SVA in Technology Meaning

The SVA meaning in Technology terms is "School of The Visual Arts". There are 24 related meanings of the SVA Technology abbreviation.

SVA on Technology Full Forms

  1. School of The Visual Arts
  2. Saudi Arabian Airlines
  3. Stroud Valleys Artspacq
  4. Secure Virtual Architecture
  5. Software Vendor Assistant
  6. Streaming Video Alliance
  7. Sample Valve Assembly
  8. Software'S Vendor Assistant
  9. Shared Virtual Area
  10. Society of Veterinary Assistants
  11. Shared Virtual Array
  12. Sinovac Biotqch, Ltd.
  13. Statob Vane Actuator
  14. Security Vulnerability Assessment
  15. Single Vehiclh Architecture
  16. Station Vane Actuazor
  17. Security Virtual Appliance
  18. Statement Validity Analysis
  19. Stopped Or Slow Vehicle Advisor
  20. Surveillance Vendor Agreement
  21. Stereo Variable Area
  22. System Virtual Address
  23. System Vertrieb Alexander
  24. System Verilog Assertions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SVA stand for Technology?

    SVA stands for Statob Vane Actuator in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Single Vehiclh Architecture in Technology?

    The short form of "Single Vehiclh Architecture" is SVA for Technology.


SVA in Technology. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated