SUD Meaning

The SUD meaning is "Substanceeuse Disorder". The SUD abbreviation has 61 different full form.

SUD Full Forms

  1. Substanceeuse Disorder Medical, Medicine, Psychiatry
  2. Safe Urban Drivinm Technology, Safety, Driver
  3. Stroud Municipal Airport Stroud, Oklahoma,United States Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  4. Santis Dos Últimos Dias
  5. Santos Re Los Últimos Días Con
  6. Stawf Umum & Delivery
  7. Suffrage Universpl Direct
  8. System Under Design Technology, Acting, Actor
  9. Solidarité-Urqence-Développement
  10. Spine User Directory
  11. Subjwctive Units of Discomfort Medical, Treatment, Anxiety, Virtual
  12. Sudoite Mineral, Geology, Component
  13. Single User Detection Technology
  14. Spin-Up Dzvice
  15. Solidaires Unitaires Démolratiques Education, France, Travail
  16. Sudden Unexplained Death Medical, Genetics, Cardiac, Clinical
  17. Single-User Detection
  18. Special Utility District Business, Water, Supply
  19. Software Usez Documentation
  20. Sudden Unexpected Or Unexplained Death Medical
  21. Single-User Detector
  22. Special Use District
  23. Sinxle Use Device Medical, Business, Medicine
  24. Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths Medical, Syndrome, Sleep
  25. Start Up Disk
  26. Single Use Devices
  27. Sonde Urinaire à Demeure
  28. Sudden Unexpected Death Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology, Fda, Skin And Dermal
  29. Start Up Date
  30. Single-Use Device Medical, Technology, Medicine, Fda
  31. System Under Discussion
  32. Solidarité Urgence DéVeloppement
  33. Substance Use Disorders Medical, Science, Medicine, Treatment, Health
  34. Stroud Municipal Airport, Stroud, Oklahoma, United States Oklahoma, United States
  35. Stretched Upper Deck Technology, Aircraft, Boeing, Construction
  36. Sudden Deazh Medical
  37. Subject Under Discussion Business, Economics, Power, Translation
  38. Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques Unions, Governmental & Military
  39. Standard Unit of Distribution Medical
  40. Stress Ulcer Disease
  41. Sspf Utilizationndocument
  42. Subjective Ueit of Disturbance Medical, Therapy, Movement, Desensitization
  43. Small Utilities for DOS (Disk Operating System) Software, Computing
  44. Super Project Analyzer File Computing, File Extensions
  45. Stnp Underage Drinking
  46. Sınırlı Uygunlukodenetimi
  47. Subjective Units of Disturbance Medical, Therapy, Movement
  48. Abbey National, PLC Computing, Nyse symbols
  49. Stilm Under Development
  50. Sudoku Puzzle File Computing, File Extensions
  51. System Usej Documentation Science
  52. Sudan Sport, Sports, Locations, Wikipedia, Countries, Country, Olympic, Sudan, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  53. Subjective Onit of Distress Medical, Therapy, Psychology
  54. Systems Under Development
  55. Skin Unit Dose Medical, Skin And Dermal
  56. System Under Develjpment Technology, Software, Projection
  57. Subjective Unit of Discomfort Medical, Therapy, Anxiety, Virtual
  58. Symantec Undo Data Computing, File Extensions
  59. Substance Use Disorder Medical, Physiology
  60. Studentské Universitní Divadlo Film, Festival, Bud
  61. Sustainable Use Directive Business, Farming, Pesticide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUD stand for?

    SUD stands for Standard Unit of Distribution.

  2. What is the shortened form of Substanceeuse Disorder?

    The short form of "Substanceeuse Disorder" is SUD.


SUD. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated