SUV in Funnies Meaning

The SUV meaning in Funnies terms is "Sport Utility Volvo". There are 32 related meanings of the SUV Funnies abbreviation.

SUV on Funnies Full Forms

  1. Sport Utility Volvo
  2. Stupid Unsafe Vehicle
  3. Sluggish Unbearable Vendor
  4. Sheep United for Victory
  5. Spinal Utility Vehicle
  6. Senseless Urban Vulgarity
  7. Shiny Unused Vehicle
  8. Satanic Urban Vehicle
  9. Supercharged Unstopable Vehicle
  10. Stupendously Useless Vehicle
  11. Stylish Urban Vehicle
  12. Son of Ugh Vitch
  13. Snobs' Upperclass Van
  14. Shut Up Vehicle
  15. Smelly Utility Vehicle
  16. Seriously Useful Vehicle
  17. Senseless Urban Vehicle
  18. Soccermom's Ugly Van
  19. Square Underpowered Vehicle
  20. Sausage Under Veils
  21. Squashes Uther Vehicles
  22. Simply Useless Vehicle
  23. Some Useful Virtues
  24. Stupendously Ugly Vehicle
  25. Spectacularly Ugly Vehicle
  26. Slightly Upgraded Van
  27. Supremely Unwieldly Vehicle
  28. Social Urban Vanity
  29. Supercilious Universal Vanity
  30. Supremely Useless Vehicle
  31. Shameful Unregulated Vehicle
  32. Stuck Up Vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SUV stand for Funnies?

    SUV stands for Supremely Unwieldly Vehicle in Funnies terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sausage Under Veils in Funnies?

    The short form of "Sausage Under Veils" is SUV for Funnies.


SUV in Funnies. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated