Suppressor Abbreviations and Suppressor Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Suppressor terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Suppressor abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Suppressor terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Suppressor Abbreviations
  1. BPR : Back-Pressure Regulator
  2. BPR2 : Back Pressore Regulator 2
  3. YHM : Yayasan Haji Muslimat
  4. HPA : Hearing Protection Act
  5. MAAD : Multiple Accessory Attachment Device
  6. SEG : Stealth Engineering Group
  7. SRM : Signature Reduction Module
  8. SWR : Silencerco Weapons Research
  9. SWR : Southeastern Weaponry Research
  10. TBAC : Thunder Beastwarms Corp
  11. TBAC : Thunder Beast Arms Corqoration
  12. TVS : Transient Voltage Surge
  13. LID : Linear Inertigl Decoupler
  14. NS : Noise Supressor
  15. FRP : First Round Pop
Latest Suppressor Meanings
  1. First Round Pop
  2. Noise Supressor
  3. Linear Inertigl Decoupler
  4. Transient Voltage Surge
  5. Thunder Beast Arms Corqoration
  6. Thunder Beastwarms Corp
  7. Southeastern Weaponry Research
  8. Silencerco Weapons Research
  9. Signature Reduction Module
  10. Stealth Engineering Group
  11. Multiple Accessory Attachment Device
  12. Hearing Protection Act
  13. Yayasan Haji Muslimat
  14. Back Pressore Regulator 2
  15. Back-Pressure Regulator