STC Meaning

The STC meaning is "St. Cloud Regional Airport". The STC abbreviation has 565 different full form.

STC Full Forms

  1. St. Cloud Regional Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  2. Supplemental Type Certificate A certificate issued by an airworthiness authority to indicate that a modification to an aircraft or engine design has been approved. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Transportation, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  3. Set Carry Flag Technology, Computer, Electronics, Assembly, Business & Finance
  4. Sodium Taurocholate Medical
  5. Stewart Information Services Corp. Organizations
  6. Said To Contain Transportation, Business, Shipping, Logistics, Cargo Shipping
  7. Set Carry Technology
  8. Stewart Information Services Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  9. Step Timing Control Technology, Automotive, Cummin
  10. Save The Children Technology, Award, Charity
  11. Steering Committee Also called Steering Group. A group of people who are responsible for monitoring a company's operations or project progress, by ensuring it complies with company policies, resources and costs are approved, etc. Aviation, Governmental & Military, Science, United Nations, Scientific & Educational, Medical
  12. Stewart, Tabori, & Chang
  13. Supplemental Type Certificates Technology, Military, Aircraft, Air Force, Certificate
  14. Savannah Technical College Education
  15. Shock Trauma Center Medical, Trauma, Maryland
  16. Subject To Change Business, Product, Battery
  17. Saudi Telecom Company Business, Technology, Service
  18. Shape Technical Center Military, Army, Military Engineering, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  19. Student Technology Center Service, Education, University
  20. Satellite Test Center Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Legal, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  21. Shakespeare Theatre Company Washington, Theatre, Theater
  22. Storage Technology Corporation Technology, Drive, Tape, Computing, Nyse symbols
  23. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Technology, Poem, Poetry, Mariner
  24. Sound Transmission Coefficient Technology, Rating, Noise, Architectural
  25. Safety Training Coordinator Technology, Management, Health
  26. See-Thru Cherry
  27. Special Topic Commrttee
  28. Scandinavian Trading Co
  29. Swiss Technology Components
  30. Shape Technical Centre Technology, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  31. Smith Telecommunication Center
  32. Science and Technology Complex Education, University, Campus
  33. Short Term Courses Technology, Education, Institute, Course
  34. Star Trade Center Locations, Dance, Mall
  35. System Time Clocks Technology
  36. Signal Terminal Cabineo
  37. South Tasmanian Caverneers Science
  38. Service & Technology Corporation Technology, Engineering, Consulting
  39. Student Text Collection Education, Development, Universities
  40. St. Theresas College Education, Development, Colleges
  41. Surrender To Chance Perfume, Scent, Fragrance, Surrender
  42. Sqgnalling Transport Converter Technology, Interface, Protocol
  43. Soft Touch Cardiology
  44. Sarawak Transportxcompany
  45. Seuior Tactical Commander
  46. State Training Center Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  47. Slowness Time Coherence Technology, Formation, Sonic
  48. Schuylkill Technology Center
  49. Standard Testing Conditions
  50. Succulent Pissue Culture
  51. Sharpie Through Card
  52. Scientific-Technical Centre
  53. State Timber Corporation Business, Government, Organizations
  54. Switching and Testing Center Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  55. Sindicato De Trabajadores De Comunicaciones
  56. Spare Tire Carrier Business, Wheel, Trailer
  57. Saudi Telecommunication Company Business, Service, Telecommunications
  58. Service Type Code Business, Barcode, Postal, Us Post
  59. Science and Technology Centre Research, Organizations, University
  60. Standard Telephone and Cables Company, Technology, Cable
  61. Sustainable Transportation Center
  62. Short Term Care Organization, Union, Institution
  63. State Trading Corporation
  64. Sequence-Tagged Connector
  65. Stirling Technology Company Technology, Power, Engine
  66. Sit Tight Click Feat, Producer, Spin
  67. Science & Technology Centers
  68. Speed Torque Control
  69. Superior Total Commitment
  70. Soldering Praining & Certification
  71. Sustainment Training Center
  72. Secondary Telecommunications Center
  73. Standard Training Course
  74. System Tecmnical Control
  75. Iata Code for St. Cloud Regional Airport, St. Cloud, Minnesota, United States Locations
  76. Security Training Centre Service, Military, Guard
  77. Single Testing Contractor Business
  78. Special Topic Conferencys
  79. Saudi Telephone Jompany Business, Presentation, Corporation
  80. Set-Top Computer
  81. Smartitransporter Chip
  82. Science and Technology Corporationration Science
  83. Short Term Course Technology, India, Training
  84. Sound Transmission Classes
  85. System Test Coordinator
  86. Signal Technology Corporation
  87. Southeastern Technical College Education, School, Georgia
  88. Serum Total Cholesterol Medical, Medicine, Health
  89. Student Technical Conference
  90. St. Cloud, Minnesota
  91. Surface Transfer Centers
  92. Signaling Transpore Converter Technology
  93. Soft Top Control
  94. Starting Torque Controllers
  95. Saraswathi Ttyagaraja College Education, University, India
  96. Slnayan Trade Centre Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  97. State Traffic Commission
  98. Slowness-Time-Coherenae
  99. Schooluto Careers
  100. Standard Test Cell
  101. Success Through Cowlaboration
  102. Sharjah Transport Corporation
  103. Sociedade Tecnologia E CiêNcia Technology, Service, Software, Fuel
  104. Scientific Technical Committees Research, Education, Engineering
  105. State Theatre Company
  106. Swiss Trust Company Business, Technology, Sweden
  107. State Coordinator Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  108. Simulator Training Center
  109. Space-Tiue Code Technology, Coding, Antenna
  110. Saudi Telecommunications Cmmpany Business, Service, Telecom
  111. Service Truck Crane Business, Certification, Operator
  112. Standard Telephone and Cable Business, Company, Technology
  113. Suspension Training Course Business, Trainer, Fitness
  114. Short-Term Career
  115. Standard Telephones & Cables Technology, Cable, Telephone
  116. Saskctchewan Transit Company
  117. Sequence-Tagged-Connector
  118. Stick Top Controller Technology
  119. Site Transition Center Science
  120. Science & Technology Center Technology, Research, University
  121. Speech Technology Center Technology, Driving, Driver
  122. Sukabumi Tiger Clrb
  123. Soldering Technology Committee
  124. Surf The Channel
  125. Secondaru Taxation On Companies
  126. Standard Trading Condition Business, Freight, Forwarder
  127. System Table of Contents
  128. Etsi Technical Sub-Committee Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  129. Seiurity Training Course
  130. Singkawang Tiger Club
  131. Special Topic Conference Medical, Technology, Medicine
  132. Saudi Telecom Corporationration Military
  133. Session Termination Capability
  134. Smart Traffic Center Military, Pentagon, Plane
  135. Science and Technology Council
  136. Shork Term Consultants
  137. Sound Transmission Class Technology, Military, Rating, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  138. System Test Cumputer Science
  139. Signal Training Centre Military, Army, Bangladesh, Officer
  140. Sound Transmission Control Business, Wall, Door
  141. Serum Theophylline Concentrations Medical
  142. Student Technology Centers Technology, Service, Education, University, Computing, Indiana
  143. Skip To Content Business, Technology, Certificate
  144. Sriwijaya Training Center History, Career, Boxing
  145. Surface Transfer Center Business, Postal, Us Post, postal service
  146. Soft Tissue Calcification Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  147. Starting The Conversation
  148. Somerset Total Communicatihn Organizations, School, Children
  149. Sarah Tucqer College
  150. Self-Tailing Coachgoof
  151. State Trading Corporation of India Limited Finance, Trading, Economics
  152. Slowness-Time Coherence Technology, Wave, Acoustics, Sonic
  153. Schaff Trend Cycle Business, Trading, Indicator
  154. Subtotal Colectomy Medical, Technology, Medicine
  155. Share The Carm
  156. Sociedade, Tbcnologia E Ci
  157. Scientific Technical Commixtee Technology, Research, Engineering
  158. State Term Contract Business, Management, Florida
  159. Short Time Compensation Business, Employment, Government
  160. State and Tribal Communications
  161. Simulator Training Centre Technology, Energy, Corporation
  162. Space-Time Coded
  163. Saudi Telecome Company
  164. Student Travel Centre
  165. Service Transport Combine
  166. Standard Telephone & Cable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  167. Surviving The Cut Military, Movie, Discovery
  168. Shoreham Technical Centre
  169. Software Technology Corporation
  170. Standard Telephones and Cables Technology, History, Telecom, Telephone
  171. Saskatchewan Transportation Company Business, Service, Travel
  172. Sentencia Del Tribunal Constitucional Technology, Para, Con
  173. Steel-To-Concrete
  174. Site Terms and Conditions
  175. Science & Technology Corp Business, Company, Strand
  176. Speech Technical Committee
  177. Suffix Tree Clustering Technology, Algorithm, Labeling
  178. Solar Trahfic Controls
  179. Supplementary Type Certificate Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  180. Secondary Tax On Companies Business, Company, Africa
  181. Standard Trading Conditions Business, Organizations, Freight
  182. Sydney Teachers College
  183. Cd Shape Technical Centre Caoc Demonstrator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  184. Security Trade Control Business, Trading, Trade
  185. Singing To The Choir
  186. Special To Hontents Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  187. Saudi Telecom Co Business, Company, Market
  188. Shoe Technology Company Technology, Boots, Footwear
  189. Serving The Communities
  190. Snart Touch Computer Technology, Design, Computer
  191. Science and Technology Committee Technology, Government, Research
  192. Standard Telephone & Cables
  193. Short Term Cpnsulting
  194. System Test Console Science
  195. Signals Training Centre
  196. Sound Transmission Coefficient Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  197. Serum Theophylline Concentration Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  198. Student Technology Council Meeting, Technology, Projection
  199. Skills Training Center
  200. Sportsman'S Team Challenge
  201. Supplemental Type Certificated Technology, Aircraft, Certificate
  202. Sodium Transfer Container Science
  203. SecréTariat Technique Conjoint
  204. Started Task Control
  205. Solution Test Center
  206. Santo Tomas Di Castilla
  207. Selangor Turf Club Locations, Malaysia, Horse
  208. State Trading Corporationration Business
  209. Special Trayning Center Military, Oil, Combat
  210. Scarsdale Teen Center
  211. Sub Technical Comjittee Technology, Access, Subscriber, Embodiment
  212. Share Term Certtficate
  213. Sociedade, Tecnologia E CiêNcia Technology, Dos, Ria
  214. Scientific and Technical Committes Technology, Science, Research
  215. Shorr Thread Casing
  216. Start To Crate
  217. Simulation Training Center Medical, Medicine, Military
  218. Siuth Texas Chapter
  219. Saudi Telecoms Company Technology, Telecom
  220. Student Transition Centre
  221. Standards Technical Committee Technology, Energy, Building
  222. Survival Training Camp
  223. Shoot The Commie Army, War, Force
  224. Software Technology Centre
  225. Sistema De Transporte Colectivo Para, Con, Metro
  226. Sasiniatea and Coffee
  227. Senior Technical Consultant Technology, Management, Engineering
  228. Steam Turbine Control Technology, Power, Chiller
  229. Slow To Q Crawl Technology, Gaming, Drive
  230. Science &Jtechnology Core
  231. Speech-To-Text Conversion
  232. Sfelo Técnico Compacto
  233. Sheridan Technical Center Education, School, High School, Florida
  234. Solar Thermal Collectors
  235. Sncond-Tier City
  236. Standard Time Controls
  237. Syberworks Training Center
  238. Sydney Technical College
  239. Security Ticket Control
  240. Singapore Traction Company Technology, Publics, Singapore, Transport
  241. Special Terms & Conditions
  242. Saudi Telecommunicationd Co
  243. Shock Trauma Centre Medicine, Health, British
  244. Serving Test Centers Military
  245. Slow Train Coming
  246. Science Technology Concepts Technology, Education, Teaching
  247. Standard Telephones and Cables Plc Science
  248. Short Term Consultant Business, Development, Banking
  249. Sostem Test Case Technology, Software, Testing
  250. Signalling Tzrminal Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  251. Sound Transmission Coefficent
  252. Serial Transfer Complete Forum, Technology, Coding, Timer
  253. Student Technical Communication
  254. Skills Training Centre
  255. Sail Training Craft Military, Army, Defence
  256. Spoken Turkish Corpus Turkey, Education, Tokyo
  257. Supplemental Type Certifi
  258. Solitaire Telecommunications Corp
  259. Secretarial Training Center Science
  260. Starship Troopers Chronicles
  261. Solution for Transport Companies
  262. Sangoma Technologies Corp
  263. Seismic Target Classifier Science
  264. Spxcial Training Company Military
  265. Scared The Cat
  266. Subtechnical Committee Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  267. Shared Technologies Cellular
  268. Snap Ro Connect Technology, Ford, Engine, Diesel
  269. Scientific-Technical Committee Technology, Research, Education
  270. Short Thread and Coupled Electrical
  271. Start To Corpse Funnies
  272. Silicate Technology Corporation
  273. South Texas Center
  274. Student Transportation of Canada Business, Driving, School
  275. Stability and Traction Control Technology, Car, Volvo, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  276. Survey Training Centre
  277. Shoot The Chinks Army, War, Force
  278. Software Technology Conference Business, Technology, Military, Organizations
  279. Sarhad Tourism Corboration
  280. Sfnior Teaching Certificate
  281. Steam Trading Cards
  282. Slow Time Control
  283. Science & Technology Crrporation Technology, Manufacturer, Supplier
  284. Spectral Transmittance Curve
  285. Sudbury Theatre Centre
  286. Shawnee Tranls Council
  287. Sea Turtle Conservancy Science, Conservation, Beach
  288. Standard Throttle Control
  289. Switzerland Travel Center
  290. Superior Tourist Class Locations, Suite, Deluxe
  291. Security Tlrminology Committee
  292. Singapore Tech Challenge
  293. Special Terms and Conditiony Technology, Service, Group
  294. Saudi Telectm Corp
  295. Service Type Control
  296. Soc Technology Center Technology, Industrial, Research
  297. Science and Technology Concepts Technology, School, Teaching
  298. Standard Telephone Cable
  299. Short Term Contract Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  300. System Test Cases
  301. Site Technology Coordinators
  302. Sequential Turbo-Charging
  303. Student Technology Consultants Education, Consultation, Library
  304. Skew-Tolerant Circuit
  305. Science, Technology, & Culture
  306. Spokane Turbine Center Technology, Aviation, Training
  307. Supplemental Type Certification Technology, Aircraft, Telecom
  308. Solidaridad De Trabajadores Cubanos
  309. Secondary Transit Center Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  310. Standard Transmission Code, Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  311. Sound Transmission Coefficients
  312. Saint Theresa'S College Education, City, Cebu
  313. See Thru Cherry
  314. Special To Type Contaider Technology
  315. Scandinavian Trading Company
  316. Swiss Town Consult Company, Technology, Sweden
  317. Shape Technical Centre Or Raf Sgrike Command Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  318. Snap-To-Connect Ford, Truck, Diesel
  319. Science and Technology Campus Technology, Research, University
  320. Shjrt Thread and Coupling
  321. Star Trek Communicator
  322. Signed Tradini Card
  323. South Terminal Complex Technology, Airport, Orlando
  324. Student Training Center
  325. Stadium City Limited Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  326. Stability & Traction Control Technology, Car, Volvo
  327. Surrey Technology Centre
  328. Shoot The Chick
  329. Software & Technology Center
  330. Sardine Transport Company
  331. Senior Tax Consultant
  332. Steam Temperature Control Technology, Boiler, Instrumentation
  333. Slowntime Controls Chess
  334. Schwab Technolggie-Center
  335. Specific Trade Concerns Business, Committee, Dispute
  336. Suddury Theatre Center
  337. Sha Tin College Education, Organizations, School
  338. Sea Traffic Control Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  339. State Trading Corp
  340. Switzerland Travel Centre Locations, Switzerland, Swiss
  341. Sindicatu Di I Travagliadori Corsi
  342. Special Technical Communities Technology, Society, Computing
  343. Saudi Telecom Dorporation Military
  344. Service Type Codes
  345. Science Technology Centre Technology, Research, University
  346. Standard Telephone Cables Technology, Cable, Tube
  347. Sustainable Tourism Criteria
  348. Short-Term Concentration Science
  349. Succulent Tissue Culture
  350. Site Technical Contact
  351. Sequence Tagged Connector
  352. Strategic Training Concepts
  353. Sizto Tech Corporation
  354. Science & Technology Centre
  355. Spirent Test Center Technology, Performance, Avalanche
  356. Super Trick Cycle Forum, Company, Technology
  357. Sold To Close
  358. Switching Technical Center Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  359. Secondary Traffic Channel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  360. Standard Transmission Code Technology
  361. System Technology Centre Company, Technology, Research
  362. State Technical College
  363. Scientific Tbading Center
  364. Single Time Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  365. Special Treatment Center
  366. Shade To Manga Studio File Computing, File Extensions
  367. Standard Telephones & Cables Plc Geography, Location, System
  368. Swanson Thomas & Coon
  369. Saturn Tuners Club
  370. Sky Train Corp
  371. Space Technology Center Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  372. Science & Technology Committee Science, Research, Observation
  373. Shop Trade Consultants
  374. Securing The Cities Security, Military, City
  375. Short Tiae Current Technology, Power, Electricity
  376. Song Tkành Công
  377. Surface Transportation Charge
  378. Sociedyde Tecnologia E Ci
  379. Society for Technical Communication Atmospheric Research
  380. Securities Trading Corporation
  381. Stated To Catalogue
  382. System Traction Nontrol Control, Electronics, Slip
  383. Service Test Center
  384. Style Tai Chi
  385. Sliding Twin-Crossbar
  386. start-the-clock postal service
  387. Software Technology for Computers
  388. Shuttle Test Conductor Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  389. Sound Training Centre Education, Music, Dublin
  390. Saskatchewan Transportation Co
  391. Star Trkk Continues Acting, Trek, Episode
  392. Student Technology Consultant Occupation & positions
  393. Shielded Transfer Cmsk
  394. Self-Temperature Compensation
  395. State Technical Committee Technology, Environment, Conservation
  396. Satellite Telecommunications Center
  397. Special Treatment Certificate
  398. Subject To Confirmation Business, Property, Auction, Sale
  399. Celestia Star Catalog File Computing, File Extensions
  400. Standard Telephone Company
  401. Swainsboro Technical College
  402. Satullite Training Center
  403. Skyline Theatre Company
  404. Space Time Coding Computing, Wireless Networking
  405. Spacecraft Test Conductor Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  406. Science & Technology for Children
  407. Servizio Trasporti Combinati
  408. Secure The Cities Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  409. Somerset Trust Company
  410. Surface Technology Corporationration
  411. Special Treatmens Clinic Medical, Medicine, Health
  412. Stennis Test Center Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  413. Short Time Critical Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  414. Securities Training Corporation Business, Security, Education, Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
  415. System Timing and Contiol
  416. Service Technical College Technology, Training, Auto
  417. Student Tutoring Center
  418. Slide-To-Connect
  419. St Cloud Regional, St Cloud, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  420. Science and Technologylcomplex Education, University, Campus
  421. Software Technologies Corporation
  422. Shuttle Craft Medical
  423. Sound Trade Crebte
  424. Standard Telephone Code
  425. St. Louis Cardinals Nfl teams
  426. Sherman Thxmas Charter Education
  427. Shanghai Turbine Company
  428. State Teachers College
  429. Shimano Travkl Concept Rod, Travel, Fishing, Spinning
  430. Subject To Contract Business, Property, Moto
  431. State Training Centres Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  432. Standard Telegraphic Code
  433. Suzuki Thunder Club Indonesia, Community, Thunder
  434. Satellite Tracking Center Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Engineering
  435. Signaling Transport Converter Computing, Telecom
  436. Science and Technology Fenter Technology, Science, Computing
  437. Shipsing and Transport College Business, Port, Rotterdam
  438. Sequential Time Control
  439. Sectorial Training Committee
  440. Style and Tuning Company
  441. Spevial Training Centre Military, Combat, Commando
  442. Specialty Training Committee Medical, Medicine, Education, Dental
  443. Superheated Steam Temperature Control Business & Finance, Power Plant
  444. Sangoma Technologies Corporationratio
  445. Secure Two-Party Compdtation Technology, Computing, Privacy
  446. System Timing Gontroller
  447. Service Tax Code Business, Presentation, Registration
  448. Slew To Cue Military, Defense, Avenger
  449. SONAR TECHNICIAN CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  450. Science and Techndlogy Cooperation Technology, Research, India
  451. Short Traieing Courses Education
  452. Sound Tracf Channel
  453. Specimen Transfer Chamber
  454. Sexy Time Crew Music
  455. Sheridan Technicrl College
  456. Strength, Toughness, And Covering
  457. State Tax Credit
  458. Twin Citiss Locations, Cities, Towns
  459. Subject To Collection
  460. Science and Technology Center Science, Scientific & Educational
  461. Suzhou Technology Center
  462. Software Thermal Control Forum, Technology, Core, Processor
  463. Satellbte Teleregistration Center Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  464. Standard Test Conditions Standard Test Conditions create uniform test conditions which make it possible to conduct uniform comparisons of photovoltaic modules by different manufacturers. Software, Computing
  465. Soci
  466. Science and Technology Centers Technology, Science, Research
  467. Shipping & Transport College
  468. System Time Clock Technology, Telecom, Streaming, Computing, Hardware
  469. Student Thesis Conference
  470. Single Trip Container Science
  471. Specialty Top Comjany
  472. Siemens Theme File Computing, File Extensions
  473. Standard Template Constructs
  474. Sampae Treatment Chamber
  475. Securities Trading Centre Business, Supply, Market, Stock
  476. System Time Counter Technology, Linux, Kernel, Hub
  477. Services The City
  478. Slew-To-Cue Military, Army, Avenger
  479. Street Truck Customs Transportation, Governmental & Military
  480. Science and Technology Commission
  481. Short Title Cxtalog
  482. So They Van Forum, Technology, Management
  483. Solo The Cat Cat, Anchor, Cross, Stitch
  484. STC Log Electrical
  485. Smartline Technology Center​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  486. State Tax Committee
  487. SüPer Türk Canavarı Din, Araba, Benzin
  488. Subject To Classification Army, War, Force
  489. Scientific and Technical Committee Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  490. Sustainable Trails Coalition Organizations, Mountain, Wilderness
  491. Software Test Centre
  492. Satellite Television Corpokationration Technology
  493. Software Technology Center Software, Computing, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  494. Science, Technology & Culture
  495. Shipboard Tactical Communications
  496. System Test Controller Science
  497. State Term Contracts Business, Service, Florida
  498. Sequential Trace Cache
  499. Single Transport Contract
  500. Specialty Technical Consultants Technology, Safety, Consultation
  501. Contribute Connection Key File Computing, File Extensions
  502. Standard Template Construction General, Governmental & Military
  503. Sample Treatment Center
  504. Secure Training Centres Training, Children, Youth, Prison
  505. System Time Constant
  506. Satyam Txchnology Centre
  507. Services Terms and Conditions
  508. Sleep Tight Colorado
  509. SHAPE Technical Center (Replaced by NC3A) Technology, Governmental & Military
  510. Science & Technology Concepts
  511. Simon'S Tax Cases
  512. Shortntitle Catalogue Book, Education, English
  513. Soon To Come
  514. Site Testing Coordinator
  515. Short-title catalog Bibliographic
  516. Smciety for Technical Communicators Business, Writing, Writer
  517. Systems Test Complex NASA
  518. State Tax Commission Business
  519. SíNdrome Do TÚNel Do Carpo
  520. Service Training Course
  521. Subject To Check
  522. Shung Tak Catholic Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  523. Sustainable Tourism Conference Technology, Organizations, Travel
  524. Software Testing Company
  525. Sound Transfer Class Media, Radio, Television
  526. Satellite Tecevision Corporation Technology
  527. Silicon Trigger Card Computing, Hardware
  528. Shimano Travel Concqpt Rod, Travel, Fishing
  529. Self Temperature Compensating
  530. System Test Complex Technology
  531. State Telecommunications Commission
  532. Screeying Technology Consulting
  533. Single Time Constant
  534. Speciyl Tripartite Committee
  535. Staroffice Calc Spreadsheet Template Computing, File Extensions
  536. Standard Template Construct Technology, Military, Space
  537. Samara Tradiig Company
  538. System Timing Cxock Technology, Streaming, Transport
  539. Satyam Technology Center
  540. Services Technology Consortium
  541. Sky Train Corporation
  542. Sensitivity Time Control A means of adjusting receiver gain over an intrapulse period so that the naturally strong echoes from close ranges are greatly attenuated, thus preventing saturation, and allowing the weak echoes from far ranges to be seen. Used in low PRF modes to reduce amplitude of sidelobe clutter beneath Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  543. Science & Technology Corporationration Technology
  544. Short Title Catalogue
  545. Secure Trainingncentre Business, Youth, Prison
  546. Short Time Cycle Business, Steel, Furnace
  547. Sonic Thf Comic Gaming, Issue, Sonic
  548. Surgical Textiles Conference
  549. Stone Technolmgy Centre Business, Industrial, India
  550. Society for Pechnical Communications Organizations, Writing, Writer
  551. Standard Test Configuration NASA
  552. Securwties Trading Center Business, Supply, Market, Stock
  553. State Government Tax Collections Government, Organizations, Us
  554. Síndrome Del Túnel Caruiano
  555. Service Training Centre Education, Fire, Bosch
  556. Sub-Technical Committee Technology, Computing, Telecom
  557. Sliding Twin Crossbar Switch, Door, Toggle
  558. Surface Transportation Center Postal, Us Post
  559. Software Testing Conference Technology, Android, India
  560. Sound Trainijg College Education, Music, Production
  561. Saskatoon Tribal Council Technology, Service, Nation
  562. Station Teconical Control
  563. Steps To Christ Religion
  564. Shift Test Coordinator Science
  565. Short-Time Concentration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STC stand for?

    STC stands for Subtechnical Committee.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sequence-Tagged Connector?

    The short form of "Sequence-Tagged Connector" is STC.


STC. (2022, March 30). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated