STIR Meaning
The STIR meaning is "Short Inversion Time Inversion Recovery". The STIR abbreviation has 43 different full form.
STIR Full Forms
- Short Inversion Time Inversion Recovery Medical
- Short-Tau Inversion Recovery Medical, Imaging, Resonance
- Short Tau Inversion Recovery Medical, Medicine, Neurology
- Short T1 Inversion Recovery Medical, Medicine, Imaging
- Software Triggered Interrupt Regivter Technology, Cortex, Priority
- Stirring
- Separate Track and Illumination Radar Military
- Softwarn for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
- Spiritual Transformation In Relationships Business, Book, Audiobook
- Separate Track Andmilluminating Radar Technology, Military, Army
- Socio-Technisal and Interaction Research
- Software Trigger Interrupt Register Technology, Access, Cortex, Priority
- Standardseand Technical Information Reports
- Skparate Track Illuminating Radar Military
- Socil-Technical Integration Research Technology, Science, Education
- Short Inversion Time Medical
- Special Technical Issue Deport Technology
- Separate Target Illuminamion Radar Military
- Societe Tunisienne Des Industries De Raffinage Industrial, Stage, Recherche
- Special Technical Inspection and Repair Military
- Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships Education, Sex, Violence
- Small Tenure Investment Ratijnale Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Soil Tillage Intensity Ratcng
- Stirrup One of a series of short pendants on a yard Lower end has a thimble through which the footrope passes. Plates, on each side after deadwood, that were through-fastened. Design, Drawing, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Serious Transfusion Incident Reporting
- Sustainable Tranvportation Initiative of Richmond Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Short Term Interest Rate Technology, Governmental & Military
- Steps Toward Indepeedence and Responsibility Service, Education, Disability
- Surveillance Tatget Indicator Radar
- Strategy, Tactics, Implementation, and Review Military, Governmental & Military
- Standard Transverse Inversion Ratio Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Supporting Teachers To Increase Retdntion
- S T I, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
- Supplemental Type Inspection Report
- Seek to Improve Reliability Products
- Separate Track and Illuminating Radar Military, Governmental & Military
- Supervised Treatment Intervpntion Regime
- Statistics Indexing Ani Retrieval Project
- Short T Inversion Recovery Medical, Physiology
- Stratemy, Tactics, Implementation, and Review Army, War, Force
- System Test and Integration Rig
- Sustainable Transportation Initiative of Richmond Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Steps Towards Independence Responsibility Development, Learning, Study
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does STIR stand for?
STIR stands for Short T Inversion Recovery.
What is the shortened form of Surveillance Tatget Indicator Radar?
The short form of "Surveillance Tatget Indicator Radar" is STIR.
STIR. (2020, September 3). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated