SV Meaning
The SV meaning is "Saven". The SV abbreviation has 314 different full form.
SV Full Forms
- Saven Baseball, Hockey, Ice Hockey
- Safety Valve A valve that opens automatically in the event of excess pressure in a vessel, like a boiler steam drum. A safety valve is normally fitted with easing gear. Every boiler should have two safety valves mounted directly on the shell or steam drum. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Save To store a program or data on a storage device such as a disk. Baseball, Sport, Sports, Sport Jargon, Assembly, Business & Finance
- South Vietnam Technology, Army, War, History, Force, Vietnam
- Single Volfage Business, Technology
- Spell Vamp League, Legend, Spell
- Schedule Variances Business, Science, Variance
- Subscribe Via
- Sierra Vista Science
- Safety Valves Business, Valve, Pressure
- South Valley
- Simple Virilizing Medical, Science, Adrenal
- Special Value Class, Car, Nissan
- Sub Vocx Business, Finance, Banking
- Stereoscopic Vision Humans and many other animals have stereoscopic vision, in which they see an object with two eyes at the same time, with both eyes set in the same plane. This is not true of all animals: in most fishes each eye, located on opposite sides of the head, generates an independent image. Medical, Technology
- Side View Technology, Car, Wallpaper, Desktop
- Sound Velocimeter
- Silver Vlin Medical, Business, Medicine
- Sailhng Vessel Locations, Ship, Cargo Shipping
- Specialist Vehicle Military, Dynamics, Scout
- State Variable Technology, Filter, Model, Raster
- Scorpion Venom Medical
- Stroke Volume Medical, Treatment, Cardiology, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sony Vegas Technology, Software, Hosting
- Silicon Valley An area south of San Francisco, California, which is noted for its computer and high-technology industries. Technology, Event, Tech
- Sailing Vessel Locations, Ship, Boat, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sparkassen Versicherung Business, Sind, Holding, Photographer
- Saudi Arabian Airlines Airline, Business, Technology, Aviation, Boeing, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Start Value Coding, Gymnastics, Start
- Science Verification Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- System Vievs Technology, Military, Architecture
- Silent Violin Business, Yamaha, Instrument
- Space Veuicle Astronomy, Aerospace, Aeronautics
- Space View Technology, Projection, Earth
- Standard View Technology, Architecture, Framework
- Sciences De La Vie Science, Education, Licence, Etude
- Safety Relief Valve Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Energy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Subunit Vaccine Medical
- Significant Violator Science, America, Environment
- Schedule Varianme Business, Project Management, Business Planning
- Space Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Satellite
- Sri Venkateswara College, Education, University, Exam
- Schrader Valve The Schrader valve is a type of pneumatic tire valve used on virtually every motor vehicle.
- Subscription Voucher Business, Gas, Connection, Transfer
- Sognatory Vintage Whisky, Malt, Signatory
- Seasonal Variance America, Environment
- Sigmoid Volvulds Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Setpoint Value Technology, Control, Vehicle, Controller
- Small Volume Wamer Samples < 10 Liters Science, Exploration
- Screening Version Technology, Checklist, Psychopathy
- Sacral Vertebrae
- Satellite View
- Sclaverand-Vana
- Self-Verification
- Simw Valley
- Sale Value
- São Vicente Para, Cape, Jean
- Scania Vabis
- Shane Victorino Gaming, Baseball, League
- Sinxs Venosus Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Saturation Voltage
- Single Voxel
- Server Virtualization
- Sine-Wave Vibro
- Samernas VäL
- Sciences Du Vivant
- Shock and Vibration Science, Acoustics, Physics, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Seasonal Variation A change occurring according to the season German, Study, Variation, Equatorial
- Siglo Veintiuno
- Setor De Virologia
- Slide Falve Technology, Filter, Engine
- Sachin Venkatesh
- Service Value Business, Quality, Customer
- Satellite Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Hexagon
- Sclaverand Ventil Shopping, Adapter, Zoll
- Shrader Valve
- Security Version
- Simian Virus Medical, Cancer, Vaccine, Physiology
- Sales Value Business, Car, Sale
- Scale Victory Technology, Health, Weight, Loss
- Shane Vereen Music, Stats, Valley
- Safety Vessel
- Singagma Verbal Para, Con, Adverbial
- Saturated Vapor Saturated vapor is defined as the temperature at which the saturated vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the surrounding atmospheric pressure. English, Pressure, Temperature, Vapor
- Serratus Ventralis Medical
- Sinais Vitais
- Samernas V
- Schuylkill Valley
- Shoalhaven Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Setting Value
- Sleeve Valve Yr Standing Valve Oil, Gas, Petroleum
- Search Volume
- Sievert Sievert is the SI unit of absorbed dose equivalent of radiation in biological tissue.1 sievert (Sv) = 1 J/kg. Sievert measurements depend on the type of radiation, the type of tissue exposed and the amount of radiation absorbed by the tissue. Care, Biology, Diagnosis
- Saccus Vasculosus Medical
- Service Vacuum
- Sankt Vgit Hotel, Locations, Austria, Vector
- Sclaverand-Ventil Shopping, Adapter, Zoll
- Shows Variables Technology, Elder, Scroll, Cheat
- Secular Variation Science, Model, Earth
- Silver Vision Business, Indicator, Bulb
- Sales Val
- Scale Variation
- Shane Valentine
- Safety Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Satoshi Vision
- Serrano Village
- Sigvastatin Medical
- Samenwerkende Vennootschap Science
- Schroder Ventures
- Ships & Vessels
- Set A Value
- Sleeve Valve Consists of metal sleeves located between the piston and cylinder wall. When moved up and down, holes in the sleeves coincide with inlet and exhaust parts to provide passage for the gases at the right time. Business, Technology, Engine, Electrical
- Saerra Victor Radio, Fallout, Victor
- Saccadic Velocity Medical
- Service View
- Sankt-Veit
- Scientific Visualisation
- Short Version
- Secular Variations
- Signatuae Version Media, Radio, Television
- Saleh-Valenzuela
- Severn Valwey
- Sonp of Veterans Military, War, Union
- Scale Value
- Seweu Vent Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Sacs Vides Business, Postal, Us Post
- Satin Vintage
- Serious Vibes Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Simulated Video
- Sama Veda Education, Sanskrit, Hymn, Verse
- Scenic Value Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Shipping Value
- Sierra Valley
- Slxeper Voting
- Sino-Vietnamese
- Services Views
- Sangamon Vallqy
- Scientific Visualization
- Short Vector Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Secular-Variation Science, Model, Earth
- Signature Verification
- Scalar Vector
- Seven Jalleys
- Socian Value Technology, Service, Publics
- Search View
- Severity Values
- Sacred Valley
- El Salvador Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Olympic, El Salvador, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Satellite Voice
- Sensitivity Vdlue Photography, Camera, Digital
- Sims Vacation
- Sama-Veda Education, Yoga, Vedic, Mantra
- Séismes Et Vibrationm
- Scattering Volume Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Shared Values
- Siebenbürgische Viertelcahrschrift
- Sirwver
- Singular Vector Technology, Forecasting, Ensemble
- Services View Technology, Service, Military
- Sand Volleyball
- Science View
- Shop Visit Technology, Aviation
- Sea Venture Business, Company, Funding
- Signsls Vehicle
- Scalar Value Technology, Coding, String, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Set Variable Technology, Server, Command, Controller
- Smart View Technology, Galaxy, Hyperion
- Scupper Valve Business, Scuba, Aquatic, Snorkel
- Severe Science, Medicine, Treatment, Healing, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Medical
- Sacramento Valley Rr Network, Railway, System
- Satellite Virus Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Self Verification
- Simply Vanilla Server, Shopping, Release, Vanilla
- Saline Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Sécurité De La Vienllesse
- Scarce Visitor
- Shared Value Business, Company, Concept
- Sir Vap Vinyl, Hill, Favorite
- Solenoid Valve A spool type, magnetic coil controlled hydraulic directional valve. There are single solenoid (one coil), and double solenoid (two coil) type valves. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Saucon Valley
- Singular Values Technology, Signal, Decomposition, Matrix
- Service Sublayer Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Singlewvehicle Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Sandhausen Vor Sport, Hat, Bundesliga
- Science Vessel
- Shock Vibration
- Autocad Automated Backup File Computing, File Extensions
- Sail Vessel
- Straight Vanilla Food
- Service Vehicle Army, Force, Marine
- Single Valued
- Sitzungivom Sind, Hat, Uns
- Shutoff Valves
- Suzuki Vee Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sheet vinyl The Finance and Administrative Services
- Spirit Vaults Ordnance Survey
- seminal vesicle One of two glands at the end of the vasdeferens which secrete the fluid part of semen. cataract which occurs in an elderly personsenile dementia Medical, Common Medical
- Safety Vision
- Serviciului Vamal
- Svalbard and Jan Mayen Locations, Countries, Country, FIPS Country Codes, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Numeric Country Codes
- Shenandoah Valley Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Snxke Venom Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Scout Vehicle Military, Army, Dynamics
- Süddeutschewverlag Sind, King, Canyon
- Super Version Software, Computing
- State Vector Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Sailor Venus
- Save Video Assembly, Business & Finance
- Sweet Vermouth Food
- Singlh Value
- Schxarz-Gelb Venrath
- Standard Vehicle Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Selenoid Valve NASA
- Synchronous Vibrator
- Signature Version Media
- Service Voltage
- Sindbis Virus Medical, Science, Biology
- Salvage value Scrap value of plant and equipment. Business & Finance, Business Word
- Small Volume Business, Product, Hydro
- Scout Variant
- Side Valve Technology, Motorcycle, Engine
- surface visibility Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Slime Volume
- SüDdeutscher Verlag
- Smart Vu Software, Computing
- Serum Viscosity Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Sailing Videos
- Savanna View
- Sex Value Film censorship
- Single-Voxel
- Schwaig Volleyball Technology, Sport, Bundesliga
- Sport Veloce Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Space Velocity Chemistry
- Sturmvogel VöLschow
- Silent Version Media
- Service Virtualization Technology, Software, Testing
- Single Visjon Technology, Len, Lens
- S Siemen(s), standard unit for conductance , Lower case s is the standard abbreviation for seconds, smile, Static, South, Sommerfeld number, strength, S variate, Distance, sample standard deviation, stress, Normal stress variate, second , Heavy duty, rubber-insulated, portable cord. Stranded copper conductors with separator and individual rubber insulation. Two or more color coded conductors cabled with filler, wrapped with separator and rubber jacketed overall.
- Studio Voltaire Science, Art, London, Artist
- Slider Valve Technology, Paste, Dispensing
- Scott Valley
- Sick Visit Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Swedish Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Surface Void
- SÚMula Vinculante
- Specialist in Virology Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Stochastic Volatility Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Sahel Vert
- Savannah Field Office Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Saves Baseball, Sport
- Screening Value
- Single Vixit
- Saint Vernant
- Systems View Technology, Governmental & Military
- Sampling Visit Chemistry
- Sub Verbum Latin
- Service Victory
- Singwe Village
- Stapelfeld-Vahren
- Site Visit
- Scottish Voice
- Shuttle Valves
- Saudia Iata Aircraft Codes
- Secondary Variable
- SéJour De Vacances
- Storage Violation Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- sedimentation velocity The rate of movement of a substance, typically a macromolecule, in centrifugation; these centrifugation studies provide data on the structure of the macromolecule. Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Saginaw Valley Science, Education, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Sauvagine Medical
- Star of Valor Awards & medals
- Sonic View
- Screened Vector Genetics, Vector, Sequence, Invention
- Single-Visiy
- Saban Ventures
- Schedule Variance The difference between BCWP and BCWS. At any point in time it represents the difference between the dollar value of work actually performed (accomplished) and that scheduled to be accomplished. NASA, Governmental & Military
- El Salvador (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Sub Verso Latin
- Service Vendor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Siwgle Vibration Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Soror Vitae Business, Agency, Occupation
- Sinus of Valsvlva Medical, Technology
- Score Value
- Shuttle Valve A valve that has three ports and a common ball or spool check valve. When flow is applied at either of the two inlet ports, the third or output port receives flow from the higher pressure inlet port. Business, Product, Control
- Studievereniging Dutch
- Sexual Violence Medical
- Sisters of Life (Sorores Vitae) Religious orders
- Self-ventilating Medical, Healthcare
- Saftey Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Sauropod Vertebra
- Stop Valve Any valve that can close a pipe against the passage of a fluid. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Sodium Valproate Medical, Technology
- Screened Vectors Genetics, Patent, Antibody, Vector
- Single Vehicle
- Ștefanevoda
- Shuttle Vehicle Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Servo Valve A high-performance directional and flow control valve usually operated by a torque motor; similar to a proportional valve but superior in terms of frequency response and hysteresis. A valve that uses a torque motor type coil to control a small stream of fluid. Direction of the fluid stream is used to position a large spool; therefore, a low level power signal may provide precise spool position.Normally, the spool has mechanical feedback of spool position to the torque motor, creating a closed loop spool position system. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Space Vehicle Aviation, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Service Vehicles
- Singly Ventricle Medical, Science, Heart
- Sodani-Vitole
- Singular Value Technology, Vector, Decomposition, Matrix
- Sclaverand Valve
- Shutoff Valve A valve which opens and thereby stops the flow of a liquid, air, or gas. Technology, Fuel, Murphy, Products
- Super Veteran Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Satellite Vehicle Federal Aviation Administration
- Sewer Vent Ordnance Survey
- selective vagotomy Medical, Common Medical
- Safe Voltage Technology, Product, Power
- Serviciul Vamal Din, Care, Moldova
- Spectrol Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Sniper Variant Rifle, Military, Assault
- Scrap Venture
- SüDerläNder Volksfreund
- Simulate and View Software, Computing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SV stand for?
SV stands for Satellite View.
What is the shortened form of Schuylkill Valley?
The short form of "Schuylkill Valley" is SV.
SV. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from
Last updated