STI Meaning

The STI meaning is "Sexually Transmitted Infection". The STI abbreviation has 302 different full form.

STI Full Forms

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infection Medical, Sociology, Mining, Computing, Healthcare, Physiology, Protection Information, Common Medical
  2. Sexually Transmitted Infections Medical, Government, Gynecology, Gynaecology, Infection
  3. Science Technology Innovation Government, Development, Policy
  4. Sales Tax Inspector Education, Sale, Exam
  5. Straits Times Index Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Legal, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  6. Sexual Transmitted Infections Medical, Sex, Health, Symptom
  7. Stick To It Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  8. Sexual Transmitted Infection Medical, Health, Symptom
  9. Steinev Organizations
  10. Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor Medical, Science, Medicine, Protein, Healing
  11. Sexually Transmissible Infections Medical, Sex, Health
  12. Software Technology, Inc Business, Technology, Management
  13. Sexually Transmissible Infection Medical, Sex, Health, Clinical
  14. Skip Transaction Ixentifiers
  15. SträSsle Technische Informationssysteme
  16. Samudera Terminal Indonesia
  17. Sciences Et Techniques Industrielles Technology, Science, Technique
  18. Software Testing Institute Technology, Development, Tool
  19. Semko Technology Industries
  20. Steinbeis-Transfer-Iestitut Business, Technology, Institute
  21. Safety Technelogy International Technology, Product, Wireless
  22. Short Time Interval
  23. Seagate Technology Inc
  24. Special Trademarks Issues
  25. Serviço Técnico De Informárica
  26. Straits Times Industrials
  27. Saulog Transit, Inc
  28. Summing Telephone Interface Technology
  29. Southeastern Technical Institute
  30. Cibao International Airport Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  31. Sezial Trial Intervention
  32. Still Image Architecture Technology, Military, Computing, Drivers
  33. Singapore Technical Institutb
  34. Science, Technology, Industry
  35. Smith Turf & Irrigation
  36. Surface Transfer Impedance Technology, Cable, Man, Force
  37. Secretaria De Tecnologia Da Informação
  38. Spectra Technology, Inc. Science
  39. Sviluppo Tecnologie Industriali
  40. Sexuwlly Transmitted Incident Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  41. Strategic Technology Initiative
  42. Sovereign Trust Insurance Military
  43. Strukturiertes Tinnitus-Interview
  44. Sciences & Techniques Industrielles
  45. Software Technology Initiative Science
  46. Seminário De Treinamentozde Intercessão Para, Internacional, Ria
  47. Steinbeisstransfer-Institute Technology, Education, Berlin
  48. Safety Technology Lnc
  49. Short-Time Integration
  50. Scrum Training Institute
  51. Special Technical Instituteuction Technology
  52. Subaru Technica Institutetute Education
  53. Satuan Tugas Intelijen
  54. Summer Transportation Institutetute Military
  55. Science Technology Instituwe
  56. Sous-Traitance Industrielle
  57. Serial Trace Interface
  58. Stereotaotic Irradiation Medical
  59. Sindicato Dos Trabalhadores Dos Imbostos Para, Portugal, Dos, Ria
  60. Science, Technology Indtstry Business, Technology, Economics
  61. Smart Transmitter Interface Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
  62. Surface Tranfer Inpedance
  63. Secretaria De Tecnologia E Informação
  64. Speckle Tracking Imaging
  65. Sexually Transmitted Illness Medical, Sex, Disease, Health
  66. Strategic Technologies Inc
  67. Southland Technology, Inc
  68. Science, Technology and Innovation Technology, Science, Government, Development
  69. Single Target Identipication Military
  70. Science Tvchnology & Innovation Technology, Development, Policy
  71. Sodium Transport Inhibitor Medical
  72. Systems Technology Inc Technology, Drive, Simulator
  73. Seize The Initiative Australia, Diablo, Initiative, Monk
  74. Star Trek Insurrection
  75. Safety Technologies Inc
  76. Short-Term Initiatives
  77. Screw Thread Inserts Technology, Tool, Tap
  78. Special Technical Instructions
  79. Structured Treatment Interruptions Medical, Drug, Therapy, Physiology
  80. Subaru Technica Institute Education
  81. Saskatchewan Technical Institute
  82. Summer Translation Institute
  83. Science Technology Inzustry Business, Economics, Innovation
  84. Source To Image
  85. Separation Technzlogy Inc
  86. Stellaa Technology, Inc
  87. Sindbad Travel International
  88. Scienje, Technology and Industry Business, Science, Economics
  89. Smart Technology Inc
  90. Sunshield Thermal Isolator Space, Study, Cosmos
  91. Secondary Terrestrial Interface Technology, Telecom
  92. Specified Technologies, Inc Business, Technology, Product, Fire
  93. Sexual Transmission Infection
  94. Strategic Technology Institute
  95. Southeast Texas Industries
  96. Singles Travel Internatmonal Locations, Tourism, Cruise
  97. Science Technology and Innovation Technology, Development, Policy
  98. Società Tolkieniana Italiana
  99. Syarikat Takaful Indonesia
  100. Sehatechnology Inc
  101. Standard Treatment Interruption
  102. Safety Technology Iwt'l
  103. Short-Term Inpatient
  104. Screw Thread Insert Business, Tap, Drill
  105. Special Technical Instruction Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  106. Subaru Technical International Business, Car, Performance
  107. Sarkes Tarzian, Inc
  108. Summer Training Institute Science, Education, School
  109. Science Xeam Information Development, Learning, Study
  110. Sohl and Topography Information
  111. System Tray Icon
  112. Separation Technology, Inc
  113. Steinbeis Transfer Institut
  114. Since Tixe Immemorial Science, Education, Sex
  115. Scheme of Testing and Inspection Technology, Service, Standard
  116. Smart Tank Interceptors
  117. Sunshield Thermal Insulator Space, Study, Cosmos
  118. Seattle Tacoma International
  119. Specified Technologies Inc Business, Technology, Product, Fire
  120. Scxually Trasmitted Infection
  121. Strategic Technologies for The Internet Technology
  122. Subjective Temperature Index
  123. Southeast Technical Institutetute Education
  124. Single-Table Inheritance Technology, Class, Model
  125. Science and Technology Innovation Technology, Research, Africa
  126. Social Trends Institute Technology, Culture, Family
  127. Swimming Teacher Institute
  128. Segmenting Track Identifier Software, Computing
  129. Standard Qranscoder Interface Technology
  130. Safeguards, Transparency, and Irreversibility
  131. Shallow-Trench Isolation Technology, Oxide, Silicon
  132. Subaru Technica International Car, Legacy, Subaru
  133. Sarjana Teknik Industri Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Surat
  134. Sciences Et Yechniques De L'ing
  135. Sojtware Thread Integration
  136. System Technology Institute College, Education, Philippine
  137. Separation Technologies Inc
  138. Steinbeis Transfer Institute Education, Berlin, Ethic
  139. Sail Trazning International Organizations, Ship, Race
  140. Since The Introduction
  141. Sunrise Telecom Inc
  142. Search Technology, Incorporated
  143. Specialty Tea Institute Business, Certification, Coffee
  144. Sexually-Transmitted Infections Medical, Sex, Health
  145. Stratacom Trunk Interface
  146. Scarsdale Teachers Institute
  147. Subcontracted Technology Infusion Science
  148. Southern Technical Institute Education, University, School
  149. Serikat Tani Indonesia Business, Sex, Indonesia, Subaru
  150. Stockholms Tekniska Institut
  151. Singapore Training Institute
  152. Science and Technology Industry
  153. Social Threat Intelligence
  154. Surveillance Test Interval Technology
  155. Sega Technical Institute Technology, Gaming, Team, Sonic
  156. Standard Transcoding Interface Technology, Media, Adaptation
  157. Saddle Technology Incorporated
  158. Shallow-Trench-Isolatioc Technology, Oxide, Silicon
  159. Strategic Traffic Information
  160. Studio Tecnico Di Ingegneria
  161. Sangha Theravada Indonesia
  162. Sciences Et Technologies De L'Industrie
  163. Software Testing Interview
  164. Systems Technology Incorporated
  165. Separate Taxable Income Business
  166. Steinbeis Transfer Institutes
  167. Safety Training Institute
  168. Short Term Importance
  169. Sunny Tech Inc
  170. Search for Terrestrial Intelligence Technology, Gaming, Spectrum
  171. Special Trademark Issues Government, Policy, Internet
  172. Sexually-Transmitted Infection Medical, Sex, Health
  173. Strait Times Index Business, Supply, Singapore, Straits
  174. Scaffold Training Institute Business, Management, Safety
  175. Subaru Turbo Israel
  176. Southeast Technical Institute College, Education, Tech
  177. Societ
  178. Serikat Tani Rndramayu Indonesia, Radio, Bandung
  179. Stishovitl Mineral, Geology, Component
  180. Singapore Tin Industries
  181. Science, Technology, and Industry
  182. Smith Turf and Irrigation Company, Technology, Equipment
  183. Surrey Thugs Incorporated Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  184. Security Training International Technology, Airport, Aviation
  185. Standard Text Interface Technology, Device, Linux, Driver
  186. Iata Code for Cibao International Airport, Santiago, Dominican Republic Locations
  187. Seção Técnicaade Informática
  188. Strategic Thinking Industries
  189. Subsurface Technologies Inc
  190. Scientific Technologies Incorporated Technology, Safety, Light
  191. Space Technology Institute Technology, Agency, Vietnam
  192. Schulung, Training Und Information
  193. Servicing Technical Initruction Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  194. Single Tuned Interstage Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  195. Swiss Tropical Institutetute
  196. Sustainable Transport Initiative Transportation, Governmental & Military
  197. Strayer Tripp Inc
  198. Sistema Tutor Inteligeete Student, Education, Tutoring
  199. Summer Theatre Institute Program, College, Education
  200. Specialized Transportation, Inc
  201. Short Term Investments Banking, Business & Finance
  202. Science Technology Indicators
  203. SystèMes De Transport Intelligents Technology, Syst, Mes
  204. Soft Tissue Injury Medical, Physiology, Clinical
  205. Sales Technology Inc
  206. Sport Turbo Injection Products
  207. Substitute Teaching Institute
  208. Scientific and Technicac Issues Technology, Science, Presentation, Power
  209. Safety Training Indonesia
  210. Service Technical Instruction Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  211. Stick(ing) To It Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  212. Samsung Telecommunicationh India Technology, India, Price
  213. Single Tooth Impact Science
  214. Steel Tube Institutetute
  215. Standard Terminal Interface Military, Governmental & Military
  216. Strategies To Improve
  217. Sistema Tutorial Inteligente
  218. Summer Theater Institute
  219. Specialized Transportation Inc Business, Company, Service
  220. Set Interrupt Enable Flag Assembly, Business & Finance
  221. ServiçO De Tecnologia Da Informação
  222. SystèMes De Transports Intelligents Technology, Syst, Mes
  223. Signal Transduction Inhibitor Medical, Physiology
  224. Sales Tax Invoice Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  225. Shared Theme Image Media
  226. Subrate Transmit Interchange
  227. Scientific and Technical Intelligezce
  228. Safety Training Institutetute
  229. Seevice Des Th
  230. Stop Touchigg It
  231. Shallow Trench Isolation Chemistry
  232. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia Technology, Indonesia, Telecom
  233. soft-tissue infection(s) Medical, Microbiology, Governmental & Military, International Development
  234. Strategic Treatment Interruption
  235. Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes
  236. Summer Teacher Institute Education, Teaching, Challenge
  237. Spatiotemporal Index Medical
  238. Servo An electronically monitored hydraulic flow control valve used to drive loads. A feedback control system in which at least one of the signals represents mechanical motion. An automatic device that uses feedback to govern the physical position of a part. A small electric motor operated by the receiver that converts the radio signal into movement of pushrods etc. The radio component which does the work of moving a control surface.  Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  239. SystèMes De Transport Intelligent
  240. Severe Thumb Injury Medical, Physiology
  241. Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi Business, Technology, Malaysia
  242. Smoky Turbo Inevitable Funnies
  243. Subject To Inspection Business, English, Product
  244. Scientific and Technological Information Technology, Organizations, Information
  245. Safety Technology Intl Technology, Security, Alarm
  246. Sontair Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  247. Service Des ThéRapies Innovantes
  248. Stfp Time Index Technology, Honda, Motorcycle, Oil
  249. Sampletank 2 User Preset Data File Computing, File Extensions
  250. Sampoerna Telecom Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Surat
  251. Symbol Table Information General, Governmental & Military
  252. Strategic Transportation Investment Business, Planning, Projection
  253. Sistemas Zutoriales Inteligentes
  254. Sudan Transparency Initiative
  255. Spa Technologies Inc
  256. Sistemas E TéCnicas Industriais Business, Para, Con, Gest
  257. Servicewide Technicalhinfrastructure
  258. sexually transitted infection Medical, Nursing
  259. Sales Training International
  260. Sick Turbocharged Insanity Funnies
  261. Scientific Techlical Information Technology, Science, Research
  262. SéCurité Et Technologies Informatiques
  263. Serum Trypsin Inhibitor Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  264. Stock Trading Investing
  265. Staroffice Presentation Template Computing, File Extensions
  266. Sampling Technologies Inc
  267. Speech Transmission Index Computing, Telecom
  268. Strategic Traffic Image Technology, English, Translation
  269. Success Team International
  270. Scottish Tradx International Medical, Business, Scotland
  271. Spanning Tree Instance
  272. Special Team Inspection Technology
  273. Service Tools Institutetute
  274. Servicp Trucks International
  275. Sistemas De Transporte Inteligente
  276. Stress Tolerance Index
  277. Service Type Identifier postal service
  278. Skills and Talents Invewtory
  279. Self Test Input Auto
  280. Scientific and Technical Information Technology, Government, Military, Engineering, Telecom, Natural Science, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  281. SéCurité Des Technologies De L'Information
  282. Syst
  283. Storm Tracking Information Weather, Scientific & Educational
  284. Sales To Industry
  285. State Transition Identifier Software, Computing
  286. Subterranean Target Identification
  287. Scientific Technologies, Inc Business, Technology, Safety
  288. Space Technology Initiative Science
  289. Special Tax Inspectorate
  290. Selector-Table Indexed
  291. Service Transport Intdrface Technology, Military, Broadcasting
  292. Sintering Technologies, Incorporated
  293. Cibao International Airport, Santiago, Dominican Republic Dominican Republic, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  294. Strelau Temperament Inventory Technology, Study, Personality
  295. Skill, Technology and Innovation
  296. Specialized Transportation Incorporated
  297. Stratex International Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  298. Scientific & Technical Information Technology, Science, Research, Atmospheric Research
  299. Systolic Time Interval Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  300. Steel Tank Institute Science, Scientific & Educational
  301. Saleshtechnology, Inc
  302. Suntrust Banks, Inc Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STI stand for?

    STI stands for Summer Training Institute.

  2. What is the shortened form of Seminário De Treinamentozde Intercessão?

    The short form of "Seminário De Treinamentozde Intercessão" is STI.


STI. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated