SUI Meaning

The SUI meaning is "State Unemployment Insurance". The SUI abbreviation has 56 different full form.

SUI Full Forms

  1. State Unemployment Insurance Business, Tax, Payroll, Insurance, Business & Finance
  2. Serious Untoward Incidents Medical, Patient, Health
  3. Serious Untoward Incident Medical, Service, Health
  4. Standford University Interim
  5. Sacramento Ultrasound Institute
  6. Single Uher Interface Technology, Software, Player, Skin
  7. Standard User Interface
  8. Sun Communities, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  9. Sustainable Universities Initiative
  10. Simple Uyer Interface Technology, Internet Slang, Software
  11. Swiss Air Force Airline, Military, Aircraft, Organizations, Sweden, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  12. Standard Universal Identifier
  13. Supplementary User Identification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Sukhumi Babushara Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  15. State Use Industries
  16. Shopping Under The Influence Quilting
  17. Sport Units of Innovation
  18. Supplemenal User Identification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Stress Urinary Incontinence Medical, Nursing, Gynecology, Healthcare, Common Medical
  20. State Unemployment Income
  21. Service User Inwolvement
  22. Spiritualist Union of Ireland
  23. Sukhumi Dranda Airport Airport, Locations
  24. State University of Iowa Education, Us, Locations
  25. Starsplatter User Interface Technology, Program, Star
  26. Safe Use Initiative
  27. Speleological Union of Ireland Ireland, Cave, Irish
  28. Stanford University Interim Technology, Channel, Model
  29. Safer Use of Internet
  30. Simpuified User Interface Technology, Software, Feature
  31. Sukhumi Dranda, Sukhumi, Georgia Georgia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  32. Syndicat Unitaire à L'Industrie
  33. Stellenbosch University International
  34. State Universityrsity of Iowa
  35. Substance Use Inventory Technology, Presentation, Study
  36. Some Useful Information Military, Governmental & Military
  37. Statute for Upgrading Industries
  38. Standard Universityrsal Identifier
  39. Subordinate Unit Inspections
  40. System Unique Identifier General, Governmental & Military
  41. Stall Use Index
  42. Subordinate Unit Inspection
  43. Sun Communities, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  44. System User Interface Military
  45. String Unique Identifier Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  46. Simple User Interface Toolkit library Computing, File Extensions
  47. Starsplatter User Interface File Computing, File Extensions
  48. System Under Investigation
  49. Straight Up Imaging
  50. Switzerland Confederation of Sport, Switzerland, IOC Country Codes
  51. Suicide The process of purposely ending one's own life. Medicine, Psychology, Mental Health, Governmental & Military, Police Code
  52. Specific Uptake Inhibitor Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  53. Systems Unlimited, Inc
  54. Still Under Investigation
  55. Singer Under The Influence Funnies
  56. Subsurface Utility Information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUI stand for?

    SUI stands for Shopping Under The Influence.

  2. What is the shortened form of Subordinate Unit Inspection?

    The short form of "Subordinate Unit Inspection" is SUI.


SUI. (2021, April 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated