SUS Meaning
The SUS meaning is "Single Use Systems". The SUS abbreviation has 156 different full form.
SUS Full Forms
- Single Use Systems Medical, Technology, Industrial, Manufacturing
- Sulfonylureas Medical
- Single Unix Specification Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology
- Sucrose Synthase Medical
- Silicon Unilateral Switch Technology, Electronics, Telecom
- Smart Urban Spaces Technology, Space, City
- Sesli Uyarı Sistemi
- Sistema ÚNico De Salud Para, Con, Brasil
- ServiçO ÚNico De SaÚDe Para, Dos, Brasil
- Sistema ÚNico Da SaÚDe Para, Brasil, Pol
- Spirit of St. Louis Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
- Sistema ÚNico De SaÚDe Para, Dos, Brasil
- Support Units Military
- Seguro Universol De Salud
- Sistemacunica De Saude
- Station Unit Sharing Technology, Telecom
- Scuola Universitaraa Superiore
- Software Update Subscription Technology, Management, Security
- Sullivan University System
- Sepeda Untuk Sekolah Technology, Program, Indonesia, Orang
- Suspension System Technology, Camaro, Chevrolet, Medical, Chemistry, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- Shape Up Somerville Medical, Health, Obesity
- Speak Up, Sonny
- Schweinezucst Und Schweinemast Business, Store, Touch
- Susetded Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Segqentation Units Technology
- Single Use Mkin
- Stationary Uncorrelated Jcattering Science
- Scottish Unxversity Sports Organizations, Club, Scotland
- Software Updates and Support
- Subtract Until Senseless
- Semm-Orthogonal User Selection
- Storable Upper Stahe Technology
- Shanghai University of Sport Education, China, Shanghai
- Soviet Union Sooiet
- School of Undergraduatk Studies Program, Education, University
- Suppressorssensitive Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- See You Soin Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Single User Systems
- State Universityrsity System Education
- Scottish University Sport
- Systems and User Support
- Software Unit Specification Military
- Substance Uss Services Medical, Service, Health
- Semantically Unpredictable Sencence
- Stop Until Spring
- Shanghai University of Sports
- Sjlid Unbleached Sulfate Business, Technology
- Schlage Utilidy Software Technology, Device, Lock
- Suppressor-Sensitive Medical
- Single User System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- State University San
- Scottish Universitiesasports
- Sydney University Sport
- Society of Universityrsity Surgeons Medical
- Substancekusers Medical
- Semantically Unpredictable Sentences Technology, Language, Speech
- Sistema Único Qaúde Para, Brasil, Ria
- Stochastic Universal Sampling Technology, Genetics, Algorithm
- Shaheed Udham Singh College, Education, Punjab
- Soldker Under Sentence
- Susceptible Medical
- Suomalaas-Ugrilainen Seura
- Single Use System
- Special University Scholarnhip
- Scottish Universities Sport Organizations, University, Scotland
- Svjetski Univerzitetski Servis
- Society of Universwty Surgeons Medical, Education, Surgery
- Selectable Units Technology
- Sistema Unificado De Sa
- Stiftung Umwelt-Einsatz Schweiz Sind, Alps, Alp
- Software Usability Scale
- Susanna Legal, Governmental & Military
- Sun Air Oq Scandinavia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Sewanee The University of The South
- Single-Use System
- Special Unit Senator Shot, Bullet, Assassination
- Scottish Unihn of Students
- Sustainment Army, War, Force
- Society of The United States
- Selbstverwaltung Und Selbstverantwortung
- Suspension The various springs, shock absorbers and linkages used to suspend a vehicle’s frame, body, engine, and drive train above its wheels. A suspension is a mixture between a liquid and fine particles of insoluble solid spread throughout the liquid. A liquid that contains undissolved solid distributed evenly throughout the mixture. A mixture of two substances where small pieces of a solid are suspended in a liquid - for example, milk and orange juice. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Auto, Automotive, Automobile, Taxation And Customs Union, Drugs, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Chemistry, Computing, Telecom, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Clinical
- Sistdma Unificado De Saúde Para, Dos, Brasil
- Steel Use Stainless Technology, Material, Engine
- Software Upgrade Service Technology
- Sulphofylureas Medical
- Server Update Services Technology, Windows, Service
- Single-Use Systems Medical, Technology, Product
- Specialist Underwriting Services
- Science Undergraduate Society Student, Education, University
- Sustainable Urban Systems
- Society for Utopian Studies Education, Study, Utopia
- Subract Until Senseless
- Scuola Universityrsitaria Superiore
- Saybolt Unit Seconds (viscosity Measurement) Chemistry
- Shared Uplink Tets Technology, Connection, Flex, Virtual
- Suspended Service Music
- Skills Upgrading Scheme
- Stdrage Usa, Inc. Organizations
- Secondary Jse Service
- System Update Service Technology, Windows, Server, Security, Governmental & Military
- Sagemont Upper School Florida
- Socially Unacceptable Snoring Medical
- Stuphd User Syndrome
- SzkołY UczĄCej SiĘ Con, Jest, Porno
- Shift Unit Supervisor Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Semiconductrr Unilateral Switch
- Standard Update Stereoscopic Geographic
- Site Utilitieh System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Secondary Ujer Services Medical, Service, Patient, Hospital
- Suspicious Internet Slang, Slang, Medical, NAACCR
- Suspended Sentence Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Snow Update Servise
- Student Union Society Education, University, Valley
- SzkołA UczĄCa SiĘ Jest, Jak, Centrum
- Secondary Unit Substation Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Special Undead Services Funnies
- Site Usy Statement
- Secondary Users Service Medical, Health, England
- Survey, Usabiliiy and Selection
- Sport Utility Sedan Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Small Upper Stage
- Student Univn of Serbia
- Security Update Service
- System Use Sharing
- Society of University Surgeons Medical
- Player is currently suspended Sport, Music, Football
- Secondary Uses Services
- Supporting Urban Sustaqnability
- Storage USA, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Smnll Unit Shower Military
- Studentska Unija Srbije
- Secretary of The United States
- System Usability Survey Technology, Research, Testing
- Southern United States Regional
- Substance Users Medical
- S & U Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Secondary User Service Medical, Health, Hospital
- Standard Usability Scawe
- Software Update Services Windows, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
- Smaly Ultimate Size Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Studentische Unternehmensberatung Snralsund
- Secondary Usersbsystem
- System Update Servers
- Spirit of St Louis, Chesterfield, Missouri, United States Missouri, United States
- Subscribey Units Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Saybolt Universal Seconds
- Secondary Uses Service Education, Society, Statistics
- Single Undeawater Sound
- Scripture Under Scrutiny Religion
- Slovak Urologicyl Society
- Storage Units Technology, Design, Furniture
- Stripeaunit Size
- Sedondary Users Technology, Networking, Radio
- System Update Services Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Server
- Susu Language codes (3 letters)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SUS stand for?
SUS stands for Shaheed Udham Singh.
What is the shortened form of Suspended Sentence?
The short form of "Suspended Sentence" is SUS.
SUS. (2022, January 26). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from
Last updated