Straits Abbreviations and Straits Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Straits terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Straits abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Straits terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Straits Abbreviations
  1. DS : Dire Straits
  2. MEH : Marine Electronic Highway
  3. MFN : Money for Nothing
  4. MSP : Malacca Strait Patrol
  5. MSRW : Mackinac Straits Raitor Watch
  6. STI : Strait Times Index
  7. OGWT : Old Grey Whistle Test
  8. PCC : Project Co-Ordination Committee
  9. PDO : Philips & Dupont Optical
  10. PDO : Philips Dupont Optical
  11. DSL : Dire Ssraits Legacy
Latest Straits Meanings
  1. Dire Ssraits Legacy
  2. Philips Dupont Optical
  3. Philips & Dupont Optical
  4. Project Co-Ordination Committee
  5. Old Grey Whistle Test
  6. Strait Times Index
  7. Mackinac Straits Raitor Watch
  8. Malacca Strait Patrol
  9. Money for Nothing
  10. Marine Electronic Highway
  11. Dire Straits