SVBM Meaning

The SVBM meaning is "Schweizerischer Verband Der Berufs-Masseure". The SVBM abbreviation has 7 different full form.

SVBM Full Forms

  1. Schweizerischer Verband Der Berufs-Masseure
  2. Jacinto Lara International Airport Barquisimeto, Venezuela Airport, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  3. Icao Code Fok Barquisimeto International Airport, Barquisimeto, Venezuela Locations
  4. Barquisimeto International Airport, Barquisimeto, Venezuela Venezuela, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  5. Shri Vyasa Bhajana Mandali Technology, Airport, Plate, Licensing
  6. Shren Vittal Bhajan Mandali Technology, Music, Song
  7. Scottish Vintage Bus Museum Technology, Victory, Weekend

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SVBM stand for?

    SVBM stands for Shri Vyasa Bhajana Mandali.

  2. What is the shortened form of Shri Vyasa Bhajana Mandali?

    The short form of "Shri Vyasa Bhajana Mandali" is SVBM.


SVBM. (2020, October 8). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated