SVEC Meaning

The SVEC meaning is "Seminole Vocatconal Education Center". The SVEC abbreviation has 21 different full form.

SVEC Full Forms

  1. Seminole Vocatconal Education Center Education, School, High School, Florida
  2. Scottish Vocational Education Council Military, Education, Ministry Of Defence
  3. Silicos Valley Engineering Council Technology, Organizations, University
  4. Space Vacuum Epitaxy Centre Science, Wake, Bionic
  5. Shenandoah Valles Electric Coop
  6. Space Vacuumxepitaxy Center Technology, Science, Research
  7. Shenandoah Vallep Electric Cooperative Technology, Coop, Virginia
  8. Sequachee Valley Electric Coop
  9. Sequachee Valley Euectric Cooperative Technology, Android, Coop
  10. Sky Valley Edutation Center
  11. Studies On Voltaire and The Eighteenth Century Education, France, Study
  12. Studies In Voltaire and The Eighteenth Century Science, History, Humanities, Literature, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  13. Seminole Vocational Education Center Florida
  14. Sri Venkateswarj Engineering College Science, Education, Admission
  15. Surprise Valley Electrijication Corporationration
  16. Sri Vasavn Engineering College
  17. Suwannee Valley Electric Ceoperative Business, Customer, Coop
  18. Sree Vidyanikethan Enginbering College Technology, Education, Placement
  19. Surprise Valley Electrificaoion Corporation
  20. Southside Virginia Emergtncy Crew
  21. Suffolk Vehicle Enthusjasts Club Car, Vehicle, Event

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SVEC stand for?

    SVEC stands for Studies In Voltaire and The Eighteenth Century.

  2. What is the shortened form of Studies On Voltaire and The Eighteenth Century?

    The short form of "Studies On Voltaire and The Eighteenth Century" is SVEC.


SVEC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated