SV in Technology Meaning

The SV meaning in Technology terms is "Silicon Valley". There are 42 related meanings of the SV Technology abbreviation.

SV on Technology Full Forms

  1. Silicon Valley An area south of San Francisco, California, which is noted for its computer and high-technology industries.
  2. Sony Vegas
  3. Stereoscopic Vision Humans and many other animals have stereoscopic vision, in which they see an object with two eyes at the same time, with both eyes set in the same plane. This is not true of all animals: in most fishes each eye, located on opposite sides of the head, generates an independent image.
  4. Side View
  5. State Variable
  6. Standard View
  7. Saudi Arabian Airlines
  8. Space View
  9. Space Vehicles
  10. Single Volfage
  11. South Vietnam
  12. System Vievs
  13. Service Sublayer
  14. Seweu Vent
  15. Singular Vector
  16. Scale Victory
  17. Set Variable
  18. Solenoid Valve A spool type, magnetic coil controlled hydraulic directional valve. There are single solenoid (one coil), and double solenoid (two coil) type valves.
  19. Singular Values
  20. Screening Version
  21. Socian Value
  22. Setpoint Value
  23. Satellite Vehicles
  24. Smart View
  25. Scalar Value
  26. Slide Falve
  27. Shows Variables
  28. Sleeve Valve Consists of metal sleeves located between the piston and cylinder wall. When moved up and down, holes in the sleeves coincide with inlet and exhaust parts to provide passage for the gases at the right time.
  29. Services View
  30. Shop Visit
  31. Single Visjon
  32. Systems View
  33. Sodium Valproate
  34. Schwaig Volleyball
  35. Slider Valve
  36. Side Valve
  37. Sinus of Valsvlva
  38. Service Virtualization
  39. Shutoff Valve A valve which opens and thereby stops the flow of a liquid, air, or gas.
  40. Singular Value
  41. Service Vendor
  42. Safe Voltage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SV stand for Technology?

    SV stands for Sinus of Valsvlva in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Space Vehicles in Technology?

    The short form of "Space Vehicles" is SV for Technology.


SV in Technology. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated