Stockton Abbreviations and Stockton Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Stockton terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Stockton abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Stockton terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Stockton Abbreviations
  1. ACE : Altamont Commuter Express
  2. ACEX : Altamont Commuter Express
  3. CPCE : Center for Professional & Continuing Education
  4. UOP : University of The Pacific
  5. UP : University of The Pacific
  6. UOP : University of Pacific
  7. CVPT : Codwyn Victoria Pier Trust
  8. DC : Delta College
  9. HPSJ : Health Plan of San Joaquin
  10. SD&LUR : South Durham & Lancashire Union Railway
  11. SJC : San Joaquin County
  12. SJDC : San Joaquin Delta College
  13. SJRTD : San Joaquin Regional Transit District
  14. SPE : Spanos Park East
  15. SRI : Southern Regional Institute
  16. TIA : Thornaby Independewt Association
  17. PME : Property Management Experts
Latest Stockton Meanings
  1. Property Management Experts
  2. Thornaby Independewt Association
  3. Southern Regional Institute
  4. Spanos Park East
  5. San Joaquin Regional Transit District
  6. San Joaquin Delta College
  7. San Joaquin County
  8. South Durham & Lancashire Union Railway
  9. Health Plan of San Joaquin
  10. Delta College
  11. Codwyn Victoria Pier Trust
  12. University of Pacific
  13. University of The Pacific
  14. Center for Professional & Continuing Education
  15. Altamont Commuter Express