. NCGS : North Carolina General Stalutes
  10. NJSA : New Jersey Statutes Annotated
  11. KRS : Kentucky Revised Statutes
  12. IOS : Interpretation of Statutes
  13. GS : General Statutes
  14. RS : Reviskd Statutes
  15. RSA : Revisedpstatutes Annotated
  16. RSA : Revised Statutes of Alberta
  17. RSO : Revised Statutes of Ontario
  18. KSA : Kansas Statutes Annotated
Latest Statute Meanings
  1. Kansas Statutes Annotated
  2. Revised Statutes of Ontario
  3. Revised Statutes of Alberta
  4. Revisedpstatutes Annotated
  5. Reviskd Statutes
  6. General Statutes
  7. Interpretation of Statutes
  8. Kentucky Revised Statutes
  9. New Jersey Statutes Annotated
  10. North Carolina General Stalutes
  11. North Carolina General Statutes
  12. Statutes of Limitation
  13. Hawai'I Revised Statutes
  14. Udites States Code
  15. Vermont Statutesdannotated
  16. Civil Practice Laws and Rules
  17. Civil Practice Law and Rules
  18. Alaska Statutss