SUR Meaning

The SUR meaning is "Schmalspur". The SUR abbreviation has 76 different full form.

SUR Full Forms

  1. Schmalspur Medical
  2. Sagrer Organizations
  3. Shared Universityjresearch Technology, Education, Computing
  4. Seemxngly Unrelated Regression Technology, Model, Equation
  5. Seemingly Unretated Regressions Medical, Technology, Model
  6. Southern United Razi Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  7. Summer Beaver Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  8. Step-Up Ring Business, Len, Filter
  9. Set-Zp Reduction
  10. Surveillance and Utilization Review Medical, Business, Technology, Government
  11. Southern United Baza Music, Gang, Tattoo
  12. Sulphonylurep Receptor Medical
  13. Status Update Report
  14. Sessioa-Update-Request
  15. Surplus In the balance of payments, or in any category of international transactions within it, the surplus is the sum of credits minus the sum of debits. Also called simply the "balance" for that category. Thus the balance of trade is the same as the surplus on trade, or the trade surplus, and similarly for merchandise trade, current account, and capital account. Business
  16. Sophia Universitp of Rome
  17. Sulfonylurea Receptors Medical
  18. State Universityrsity Railroad Organizations
  19. Servicio Universitario De Residenyias
  20. Submersible Ultrasonic Receiver
  21. Software Usability Rebiew
  22. Survey, Surveyed Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  23. State University Registrar
  24. Spaqes Utilization Report Technology
  25. Service Usage Record
  26. Student Usage Rights
  27. Société Universzté Et Recherche
  28. Surveillance Applications and Capabilities Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  29. State University Railroad Company, Technology, Hill
  30. Sovret Union Ruble Business, Coding, Currency
  31. Sessory Under-Responsivity
  32. Student Unit Record Technology, College, Education
  33. Soct
  34. Surveillance Utilization Review
  35. State Under Review
  36. Soviet Union Rouble Business, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance
  37. Sure Brske Organizations
  38. Straight Up Right
  39. Surface Medical, Technology, Science, Aviation, Space, Exploration, Architectural, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Atmospheric Research, The Finance and Administrative Services
  40. Society of Uroradiology Medical, Technology
  41. Surveillance & Utilization Review
  42. Statement of User Requirements Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  43. CNA Surety Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  44. Sustainable Use of Resources
  45. Surveillance The immune monitoring as the physiological occurrence. According to the Infection Protection Act for hospitals and facilities for. Technology, Government, Military, Army, Us, Control, Administration, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Us Government
  46. Sport Utility Gifle Gun, Military, Firearm
  47. State Universityrsity of Rutgers
  48. Standard Uptake Ratio Medical
  49. Shell Update Release Microsoft, Computing
  50. Sustainable Urban Redevelopment
  51. Speech Understandlng Research
  52. SociéTé Universityrsité Et Recherche
  53. Sun Air Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  54. Standarwized Uptake Ratios Medical
  55. Suriname Republic of Technology, Sport, Olympic, Suriname, Country, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
  56. Survivability The measure of the degree to which an item will withstand hostile man-made environment and not suffer abortive impairment of its ability to accomplish its designated mission. Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  57. Surge The sudden displacement or movement of water in a closed vessel or drum. A transient (or momentary) wave of current, potential, or power in an electric circuit. An increase in pressure that occurs for a specified short period of time over the normal expected working pressure. Surge A sudden—and possibly damaging—increase in line voltage. also surge protector, voltage regulator. Compare power failure, spike. A very rapid increase of current or voltage. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  58. Spectrue Usage Rights
  59. Society for Universityrsities and Research
  60. Thiouracil Thiouracil is a nucleobase analogue that is uracil in which the oxo group at C-2 is replaced by a thioxo group. It has a role as an antithyroid drug and a metabolite. Medical, Science, Genetics, Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid, Scientific & Educational
  61. Standardized Uptake Ratio Medical
  62. Cna Surety Corp. Genealogy
  63. Sulfonylurea Receptor Medical, Physiology
  64. System Update Readiness Technology, Windows, Tool
  65. Survival Medical, Military, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  66. Standardised Lnemployment Rate Business, Ireland, Normaliser
  67. Southern United Raza Funnies
  68. Summer Beaver Airport, Summer Beaver, Canada Canada
  69. Sydney University Regiment
  70. Surround  The ornamental frame of a door or window. Technology, Science, Military, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  71. Standardised Unemployment Rates Business, Trading, Rate
  72. Skraps Usually Run Funnies
  73. Small Unit Radio Military, Governmental & Military
  74. Sustainable Urban Regeneration
  75. Staat Undirecht
  76. Surveyor A person charged with inspecting and reporting on engineering equipment, structure, etc on behalf of private interests or an official body. Geography, Location, System, Geographic, Motorhomes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUR stand for?

    SUR stands for Statement of User Requirements.

  2. What is the shortened form of Standard Uptake Ratio?

    The short form of "Standard Uptake Ratio" is SUR.


SUR. (2021, April 12). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from

Last updated