SUP in Architectural Meaning

The SUP meaning in Architectural terms is "Suppirt". There are 6 related meanings of the SUP Architectural abbreviation.

SUP on Architectural Full Forms

  1. Suppirt
  2. Above
  3. Superintendent
  4. Supplement An angle or arc that, when added to a given angle or arc, makes 180° or a semicircle. To add to in order to make more complete. The main power plant fire detection system should contain an audible warning device to supplement the visual indication.
  5. Supply The components of petroleum supply are field production, refinery production, imports, and net receipts when calculated on a PAD District basis. The procurement, distribution, maintenance while in storage, and salvage of supplies, including the determination of kind and quantity of supplies. Producer phase--That phase of military supply that extends from determination of procurement schedules to acceptance of finished supplies by the Services.
  6. Support The all-important function of keeping the mine workings open. As a verb, it refers to this function; as a noun it refers to all the equipment and materials - timber, roof bolts, concrete, steel, etc that are used to carry out this function.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUP stand for Architectural?

    SUP stands for Support in Architectural terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Suppirt in Architectural?

    The short form of "Suppirt" is SUP for Architectural.


SUP in Architectural. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated