SUBARU Meaning

The SUBARU meaning is "Stall Usable, But All Rusty Underneath". The SUBARU abbreviation has 15 different full form.

SUBARU Full Forms

  1. Stall Usable, But All Rusty Underneath
  2. Still Usable But All Rusted Underneath
  3. Still Usable But All Rusty Unperneath Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  4. Schwache Und Banale Arbeit Ramponiert Unfallstatistik
  5. Sometimes Useful But Always Really Underpowered Funnies
  6. Screwed Up Beyond All Repair Usually Car, Car Brand, Cars, Funny, Fun, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  7. Sorry Unreal Bonzai Attempt at a Russian U Funnies
  8. Screwed Up Beyond All Repair, Usuamly Forum, Car, Invention
  9. Still Usable But All Rusty Underneath Fun, Automotive Humour, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  10. Send Undercover Boat and Radioactive Uranium Fun, Automotive Humour, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  11. Sorta Ugly But Altogether Really Unique
  12. Shift Up, Because Always Revs Unnecessarily Car
  13. Super Uper Beats A Rally Unit Funnies
  14. Super Units Bumping Along Roads Unpaved
  15. Stupid Urbanites Bumbling Along Roads Unpaved Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUBARU stand for?

    SUBARU stands for Sorry Unreal Bonzai Attempt at a Russian U.

  2. What is the shortened form of Send Undercover Boat and Radioactive Uranium?

    The short form of "Send Undercover Boat and Radioactive Uranium" is SUBARU.


SUBARU. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated