STING Meaning

The STING meaning is "Smart Targeting and Identification Via Networked Geolocation". The STING abbreviation has 12 different full form.

STING Full Forms

  1. Smart Targeting and Identification Via Networked Geolocation
  2. Serving The Interests and Needs of The Gifted Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  3. Security Threat Intelligence Network Group
  4. Spatio-Temporal Interaction Networks and Graphs
  5. Software Technology Interest Group Technology, Computing
  6. Survey Toward Infrared-Bright Nearby Galaxies Science, Law, Galaxy, Gas
  7. Strike Team Investigative Narcotics Group
  8. Special Tactics and Intelligence Narcotics Group
  9. Special Tactical Intelligence Narcotics Group Drug, Malaysia, Police
  10. Standing Together In the Name of God Religion
  11. Swift Target Identification Notification Grid Military
  12. Sustainable Technology In Nettle Growing Technology, Information, Computer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STING stand for?

    STING stands for Standing Together In the Name of God.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strike Team Investigative Narcotics Group?

    The short form of "Strike Team Investigative Narcotics Group" is STING.


STING. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 18, 2025 from

Last updated