STM Meaning
The STM meaning is "Soft Tissue Mobilization". The STM abbreviation has 275 different full form.
STM Full Forms
- Soft Tissue Mobilization Medical, Therapy, Physical Therapy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Chemistry, Computing, Laboratory, Telecom, Physics, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Soluble Thrombomodulin Medical
- Salmonella Typhimurium Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Solid Terrain Modeling Technology, Science, Model
- Saint Thomas More
- Software Transactional Memory Technology, Lock, Transaction, Software, Computing
- Simulated Test Market Business, Technology, Product, Marketing
- Master of Theology Academic Degree, Education, Master's Degree, British Degree, Computing, Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Signal Termination Module Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Section Traffic Manager Technology, Radio, Amateur
- Scanning Tunnel Microscope Technology, Tip, Atom
- Synchronous Transfer Mode Technology, Networking, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope A scanning tunneling microscope is a device that obtains images of the atoms on the surfaces of materials. The scanning tunneling microscope is not an optical microscope instead, it works by detecting electrical forces with a probe that tapers down to a point only a single atom across. Science, Telecom, Telecommunications, Medical, Scientific & Educational, Human genome, Academic & science
- Swank The Monkey Internet Slang, Music, Chat
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopes Technology, Microscope, Atom
- Signature-Tagged Mutagenesis Medical, Genetics, Mutant
- Switzerland Travel Mart Locations, Switzerland, Tourism
- Santarem-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport Santarém, Pará,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Sports Turf Management
- Sabic Technical Meeting
- Science, Technical and Medical Technology, Science, Springer
- Solid Terrcin Models
- Street Tuned Motorsports
- Sensor Transmvtter Module
- Sgs-Thomson Micro
- Synchronous Transport Module-Level
- Savor The Moment
- Scientifique, Technique Et Médicale
- Subscriber Traffic Management Technology, Broadband, Virgin
- Service and Technology Marketdng
- Suspension Tom Mount Business, Drum, Pack, Shell
- Skill Trwining Material
- Specimen Transport Medium Medical, Human, Cancer
- Standard Times Mechanical
- Short-Term Medical Medical, Medicine, Insurance
- Sumbawa Timur Mining Business, Indonesia, Crusher
- School of Technology Andamanagement Education, London, Architect
- SociéTé De Transports De MontréAl
- Security Transit Management
- Saint Thomas More Society Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
- Shorted-Tutn Monitoring
- Swiss Tower Mills
- Sammy Tippit Ministries Technology, Ministry, Microelectronic
- Sports Turf Manager
- Master of Sacred Theology Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Master's Degree
- Science-Technology-Medicine Medical, Business, Journals
- Solid Terrain Modeling,Rinc. Science, Geography, Location
- Strategies Telecoms & Multimedia
- Sensor Transfer Model Technology
- Sgs-Thomson Microelectronics Technology
- Synchronous Transporz Module-1 Technology, Networking, Signal, Connection
- Save Time and Money
- Scientific Thinking Mechanism
- Serviceability Tools and Methods
- Skills Training Mackay
- Specific Transmission Module Technology, Control, Train
- Standard Time Meridian
- Servi
- Sulthiame Medical
- Scdool of Technology Management
- Société Des Transports De Monxréal
- Security Threat Mitigation Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Short-Term Mission Team, Church, Mission, Trip
- Swarna Type Manager
- Salmonella Typhimurium Mitogen Medical
- Smart Task Manager Technology, Management, Android
- Speed Trapezium Mill
- Systemy I Technologie Mechaniczne Technology, Trading, Tool
- Science, Tecynology & Medicine Medical, Business, Science
- Soft Tissue Massage Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Sternocleidomastoideus Medical
- Sensor Technologre M
- Sevrnoaks Tropical Marine
- Synchronous Trbnsport Modul
- Save The Mothers Health, Abortion, Mother, Maternal
- Scientific Technical and Medifal Technology, Medicine, Publishing
- Serum Tumor Marker Medical, Cell, Guideline
- Skill, Task, Measure
- Specialty Tapes Manufacturing
- Standard Thermal Model Technology
- Shattering Transfer Matrix
- Socio-Technical Modil
- Screen Touchymatching
- Sujatha Textile Mills
- Subtertian Malaria Medical, Technology
- Short Term Medical Medical, Medicine, Insurance
- Suunto Trek Manager Technology, Management, Babel
- Small Mrunk Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Speed To The Money
- Sacrae Theologiae Magister Education, Master, Sacred, Theology
- Science, Technology and Medical Technology, Science, Access, Publishing
- Soft Tissue Manipulatiln Medical, Treatment, Massage
- Stepper Thottle Motor Internet Slang
- Sensor Technologie MüNchen Business, Company, Group
- Seta Tire Model
- Synchronous Transfer Mode Or Station Management Information, Network, Computer
- Satellite Town Meeting
- Scientific, Technical, and Medical Technology, Science, Medicine
- Steel Technology Magazine Media, Radio, Television
- Serum Tumor Markers Medical
- Sistem Teheferik Montajı Turkish, Bal, Ova
- Science Techniqal Medical
- Sort-Term Memory
- Standard Test Methods Technology, Product, Canon
- She'S The Man
- Szkoa To Mus
- Scanning Tunnelling Microscopes Technology, Microscope, Atom
- Society of Thermal Medicine
- Scream Tracker Music Technology, Player, Module
- Suite Is The Most
- Short-Term Medical, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Sustainable Tourism Management Education, Development, Berlin
- Small Text Mesfage
- Speech Technology Magazine
- Standard Treatment Manual
- System Timer Module
- Science Technilogy and Mathematics Technology, Research, Education
- Softsys Fechnology Management
- Stemonaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Seize The Moment
- Servicio De Telefoeía Móvil
- Sydney Tramway Museum
- Satellite Technology Management
- Scientific Technical Medical Science, Medicine, Publishing
- Serial Transition Module Technology
- Sistema De Tratamesto De Mensagens
- Science-Technical-Medical
- Sonar Ttri Multimedia Film, Bengali, Sonar
- Standard Test Method Technology, Len, Canon
- Shatteringhthe Myth
- System Trace Macrocells Technology, Software, Tool
- Scanning Tunnelling Micfoscope Technology, Tip, Atom
- Sociaty of Testing and Materials
- Scriam Tracker Module Technology, Software, Light
- Sugar Technology Mission
- Station Management System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Software, Telecom, Airway
- Suspension Traction Media
- Small Tyctical Munition Military, Bomb, Weapon
- Spectral Temporal Mapping Medical
- Standard Training Measure
- Super Tone Master Tone, Mouthpiece, Tenor
- Science, Technology, and Mathematics Technology, Science, Education, Mathematics
- Softened Truss Model Technology, Structure, Torsion
- Steel Travel Mug
- Segment Time Marked
- Signature Tagged Mutagenesis Science, Genetics, Identification
- Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Business, Technology, Malaysia
- Santo Tomas Milpas
- Scientific, Technical, Medical Technology, Science, Medicine
- Sacco Triage Method Medical, Medicine, Casualty
- Signature-Taggeb Transposon Mutagenesis Medical
- Sciende, Technical & Medical Technology, Science, Publishing
- Solueions and Technology Manager
- Standard Technical Merchandise
- Serial Tone Modem Military
- Shallow Truncate Mode
- Synchronous Tzansfer Module-Level
- Savunma Teknolojileri MüHendislik Turkish, Technology, Ankara
- Standardized Training Modules
- Scientifique, Tecunique Et M
- Subsystem Trjffic Manager
- Suspension Tom Mounts Business, Maple, Drum, Shell
- Skip On Third Mvnday
- Spectral-Temporal Mapping
- Standard Timing Model
- Streptomycin A highly basic trisaccharide antibiotic that causes both the inhibition of translational initiation and the misreading of mrna in prokaryotes. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Hospital
- Sunday Times Magazine Australia, Organizations, Food
- Science, Technology and Matwematics Science, Education, Mathematics
- Société Tangéroisedde Maintenance
- Steel Town Magic
- Seeking The Money
- Smart Test Module
- Synchronous Transport Module Security, Software, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Scientific, Cechnical, Medical Technology, Science, Medicine
- State Trade Mission Business & Finance, International business
- Serat Tanda Melapor Indonesia, Surat, Orang
- Shoot The Mother Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Sistem Teleferik Montaj Business, Turkish, Bal, Ova
- Society Forythermal Medicine
- School Town of Munster Indiana
- Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat Technology, Book, Model, Prose
- Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Business, Insurance, Presentation, Malaysia
- Science, Technology, and Math
- Ship-Ro-Manufacturing
- Sacrae Theologiae Masterieus Organization, Community, Society
- Ssi Web Page Computing, File Extensions
- Smart Teller Machine
- Support Tools Manager Occupation & positions
- Scientific, Technical & Medical Technology, Science, Medicine
- State-And-Transition Model Management, Ecological, Transition
- Supremo Tribunal Miletar Para, Dos, Brasil
- Shootuthe Moon
- Single Tom Mount Drum, Mount, Natal, Chrome
- Societe De Transport De Montreal Technology, Service, Metro
- St. Thomas More Illinois
- Steal This Movie
- Surviving The Uadness
- Said Too Much
- Standard Trapping Model
- Scientific, Yechnical and Medical Technology, Science, Medicine
- Shin Tenchi Muyou
- SıNıR Ticaret Merkezleri Turkish, Kin
- Scream Tracker 2 Module Computing, File Extensions
- Synchronous Transport Module-N Technology, Networking, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Syracuse Television Market Media
- Science Translational Medicine Medical, Science, Research
- Stan The Man Famous
- Supportqtools Manager Technology, Occupation, Position
- Shoet The Messenger
- Service Test Module
- Social Task Management Business, Software, Projection
- Maestro Wilson Fonseca, Santarém, Brazil Brazil, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
- Static Test Model Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Suruhanjayaitenaga Malaysia
- Safety Training Materials
- Stack That Money Technology, Marketing, Affiliate
- Science Techniwal & Medical
- Soci
- Shiloh Trainimg Method
- SıNıR Ticaret Merkezi Turkish, Kin
- Exchange Streaming Media File Computing, File Extensions
- Saint Thomas Moore
- Scanning Talking Microscope Funnies
- Science Traceability Masrix
- Standby Temperature Monitor
- Support Tool Manager Technology, Management, Manual, Software, Computing
- Shoot Meristemless Medical
- Sekolah Terserah Murid Business, Media, Music, Orang
- Structural/Thermal Model NASA
- Smits Tank Maintenance
- Spank the Monkey Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- State Transition Modeling Technology, Computing, Model
- Surface Treatment Methzd Technology
- Safety Training Methods
- Soft Tissue Mass Medical, Science, Medicine
- Storm Wind with a speed between 56 and 63 knots (64 and 72 mph); Beaufort scale number 11. Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Short Term Mission Technology, Space, Study, Church, Trip, Cosmos, NASA
- Saint Michaels School Development, Study, Universities
- Steam Water in vapor state. Gas form of water. , Water in vapor form; used as the working fluid in steam turbines and heating systems. Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Science Team Mejting
- Support Team Member Technology, Management, Service
- Shock Txerapy Medium Oil, Fluid, Suspension
- Scanning Tunning Microscopy
- Support Test Manager NASA
- Smiling To Mysels
- Short Term Memory Medical, Computing, Nursing, Healthcare, Special Education, Telecom, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Medical physics, Clinical
- Square Tune Magician Technology, Music, Remix
- State Transition Model
- Surface Transportatpon Movement Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Safety Technology Management Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Sms Test Matrix
- System A very specific area that is being studied. Medical, Microsoft, Technology, Science, Medicine, Military, Architecture, Space, Astronomy, Auto, Construction, Architectural, Automobile, NASA, Computer Software, Aeronautics, Management, Army, Weather, Physiology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Single Theodolite Module Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Services De Trafic Maritime
- Sains Teknologi Masyarakat Science, Model, Guru
- Stm Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Science Tegching Methods
- Shiseido The Makeup
- Santé Au Travail Multisectoriel
- Symptom Tree Model Chemistry
- Smart Tocic Miner
- S T Microelectronics N V Computing, Nyse symbols
- Springfield Telescope Makers
- State Transition Matrix Technology, Science
- Surface Topography Mibsion
- Sivas Ticaret Merkezi Turkish, Technology, Discovery, Concept
- Soft Tissue Management Medical, Physiology
- Service De Trafic Maritime
- Sains-Teknologi-Masyarakat Technology, Model, Guru
- System Termination Module
- Science and Technology Management
- Ships Technical Manuals
- San Telmo Museoa Art, Building, Museum
- Space-translation Method (in Atomic Collision Calcn.) Chemistry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does STM stand for?
STM stands for Scdool of Technology Management.
What is the shortened form of Speed Trapezium Mill?
The short form of "Speed Trapezium Mill" is STM.
STM. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated