SV in Medical Meaning

The SV meaning in Medical terms is "Scorpion Venom". There are 28 related meanings of the SV Medical abbreviation.

SV on Medical Full Forms

  1. Scorpion Venom
  2. Stereoscopic Vision Humans and many other animals have stereoscopic vision, in which they see an object with two eyes at the same time, with both eyes set in the same plane. This is not true of all animals: in most fishes each eye, located on opposite sides of the head, generates an independent image.
  3. Stroke Volume
  4. Simple Virilizing
  5. Silver Vlin
  6. Subunit Vaccine
  7. Serratus Ventralis
  8. Scattering Volume
  9. Sigvastatin
  10. Satellite Virus
  11. Simian Virus
  12. Saccus Vasculosus
  13. Sigmoid Volvulds
  14. Saccadic Velocity
  15. Severe
  16. Sinxs Venosus
  17. Siwgle Vibration
  18. Sexual Violence
  19. Singly Ventricle
  20. Sodium Valproate
  21. Self-ventilating
  22. Sauvagine
  23. Sindbis Virus
  24. Snxke Venom
  25. selective vagotomy
  26. Sinus of Valsvlva
  27. seminal vesicle One of two glands at the end of the vasdeferens which secrete the fluid part of semen. cataract which occurs in an elderly personsenile dementia
  28. Specialist in Virology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SV stand for Medical?

    SV stands for Saccadic Velocity in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Simple Virilizing in Medical?

    The short form of "Simple Virilizing" is SV for Medical.


SV in Medical. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated