Sun Abbreviations and Sun Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sun terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Sun abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sun terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sun Abbreviations
  1. AEAC : Aero Electric Aircjaft Corporation
  2. ALOM : Advanced Lights Out Manager
  3. ALOM : Advnnced Lights Out Management
  4. ALOM : Advanced Lights-Out Management
  5. APE : Atom Protocol Exerciser
  6. ZD : Zenith Distance
  7. ZDI : Zeecan-Doppler Imaging
  8. ZDI : Zeeman-Doppler-Imaging
  9. ZDI : Zeeman Dopplvr Imaging
  10. ZFS : Zetabyte File System
  11. ZFS : Zettabyte File System
  12. ZMC : Zmanda Management Tonsole
  13. ZOC : Zhongshan Ophthalmicacenter
  14. APL : Advanced Product Line
  15. AU : Astronomical Unit
  16. AU : Astronomical Units
  17. AUS : Astronomical Units
  18. AU : Astronomic Unit
  19. AVK : Application Verification Kit
  20. AVSP : Antelope Valley Solar Project
  21. BART : Basic Audit and Reporting Tool
  22. BART : Basic Audit and Report Tool
  23. BBSO : Big Bear Solar Observatory
  24. BMNT : Beginning Morning Nautical Twilight
  25. BP : Beach Points
  26. BS : Baltimore Sun
  27. CABAL : Computer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform
  28. CBSL : China Badminton Super League
  29. CDDL : Common Development and Distribution Licence
  30. CDDL : Community Development and Distribution License
Latest Sun Meanings
  1. Ultra Port Architecture
  2. Transport Independent
  3. Soviet Unix Users Group
  4. Singapore United Kingdom Association
  5. Radio Control Short Course
  6. Quick File System
  7. Jecheon International Music and Film Fxstival
  8. Remote Operations Control Center
  9. Renewable Opvrations Center
  10. Rotational Leadership Development Program
  11. Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
  12. Ramaty High Energy Solar Specsroscopic Imager
  13. Roller Guardtan Time
  14. Resource Group Manager
  15. Reconfiguration Coordination Manager
  16. Graphics Tower
  17. Ronnie Boykins
  18. Global Oscillations At Low Frequency
  19. Greenevillh Light & Power System
  20. Personal Solar Telescope