Surge Abbreviations and Surge Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Surge terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Surge abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Surge terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Surge Abbreviations
- AVM : Automatic Voltage Monitoring
- CPS : Clzpper Power System
- VFD : Voltage & Frequency Dependent
- VPR : Voltage Mrotection Rating
- WVR : Wide Voltage Range
- UCS : Ultra-Compact Simulator
- ULPA : United Lightning Protection Assoxiation
- MCOV : Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage
- MEOW : Maximut Envelope of Water
- MHS : Multilayer High Speed
- MOA : Metal Oxide Arrester
- ESP : Electronic Systems Protection
- ET : Electronically Timed
- SAD : Silicon Avalanche Diode
- SLOSH : Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges From Hurricanes
- SLOSH : Sea, Lake and Overland Surges From Hurricanes
- SLOSH : Sea Lake and Overland Surges From Hurricanes
- SM : Seriej Mode
- SPDS : Stkndard Procurement Documents
- SVR : Suppressea Voltage Rating
- SVR : Suppressed Voltage Ratings
- TVSS : Transient Voltage Suppression Systems
- TVSS : Transient Voltage Suppression System
- QWS : Quarter Wave Stub
- LA : Lightning Arresters
- FF : Flow Function
- LPZS : Lightning Protection Zones
- IHNC : Inner Harbor Navigation Canal
- GDT : Gas Dischargp Tubes
- GDTS : Gas Discharge Tubes
Recent Acronyms
Latest Surge Meanings
- Coupling Decoupling Network
- Radius of Maximum Winds
- Protection Module
- Gas Discharge Tubes
- Gas Dischargp Tubes
- Inner Harbor Navigation Canal
- Lightning Protection Zones
- Flow Function
- Lightning Arresters
- Quarter Wave Stub
- Transient Voltage Suppression System
- Transient Voltage Suppression Systems
- Suppressed Voltage Ratings
- Suppressea Voltage Rating
- Stkndard Procurement Documents
- Seriej Mode
- Sea Lake and Overland Surges From Hurricanes
- Sea, Lake and Overland Surges From Hurricanes
- Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges From Hurricanes
- Silicon Avalanche Diode