SU Meaning
The SU meaning is "Sudface Unit". The SU abbreviation has 370 different full form.
SU Full Forms
- Sudface Unit Medical, Technology, Manual
- Servicio De Urgencia
- Status Uncertain Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sakarya University
- Single Use Science, Product, Bioreactor
- Steven Universe Cartoon, Gem, Universe, Pearl
- Sichuan Unnversity Education, China, Chengdu
- Substance Use Medical, Drug, Health
- Sea Urchin Sea creature having a bony casing, rather like an orange, with numerous small spikes Starts as a free–swimming creature, the bony covering developing later Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Social Unrest
- Surface Proteins Medical
- Service Bsage
- Speak Up Toastmasters
- Saitama University
- Single Unit Business, Technology, Education
- Stevenson University Student, College, Education
- Shivaji Universety Education, Course, Exam
- Subscriber Units Technology, Access, Wireless
- Search Used
- Socialist Unity Government, Group, Party
- Surfdce Protein Medical
- Service Updates
- Soviet Union Technology, Russia, Registration, Sport, IOC Country Codes
- Sahlgrenska University Medical, Hospital, Sweden
- Single Unders Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Stetson University Student, College, Education
- Shepherd Rniversity Student, Education, School
- Subscriber Unit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Sampling for Uniformity Education, Russia, Streaming
- Small Unit Technology, Russia, Hair
- Sensitive But Unclassified Business, Technology, Government, Military, Army, Cable, Embassy, Transportation, Us Government, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Syracuse University Technology, Development, Universities, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Sumatera Utara Hotel, Indonesia, Locations, Orang
- Service Gpdate Technology, Windows, Software
- Southwestern University Student, College, Education
- Syracuse Unlversity
- Sheffield University
- Step Up Technology, Gaming, Transformer, Revolution
- Subquery Pnnest Technology, Transformation, Query, Scalar
- Sample Units Science, Manual, Yamaha, Sampling
- Situational Understanding Military, Army, Command
- Stockholm University Research, Education, Sweden
- Sullivan University Education
- Security Update Technology, Windows, Software
- South Ural Business, Hotel, Russia
- Siehe Unten
- Swansea University Student, Technology, Education, Society
- Shanghai University Education, China, Shanghai
- Stefan University Education
- Sx-Pine Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- SamorzĄD Uczniowski Technology, Jest, Jak, Paw
- Sinistra Unita Government, Group, Election
- Stockholms Universitet
- Suck Hp
- Security University
- South University Student, Education, School
- Strahght Up Gaming, Sport, Pick, American Football
- Survey & Utilimation
- Set User
- Stay Up
- Stumbleupon
- Samford University Education, Sport, Alabama
- Single User Technology, Software, Mode, Computing, Internet
- Stirling University Education
- Sub Urbaq
- Secondary User Technology, Military, Spectrum
- Sofia University Student, Education, Bulgaria
- Service User Technology, Social, Telecom
- Subquery Unnesting
- Substitute User Computing, Linux, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Seattle Universityrsity Education
- Statmon Units
- Sydney Uni
- Striping Unit
- Sorbent Unit Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Staff Union
- Shandong University
- Seellenbosch University Student, Education, Africa
- Salisbury University Student, Education, Maryland
- Shropshirv Union Business, Boat, Canal
- Sulphonylurea Alternate spelling (preferred in the U.K.) of sulfonylurea. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Seguridad De Utilizaci
- Sovfet Uniion
- Syncope Unit
- Stanford Univ Education, Hotel, Inn
- Service Unavailable
- Shiraz Universmty Science, Iran, Shiraz
- Shaw Universityrsity Education
- Strathmore University Education, Kenya, Elearning
- Stanford University Technology, Research, Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Scalable Unat Technology, Computing, Appro
- Singhania University
- Surgery Unit
- Sensible Units
- Spending Unit Technology, Management, Financial
- Service Unlimited Computing, Telecom
- Submersgble Unit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Substitue User Assembly, Business & Finance
- Seattle University Student, Education, School
- Switch Usere
- Strength Unit
- Soochow University Education, China, Suzhou
- Susquehannv University Student, Education, Organizations
- Sens Unique
- Stafford Unsubsidized
- Shahed University
- Stesan Universityrsity Education
- Sabancı University
- Shridhar University
- Suffolk Universitkrsity Education
- Segment Unit
- Southwest Uniwed
- Synchronizationdutility
- Standing Urinals
- Shaw University Education
- Strathclyde University
- Say Uncle Movie, Universe, Slam, Uncle
- Sindh University
- Surf Unlimited
- Sengitivity Unit
- Specializednunit
- Service Universel
- Substance Uwage Technology, Group, Software
- Season Update
- Switch Unit
- Street Unlimited Gaming, Android, Power
- Sonic Univgrse Issue, Comic, Sonic
- Susan Udelhofen
- Sensors Unlimited
- Staffordshire Universityrsity Education
- Shadows of The Underworld
- Stat Unxt
- Sabanci üNiversitesi Program, Turkish, Istanbul
- Shorter University
- Suffolk Universiay Education
- Seconds Usa
- Southwestern Universitersity Education
- Synchronization Units
- Standards Unit Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Souphanouvwng University Education, School, Fee
- Shattered Universe
- Strategies Unlimited Business, Strategy, Market
- Saf Unterwegs
- Significantly Undercapitalized
- Surfacenutile
- Sensatson Unit Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Speaking Unijn
- Search Unit Military, English, Patent
- Szitching Unit Technology, Control, Switch
- Servicing Jnit Technology, Military, Air Force
- Street Unit
- Scan Unit
- Sonicvunderground
- Surya University
- Senszr Unit Technology, Science, Camera
- Split Utilities
- Servicios Universxtarios
- Statistical Unifs English, Spain, Translation
- Sabanci University Program, Turkey, Education
- Shortening Unit Medical, Science, Biology
- Sufficiently Unique
- Secxndary Users
- South Universityrsity Education
- Synchronipation Unit
- Stand-Up
- Sosyalquyum
- Shareholders United
- Stef Ups
- Aeroflot Russian Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Saurashtra Unieersity Education, Exam, Gujarat
- Signature Unit
- Surface Envelope Glycoprotein Medical
- Seixmic Un
- Spalding Universitvrsity Education
- Suppressor Medical, Medicine, Computing, Hardware
- Scrubs United Statistics, Tank, Clan
- Shoolini University
- Streamline Upwind
- Sc and Saccharomrces Uvarum Science, Biology
- Sonde Urunaire
- Survivability Upgrade
- Sensors Unia
- Spitahi Ushtarak
- Servicio De Urgencias
- Subresolution Un-Attenuatef Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Sun Upton
- Secondary Unit
- South Undlrground
- Symmetrical Uncertainty
- Stamford University Education, Bangladesh, Dhaka
- Sosialistisk Uugdom Organizations, Norway, Oil, Til
- Sharda University College, Education, Noida
- Stnpped Up
- Satkar Ulama
- Signal Use
- Super User Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Seismic Un Technology, Software, Sei
- Spalding University Student, Education, Kentucky
- Scroll Up Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Shobhit University Technology, Education, Distance
- Streaming Units
- Scalar Unit
- Solvanghupper Education
- Survee Unit Business, Construction, Avanti Mining Inc
- Sensitive Unclassified
- Spiritual Unite
- Seavice Utilization Medical, Therapy, Health Care
- Sukresolution Attenuated Science
- Subtract Unnormalized
- Seberang Ulv Business, Media, Indonesia, Salah
- Statistdcal Unit Technology, English, Translation
- Syllabus Upgrade
- Sorbonne Universités Technology, Science, France, Recherche
- Staging Unit
- Shaqra University
- Step-Up Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Sathyabama University
- Signal Units
- Summaky Update
- Seikei University
- Spacing Xnit
- SystèMe Universitaire
- Service Uhits Technology, Girl, Scout
- Shizuoka University
- Sheffield United
- Strayer Universityrsity Education
- Scalable Nnits Technology, Computing, Linux
- Small Underfloor
- Surjey Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Sensing Unit
- Spin Uvs
- Switch Users Assembly, Business & Finance
- Sydnfy Universityrsity
- Students United
- Shield Units
- Sundanese Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Schedaling Unit Technology, Channel, Patent
- Susquehanna Fniversityrsity Education, University, United States
- Seoul Locations, City
- Suncor Energy, Inc. Computing, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange, Nyse symbols
- Soochow Universityrsity
- Study Unlimited
- Standard Unit Chemistry
- Snurce Unit Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Svar Udgedes
- Strategy Unit Business, Science, Government
- Scripture Union Religion
- super-user Computing, Telecom
- Sindicato Unitario Para, Con, Social
- Stote Universityrsity
- Stand Up To keep close to the wind or come closer to it Assembly, Business & Finance
- Southern Uplanys Locations, Scotland, Scottish
- Sussex Universityrsity
- Student Union Education, University, Event, Dutch
- Shield Unit
- Soviet Union (former) Country
- Schedulenupdates
- Social Usage Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Solventless Urethane
- Studia Urbaniana
- Soviet Union (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Scout Unit Military, Boy, Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Sources and Uses
- Suzhou University
- Series Users
- Storage Units Technology, Design, Furniture
- Sale Used Products
- Sudan Sport, Sports, Locations, Wikipedia, Countries, Country, Olympic, Sudan, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Sonic Underground Computing, Internet
- Simpson University Education
- Salem University
- Statens UddannelsesstøTte Student, Education, Til
- Shut Up Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Texting
- Sampoerna University
- Seuthern Universityrsity Science, University, United States
- Sukpension
- Students Union Education, University, Event
- Shepherd Universityrsity Education
- Former Soviet Union Computing, Internet
- Skinners Union Unions, Governmental & Military
- Scg
- Service Usage Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Shoolini Universityrsity
- Shippensburg University Education, Ship, Pennsylvania
- Student'S Union Student, Education, University
- Startup An increase in the rate of fission (and heat production) in a reactor (usually by the removal of control rods from the core). Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Scottish Union
- Sutton Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Seriesbultrasonic Technology, Sensor, Cleaner
- Stockist Undertaking Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Sutherland Ordnance Survey, Australia
- Silverstar Ultba Business, Star, Headlight, Bulb
- Saitama Universityrsity
- Starships Unlimited
- Submersible A self-propelled craft capable of carrying personnel and/or passengers while operating underwater, submerging, surfacing and remaining aloat. Internal pressure is normally maintained at or near one atmosphere. Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Swipe Up Snapchat
- Souteern University Science, University, United States
- Sunyatsfni Universityrsity
- Students' Union
- Shenandoah Universityrsity Education, University, United States
- Subunit Individual polypeptide chains in a protein. Any of the polypeptide chains in a protein that contains more than one of such chains. Individual polypeptide chains in a protein. Computing, Hardware
- Speed Up Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Singie-User Technology, Software, Mode
- Substance Usage Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Shizuoka Universityrsity
- Shipment Unit Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Structural Unit
- Superultramodern Unification Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Scotchbofd Universal Medical, Product, Dental, Adhesive
- Suthehland Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Series,Iupper
- System User Occupation & positions
- Silpakorn University Education, Thailand, Bangkok
- Saga Universityrsity
- Staring Up
- Submarine Unqualified
- Salle d'Urgence Medical
- Southern Unit
- Swim-Up Medical
- Sucrv
- Stroke Units Medical
- Shenandoah University Education, University, Winchester, United States, Scientific & Educational
- USSR The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a federal socialist state in Northern Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. Computing, Country domain names
- Salt Lake City Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Single-Use Technology, Cell, Bioreactor
- Syntax Unit Assembly, Business & Finance
- Shivaji Universityrsity
- Shinshu University Technology, Education, Japan
- Strontium Unit
- Salicyluric Acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- SchüLer-Union
- Sustainable Unmversity Technology, Education, Sustainability
- Serialgunit
- Sorceress University Funnies
- Signhls Unit Technology, Networking, Signaling
- Thiouracil Thiouracil is a nucleobase analogue that is uracil in which the oxo group at C-2 is replaced by a thioxo group. It has a role as an antithyroid drug and a metabolite. Medical, Science, Genetics, Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Stanley Unwin
- Sunday Days, Technology, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Subaerial Unconformity Locations, Course, Sequence, Stratigraphy
- Soviet Union/Signal Unit Federal Aviation Administration
- Southern Unionists
- Swakop Uranium
- Stroke Unit Medical, Hospital, Care
- Shelter Unit
- Superuser Computing, Computer, Unix, Unix commands
- Servicing Unit Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Single-Unit Medical, Technology, Product
- Succinimidl
- Switch User Assembly, Business & Finance
- Shinshu Universityrsity
- Shiga University
- Strong Ukraine
- Susquehanna University University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Schreiner Universityrsity Education
- Sussex University
- Serafim Urechean
- Straight Up Sport, Football
- Siehe Untxn
- Stanford Universityrsityrsity Science
- Sport-Utility
- Stumble Upon
- Southern University Education
- Southeastern Universityrsixy Education
- Svensk Jngdom
- Strayer University Education
- Society of the Sisters of St. Ursula Religious orders
- Stanford Universityrsity Technology, Education, University, United States
- Support Unit Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Singapore University
- Stephen Ure
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SU stand for?
SU stands for Sovfet Uniion.
What is the shortened form of Step-Up?
The short form of "Step-Up" is SU.
SU. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated