STIM Meaning

The STIM meaning is "Stimulate". The STIM abbreviation has 36 different full form.

STIM Full Forms

  1. Stimulate Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  2. Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy Science, Analysis, Beam, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  3. Science and Technology In The Making
  4. State Transition Information Model Medical, Medicine, Healing
  5. Saturn Thermosphere Ionosphere Model
  6. State Technical Institute At Memphis
  7. Star Trek Italia Magazine
  8. Sindicato Dos Trabalhadores Nas IndÚStrias MetalÚRgicas
  9. South Texas Innovative Medicine
  10. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Business, Program, Indonesia, Nitro
  11. Stimulation Medical, Technology, Medicine, Military, Governmental & Military
  12. Stimulus Any internal or external change or signal that influences the activity of an organism or of part of an organism. Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  13. Security Through Interaction Modeling
  14. Stimulated, Stimulation Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  15. Sciences, Technologies, IngéNierie Et MathéMatiques Technology, Science, Femme, Math
  16. Stimulated Medical, Medicine
  17. Smart Temperature Information Material
  18. Surgical Therapies Improving Movement
  19. SociéTé Tunisienne D'Informatique MéDicale
  20. Smalltalk Implementation Model Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  21. Strategic Technology & Innovation Management Management, Activity, Tool
  22. Society To Increase Mobility
  23. Stand and Tree Integrated Model Software, Computing
  24. Sindicato Dos Trabalhadores Nas Ind
  25. Strategic Technology and Innovation Management Technology, Information, Computer
  26. Social Transformation and International Migration
  27. Sveriges Tons
  28. Strategic Technology Innovation Management Technology, Information, Computer
  29. Smart Transmitter Interface Module Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
  30. Svenska TonsäTtaares Internationella Musikbyra
  31. Smart Transducer Interface Modules Technology, Networking, Sensor
  32. Svenska TonsäTtares Internationella Musikbyra Music, Som, Sweden
  33. Solder Thermal Interface Material Technology, Core, Lake, Coffee
  34. Smart Transducer Interface Module Technology, Networking, Sensor, Computing, Hardware
  35. Svenska Tons
  36. Solder Thermal Interface Materials

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STIM stand for?

    STIM stands for Sveriges Tons.

  2. What is the shortened form of Stimulate?

    The short form of "Stimulate" is STIM.


STIM. (2020, August 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated