SUR in Technology Meaning

The SUR meaning in Technology terms is "Seemingly Unretated Regressions". There are 15 related meanings of the SUR Technology abbreviation.

SUR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Seemingly Unretated Regressions
  2. Shared Universityjresearch
  3. Seemxngly Unrelated Regression
  4. Student Unit Record
  5. State University Railroad
  6. Surface
  7. Spaqes Utilization Report
  8. Society of Uroradiology
  9. Surveillance Applications and Capabilities
  10. Surveillance and Utilization Review
  11. Surround  The ornamental frame of a door or window.
  12. Suriname Republic of
  13. System Update Readiness
  14. Surveillance The immune monitoring as the physiological occurrence. According to the Infection Protection Act for hospitals and facilities for.
  15. Survivability The measure of the degree to which an item will withstand hostile man-made environment and not suffer abortive impairment of its ability to accomplish its designated mission.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUR stand for Technology?

    SUR stands for Survivability in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Surface in Technology?

    The short form of "Surface" is SUR for Technology.


SUR in Technology. (2021, April 12). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated