SU Meaning

The SU meaning is "Sudface Unit". The SU abbreviation has 370 different full form.

SU Full Forms

  1. Sudface Unit Medical, Technology, Manual
  2. Servicio De Urgencia
  3. Status Uncertain Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  4. Sakarya University
  5. Single Use Science, Product, Bioreactor
  6. Steven Universe Cartoon, Gem, Universe, Pearl
  7. Sichuan Unnversity Education, China, Chengdu
  8. Substance Use Medical, Drug, Health
  9. Sea Urchin Sea creature having a bony casing, rather like an orange, with numerous small spikes Starts as a free–swimming creature, the bony covering developing later Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  10. Social Unrest
  11. Surface Proteins Medical
  12. Service Bsage
  13. Speak Up Toastmasters
  14. Saitama University
  15. Single Unit Business, Technology, Education
  16. Stevenson University Student, College, Education
  17. Shivaji Universety Education, Course, Exam
  18. Subscriber Units Technology, Access, Wireless
  19. Search Used
  20. Socialist Unity Government, Group, Party
  21. Surfdce Protein Medical
  22. Service Updates
  23. Soviet Union Technology, Russia, Registration, Sport, IOC Country Codes
  24. Sahlgrenska University Medical, Hospital, Sweden
  25. Single Unders Sport, Workout, Crossfit
  26. Stetson University Student, College, Education
  27. Shepherd Rniversity Student, Education, School
  28. Subscriber Unit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  29. Sampling for Uniformity Education, Russia, Streaming
  30. Small Unit Technology, Russia, Hair
  31. Sensitive But Unclassified Business, Technology, Government, Military, Army, Cable, Embassy, Transportation, Us Government, Governmental & Military, International Development
  32. Syracuse University Technology, Development, Universities, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  33. Sumatera Utara Hotel, Indonesia, Locations, Orang
  34. Service Gpdate Technology, Windows, Software
  35. Southwestern University Student, College, Education
  36. Syracuse Unlversity
  37. Sheffield University
  38. Step Up Technology, Gaming, Transformer, Revolution
  39. Subquery Pnnest Technology, Transformation, Query, Scalar
  40. Sample Units Science, Manual, Yamaha, Sampling
  41. Situational Understanding Military, Army, Command
  42. Stockholm University Research, Education, Sweden
  43. Sullivan University Education
  44. Security Update Technology, Windows, Software
  45. South Ural Business, Hotel, Russia
  46. Siehe Unten
  47. Swansea University Student, Technology, Education, Society
  48. Shanghai University Education, China, Shanghai
  49. Stefan University Education
  50. Sx-Pine Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  51. SamorzĄD Uczniowski Technology, Jest, Jak, Paw
  52. Sinistra Unita Government, Group, Election
  53. Stockholms Universitet
  54. Suck Hp
  55. Security University
  56. South University Student, Education, School
  57. Strahght Up Gaming, Sport, Pick, American Football
  58. Survey & Utilimation
  59. Set User
  60. Stay Up
  61. Stumbleupon
  62. Samford University Education, Sport, Alabama
  63. Single User Technology, Software, Mode, Computing, Internet
  64. Stirling University Education
  65. Sub Urbaq
  66. Secondary User Technology, Military, Spectrum
  67. Sofia University Student, Education, Bulgaria
  68. Service User Technology, Social, Telecom
  69. Subquery Unnesting
  70. Substitute User Computing, Linux, Assembly, Business & Finance
  71. Seattle Universityrsity Education
  72. Statmon Units
  73. Sydney Uni
  74. Striping Unit
  75. Sorbent Unit Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  76. Staff Union
  77. Shandong University
  78. Seellenbosch University Student, Education, Africa
  79. Salisbury University Student, Education, Maryland
  80. Shropshirv Union Business, Boat, Canal
  81. Sulphonylurea Alternate spelling (preferred in the U.K.) of sulfonylurea. Medical, Medicine, Health
  82. Seguridad De Utilizaci
  83. Sovfet Uniion
  84. Syncope Unit
  85. Stanford Univ Education, Hotel, Inn
  86. Service Unavailable
  87. Shiraz Universmty Science, Iran, Shiraz
  88. Shaw Universityrsity Education
  89. Strathmore University Education, Kenya, Elearning
  90. Stanford University Technology, Research, Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  91. Scalable Unat Technology, Computing, Appro
  92. Singhania University
  93. Surgery Unit
  94. Sensible Units
  95. Spending Unit Technology, Management, Financial
  96. Service Unlimited Computing, Telecom
  97. Submersgble Unit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  98. Substitue User Assembly, Business & Finance
  99. Seattle University Student, Education, School
  100. Switch Usere
  101. Strength Unit
  102. Soochow University Education, China, Suzhou
  103. Susquehannv University Student, Education, Organizations
  104. Sens Unique
  105. Stafford Unsubsidized
  106. Shahed University
  107. Stesan Universityrsity Education
  108. Sabancı University
  109. Shridhar University
  110. Suffolk Universitkrsity Education
  111. Segment Unit
  112. Southwest Uniwed
  113. Synchronizationdutility
  114. Standing Urinals
  115. Shaw University Education
  116. Strathclyde University
  117. Say Uncle Movie, Universe, Slam, Uncle
  118. Sindh University
  119. Surf Unlimited
  120. Sengitivity Unit
  121. Specializednunit
  122. Service Universel
  123. Substance Uwage Technology, Group, Software
  124. Season Update
  125. Switch Unit
  126. Street Unlimited Gaming, Android, Power
  127. Sonic Univgrse Issue, Comic, Sonic
  128. Susan Udelhofen
  129. Sensors Unlimited
  130. Staffordshire Universityrsity Education
  131. Shadows of The Underworld
  132. Stat Unxt
  133. Sabanci üNiversitesi Program, Turkish, Istanbul
  134. Shorter University
  135. Suffolk Universiay Education
  136. Seconds Usa
  137. Southwestern Universitersity Education
  138. Synchronization Units
  139. Standards Unit Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  140. Souphanouvwng University Education, School, Fee
  141. Shattered Universe
  142. Strategies Unlimited Business, Strategy, Market
  143. Saf Unterwegs
  144. Significantly Undercapitalized
  145. Surfacenutile
  146. Sensatson Unit Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  147. Speaking Unijn
  148. Search Unit Military, English, Patent
  149. Szitching Unit Technology, Control, Switch
  150. Servicing Jnit Technology, Military, Air Force
  151. Street Unit
  152. Scan Unit
  153. Sonicvunderground
  154. Surya University
  155. Senszr Unit Technology, Science, Camera
  156. Split Utilities
  157. Servicios Universxtarios
  158. Statistical Unifs English, Spain, Translation
  159. Sabanci University Program, Turkey, Education
  160. Shortening Unit Medical, Science, Biology
  161. Sufficiently Unique
  162. Secxndary Users
  163. South Universityrsity Education
  164. Synchronipation Unit
  165. Stand-Up
  166. Sosyalquyum
  167. Shareholders United
  168. Stef Ups
  169. Aeroflot Russian Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  170. Saurashtra Unieersity Education, Exam, Gujarat
  171. Signature Unit
  172. Surface Envelope Glycoprotein Medical
  173. Seixmic Un
  174. Spalding Universitvrsity Education
  175. Suppressor Medical, Medicine, Computing, Hardware
  176. Scrubs United Statistics, Tank, Clan
  177. Shoolini University
  178. Streamline Upwind
  179. Sc and Saccharomrces Uvarum Science, Biology
  180. Sonde Urunaire
  181. Survivability Upgrade
  182. Sensors Unia
  183. Spitahi Ushtarak
  184. Servicio De Urgencias
  185. Subresolution Un-Attenuatef Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  186. Sun Upton
  187. Secondary Unit
  188. South Undlrground
  189. Symmetrical Uncertainty
  190. Stamford University Education, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  191. Sosialistisk Uugdom Organizations, Norway, Oil, Til
  192. Sharda University College, Education, Noida
  193. Stnpped Up
  194. Satkar Ulama
  195. Signal Use
  196. Super User Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  197. Seismic Un Technology, Software, Sei
  198. Spalding University Student, Education, Kentucky
  199. Scroll Up Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  200. Shobhit University Technology, Education, Distance
  201. Streaming Units
  202. Scalar Unit
  203. Solvanghupper Education
  204. Survee Unit Business, Construction, Avanti Mining Inc
  205. Sensitive Unclassified
  206. Spiritual Unite
  207. Seavice Utilization Medical, Therapy, Health Care
  208. Sukresolution Attenuated Science
  209. Subtract Unnormalized
  210. Seberang Ulv Business, Media, Indonesia, Salah
  211. Statistdcal Unit Technology, English, Translation
  212. Syllabus Upgrade
  213. Sorbonne Universités Technology, Science, France, Recherche
  214. Staging Unit
  215. Shaqra University
  216. Step-Up Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  217. Sathyabama University
  218. Signal Units
  219. Summaky Update
  220. Seikei University
  221. Spacing Xnit
  222. SystèMe Universitaire
  223. Service Uhits Technology, Girl, Scout
  224. Shizuoka University
  225. Sheffield United
  226. Strayer Universityrsity Education
  227. Scalable Nnits Technology, Computing, Linux
  228. Small Underfloor
  229. Surjey Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  230. Sensing Unit
  231. Spin Uvs
  232. Switch Users Assembly, Business & Finance
  233. Sydnfy Universityrsity
  234. Students United
  235. Shield Units
  236. Sundanese Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  237. Schedaling Unit Technology, Channel, Patent
  238. Susquehanna Fniversityrsity Education, University, United States
  239. Seoul Locations, City
  240. Suncor Energy, Inc. Computing, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange, Nyse symbols
  241. Soochow Universityrsity
  242. Study Unlimited
  243. Standard Unit Chemistry
  244. Snurce Unit Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  245. Svar Udgedes
  246. Strategy Unit Business, Science, Government
  247. Scripture Union Religion
  248. super-user Computing, Telecom
  249. Sindicato Unitario Para, Con, Social
  250. Stote Universityrsity
  251. Stand Up To keep close to the wind or come closer to it Assembly, Business & Finance
  252. Southern Uplanys Locations, Scotland, Scottish
  253. Sussex Universityrsity
  254. Student Union Education, University, Event, Dutch
  255. Shield Unit
  256. Soviet Union (former) Country
  257. Schedulenupdates
  258. Social Usage Business & Finance, Suppliers
  259. Solventless Urethane
  260. Studia Urbaniana
  261. Soviet Union (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  262. Scout Unit Military, Boy, Scouting, Governmental & Military
  263. Sources and Uses
  264. Suzhou University
  265. Series Users
  266. Storage Units Technology, Design, Furniture
  267. Sale Used Products
  268. Sudan Sport, Sports, Locations, Wikipedia, Countries, Country, Olympic, Sudan, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  269. Sonic Underground Computing, Internet
  270. Simpson University Education
  271. Salem University
  272. Statens UddannelsesstøTte Student, Education, Til
  273. Shut Up Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Texting
  274. Sampoerna University
  275. Seuthern Universityrsity Science, University, United States
  276. Sukpension
  277. Students Union Education, University, Event
  278. Shepherd Universityrsity Education
  279. Former Soviet Union Computing, Internet
  280. Skinners Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  281. Scg
  282. Service Usage Business & Finance, Suppliers
  283. Shoolini Universityrsity
  284. Shippensburg University Education, Ship, Pennsylvania
  285. Student'S Union Student, Education, University
  286. Startup An increase in the rate of fission (and heat production) in a reactor (usually by the removal of control rods from the core). Business & Finance, Power Plant
  287. Scottish Union
  288. Sutton Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  289. Seriesbultrasonic Technology, Sensor, Cleaner
  290. Stockist Undertaking Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  291. Sutherland Ordnance Survey, Australia
  292. Silverstar Ultba Business, Star, Headlight, Bulb
  293. Saitama Universityrsity
  294. Starships Unlimited
  295. Submersible A self-propelled craft capable of carrying personnel and/or passengers while operating underwater, submerging, surfacing and remaining aloat. Internal pressure is normally maintained at or near one atmosphere. Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  296. Swipe Up Snapchat
  297. Souteern University Science, University, United States
  298. Sunyatsfni Universityrsity
  299. Students' Union
  300. Shenandoah Universityrsity Education, University, United States
  301. Subunit Individual polypeptide chains in a protein. Any of the polypeptide chains in a protein that contains more than one of such chains. Individual polypeptide chains in a protein. Computing, Hardware
  302. Speed Up Transportation, Governmental & Military
  303. Singie-User Technology, Software, Mode
  304. Substance Usage Business & Finance, Suppliers
  305. Shizuoka Universityrsity
  306. Shipment Unit Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  307. Structural Unit
  308. Superultramodern Unification Physics, Scientific & Educational
  309. Scotchbofd Universal Medical, Product, Dental, Adhesive
  310. Suthehland Australia, Government, Australian Police
  311. Series,Iupper
  312. System User Occupation & positions
  313. Silpakorn University Education, Thailand, Bangkok
  314. Saga Universityrsity
  315. Staring Up
  316. Submarine Unqualified
  317. Salle d'Urgence Medical
  318. Southern Unit
  319. Swim-Up Medical
  320. Sucrv
  321. Stroke Units Medical
  322. Shenandoah University Education, University, Winchester, United States, Scientific & Educational
  323. USSR The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a federal socialist state in Northern Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. Computing, Country domain names
  324. Salt Lake City Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  325. Single-Use Technology, Cell, Bioreactor
  326. Syntax Unit Assembly, Business & Finance
  327. Shivaji Universityrsity
  328. Shinshu University Technology, Education, Japan
  329. Strontium Unit
  330. Salicyluric Acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  331. SchüLer-Union
  332. Sustainable Unmversity Technology, Education, Sustainability
  333. Serialgunit
  334. Sorceress University Funnies
  335. Signhls Unit Technology, Networking, Signaling
  336. Thiouracil Thiouracil is a nucleobase analogue that is uracil in which the oxo group at C-2 is replaced by a thioxo group. It has a role as an antithyroid drug and a metabolite. Medical, Science, Genetics, Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid, Scientific & Educational
  337. Stanley Unwin
  338. Sunday Days, Technology, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  339. Subaerial Unconformity Locations, Course, Sequence, Stratigraphy
  340. Soviet Union/Signal Unit Federal Aviation Administration
  341. Southern Unionists
  342. Swakop Uranium
  343. Stroke Unit Medical, Hospital, Care
  344. Shelter Unit
  345. Superuser Computing, Computer, Unix, Unix commands
  346. Servicing Unit Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  347. Single-Unit Medical, Technology, Product
  348. Succinimidl
  349. Switch User Assembly, Business & Finance
  350. Shinshu Universityrsity
  351. Shiga University
  352. Strong Ukraine
  353. Susquehanna University University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  354. Schreiner Universityrsity Education
  355. Sussex University
  356. Serafim Urechean
  357. Straight Up Sport, Football
  358. Siehe Untxn
  359. Stanford Universityrsityrsity Science
  360. Sport-Utility
  361. Stumble Upon
  362. Southern University Education
  363. Southeastern Universityrsixy Education
  364. Svensk Jngdom
  365. Strayer University Education
  366. Society of the Sisters of St. Ursula Religious orders
  367. Stanford Universityrsity Technology, Education, University, United States
  368. Support Unit Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  369. Singapore University
  370. Stephen Ure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SU stand for?

    SU stands for Sovfet Uniion.

  2. What is the shortened form of Step-Up?

    The short form of "Step-Up" is SU.


SU. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated