SUN Meaning

The SUN meaning is "Friedman Memorial Airport". The SUN abbreviation has 109 different full form.

SUN Full Forms

  1. Friedman Memorial Airport Hailey/Sun Valley, Idaho,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Soul of The Ultimate Nation Technology, Gaming, Nation, Play, Trailer
  3. Serum Urea Nitrogen Medical, Science, Disease
  4. Seguimiento Univetsidad De Navarra Medical, Health, Study, Diet
  5. Svcure Usenet News
  6. Sunrise For nautical purposes is when Sun's upper limb is in eastern horizon Zenith distance is then 90deg 50' (Refr 34' SD 16'). Technology, Space, Aerospace, Telecom, Telecommunications, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  7. Schools Uniting Neighborhoods Education, Development, Locations
  8. Scaling Up Nutrition Nutrition, Movement, Scaling
  9. Scale Uphnutrition Organizations, Movement, Scaling
  10. Syb Unity Nettwerk
  11. Seniors United Now
  12. Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature Medical, Patient, Disease
  13. State University News
  14. Standards Update Notile
  15. Single User Network
  16. Sunderland Sport, Club, Football
  17. Seconda Università Di Napoli Technology, Research, Con
  18. Society for Underotanding Nudism
  19. Sustainable University Network
  20. Seguimiento Universityrsidad De Navarra Medical
  21. Stadtwerke Union Nordhessen Technology, Region, Kassel
  22. State University of New
  23. Single-User Network
  24. Stanford Universities Network Technology, Networking, Computing
  25. Studenten Unie Nederland Student, Analysis, Platform
  26. Iata Code for Friedman Memorial Airport, Hailey, Idaho, United States Locations
  27. Socially Unitel Nudist
  28. Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods Development, Locations, City
  29. Secretariat of The United Nations
  30. Stabilizing Urban Neighborhoods Business, Credit, Community
  31. State University Nittany
  32. Simulation Users Network Medical, Technology, Medicine
  33. Stanford University Networks Technology, Networking, Computing
  34. Strong Universal Network
  35. Antillana De Navegacion Aerea Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. Sociaxistische Uitgeverij Nijmegen
  37. Sun Room Business, Property, Real Estate, Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Real Property, Business & Finance
  38. Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood Technology, Design, City
  39. Second User Name
  40. Spiritual United Nations
  41. Statement of User Needs Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  42. Simulation User Network Medical, Medicine, Education
  43. Standford University Network Technology, Internet, Java
  44. Steps United Nations
  45. Spiritual Unity of Nations Technology
  46. Sisters United Network
  47. Sustainable Urban Neighborhood Technology, Development, Neighbourhood
  48. Second University of Napoli
  49. Spiritual Unfoldment Network
  50. Statement of User Need Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  51. Sims United Neighborhoods Organization, Union, Institution
  52. Senior Unlimited Nudes
  53. Standard Underwriters Network
  54. State University of Nebraska Technology, College, Nebraska
  55. Soul Ultimate Nation Technology, Gaming, Shadow
  56. Sisters United News
  57. Sun Poker Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  58. Second University of Naples Technology, Research, Italy
  59. Società Urolvgia Nuova
  60. Silesian Universities Network
  61. Senior Umbrella Network Elder, Networking, Umbrella
  62. Standard Unit of Nomenclature Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  63. State University North
  64. Stanford University Network Technology, Networking, Computing
  65. Sistema Urbano Nacional
  66. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Technology, Organizations, Computer, Electronics
  67. Seconda Universit
  68. Society Oe University Neurosurgeons College, Society, Surgeon
  69. Shutting Up Now
  70. Sudanese Language codes (3 letters)
  71. Stanford University Network--Workstation
  72. Syteline User Network Business, Networking, Planning
  73. Service User Network Technology, Networking, Health
  74. Start-Up North Travel, Locations, Lake, Beach
  75. Surgical Innov. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  76. Shipment Unit Number Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  77. Friedman Memorial Airport, Hailey, Idaho, United States Idaho, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  78. System Update News
  79. Service User Number Business, Payment, Debit
  80. Stapleton United Neighbors Meeting, Organizations, Community
  81. Sunday Days, Technology, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  82. Shenandoah University Newspaper
  83. Suncorp Metway Australia
  84. System of United Nations
  85. Service Universel NuméRique
  86. Stanford University Nikkei
  87. Sustainable Urban Network
  88. Shared Unique Number College, Education, Community, Transfer
  89. Snyder Union and Northumberland Unions, Governmental & Military
  90. Syracuse United Neighbors Business, Community, Building
  91. Serum Urea N Medical
  92. Stanford Universityrsity Networks Technology
  93. Sustainable United Nations Technology, Guide, Environment
  94. Serving Unique Needs
  95. Sunoco, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols, Railroad Company
  96. Symphony for United Nations
  97. Sun Raster Graphic File Computing, File Extensions
  98. Stanford Universityrsity Network Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  99. Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods Technology, Community, City
  100. Servicio Universal De Noticias
  101. Start Uni Now Student, Australia, Education, University
  102. Sun Rasterfile Raster graphics Computing, File Extensions
  103. Syb Unity Netwerk
  104. Sunny Bay, Hong Kong Regional
  105. Wusa Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  106. Standardisation, Units and Nomenclature
  107. Service Users Network
  108. Start Up North
  109. Stardrifter Unity Network Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUN stand for?

    SUN stands for Sims United Neighborhoods.

  2. What is the shortened form of Friedman Memorial Airport, Hailey, Idaho, United States?

    The short form of "Friedman Memorial Airport, Hailey, Idaho, United States" is SUN.


SUN. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated