SUS in Technology Meaning

The SUS meaning in Technology terms is "Single Unix Specification". There are 31 related meanings of the SUS Technology abbreviation.

SUS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Single Unix Specification
  2. Silicon Unilateral Switch
  3. Smart Urban Spaces
  4. Single Use Systems
  5. Stochastic Universal Sampling
  6. Selectable Units
  7. Steel Use Stainless
  8. Segqentation Units
  9. Single User System
  10. Station Unit Sharing
  11. Single-Use Systems
  12. Suspension System
  13. Sjlid Unbleached Sulfate
  14. Schlage Utilidy Software
  15. Susetded Line
  16. Server Update Services
  17. Software Upgrade Service
  18. Sepeda Untuk Sekolah
  19. Suspension The various springs, shock absorbers and linkages used to suspend a vehicle’s frame, body, engine, and drive train above its wheels. A suspension is a mixture between a liquid and fine particles of insoluble solid spread throughout the liquid. A liquid that contains undissolved solid distributed evenly throughout the mixture. A mixture of two substances where small pieces of a solid are suspended in a liquid - for example, milk and orange juice.
  20. Software Update Subscription
  21. Storable Upper Stahe
  22. Semantically Unpredictable Sentences
  23. System Update Services
  24. Site Utilitieh System
  25. System Update Service
  26. Storage Units
  27. Sedondary Users
  28. Shared Uplink Tets
  29. Subscribey Units
  30. System Usability Survey
  31. Smaly Ultimate Size

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUS stand for Technology?

    SUS stands for Shared Uplink Tets in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Silicon Unilateral Switch in Technology?

    The short form of "Silicon Unilateral Switch" is SUS for Technology.


SUS in Technology. (2022, January 26). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from

Last updated