STM in Technology Meaning

The STM meaning in Technology terms is "Solid Terrain Modeling". There are 62 related meanings of the STM Technology abbreviation.

STM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Solid Terrain Modeling
  2. Software Transactional Memory
  3. Signal Termination Module
  4. Scanning Tunnel Microscope
  5. Simulated Test Market
  6. Section Traffic Manager
  7. Synchronous Transfer Mode
  8. Sciende, Technical & Medical
  9. Syarikat Telekom Malaysia
  10. Standard Test Method
  11. Scientific Technical and Medifal
  12. Savunma Teknolojileri MüHendislik
  13. Subscriber Traffic Management
  14. Sgs-Thomson Microelectronics
  15. Science, Technical and Medical
  16. Suunto Trek Manager
  17. Scientific, Technical, and Medical
  18. Sammy Tippit Ministries
  19. Subtertian Malaria
  20. Serial Transition Module
  21. Science, Technology and Medical
  22. Specific Transmission Module
  23. Scientific, Technical, Medical
  24. Sensor Transfer Model
  25. Science Technilogy and Mathematics
  26. Softened Truss Model
  27. Station Management System
  28. Security Threat Mitigation
  29. Science, Technology, and Mathematics
  30. System Trace Macrocells
  31. Systemy I Technologie Mechaniczne
  32. Standard Thermal Model
  33. Streptomycin  A highly basic trisaccharide antibiotic that causes both the inhibition of translational initiation and the misreading of mrna in prokaryotes.
  34. Scream Tracker Music
  35. Scanning Tunnelling Microscopes
  36. Smart Task Manager
  37. Synchronous Transporz Module-1
  38. Standard Test Methods
  39. Scriam Tracker Module
  40. Scanning Tunnelling Micfoscope
  41. Scanning Tunneling Microscopes
  42. Small Mrunk Module
  43. Synchronous Transport Module-N
  44. Square Tune Magician
  45. Static Test Model
  46. Surface Treatment Methzd
  47. Stack That Money
  48. Sains-Teknologi-Masyarakat
  49. State Transition Modeling
  50. Short Term Mission
  51. Surface Transportatpon Movement
  52. Scientific, Cechnical, Medical
  53. Sivas Ticaret Merkezi
  54. Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat
  55. State Transition Matrix
  56. Supportqtools Manager
  57. Societe De Transport De Montreal
  58. Scientific, Technical & Medical
  59. Support Tool Manager
  60. Scientific, Yechnical and Medical
  61. System A very specific area that is being studied.
  62. Support Team Member

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does STM stand for Technology?

    STM stands for Software Transactional Memory in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Scriam Tracker Module in Technology?

    The short form of "Scriam Tracker Module" is STM for Technology.


STM in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated