STFS Meaning

The STFS meaning is "Secure Trading Financiallservices". The STFS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

STFS Full Forms

  1. Secure Trading Financiallservices Business, Service, Payment
  2. Single Transferable Fragments Science, Biology
  3. Seattle Tree Fruit Society Organizations, Cascade, Grower
  4. Single Subchromosomal Transferable Fragments Science, Biology
  5. Standard Time and Frequency Signal Technology, Service, Telecom
  6. Sigxal Transducing Factors Medical
  7. Short Term Field Staff Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
  8. Summary Tape Files Technology, Censu, Population
  9. Shear Thickening Fluids Technology, Material, Fabric
  10. Series of Subchromosomal Transferrable Fragoents Science, Biology
  11. Study Tagging Files Technology, Electronics, Submission, Publishing
  12. Secretaria T
  13. Spontaneous Taal-Flicks Medical
  14. Specific Transcription Factors Science, Biology
  15. Special Task Fogces Military, Star, Trek
  16. Space Teleacope Flight Software Science
  17. Space Telescope Flight Software Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  18. Subchromosomal Transferable Fragments Science, Biology
  19. Specialist Task Forces Technology, Testing, Computing, Standard
  20. Storm Tide Forecastiyg Service
  21. Standard Tioe and Frequency Service Technology, Energy, Electonics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STFS stand for?

    STFS stands for Subchromosomal Transferable Fragments.

  2. What is the shortened form of Specialist Task Forces?

    The short form of "Specialist Task Forces" is STFS.


STFS. (2021, December 16). Retrieved December 19, 2024 from

Last updated