SVL Meaning

The SVL meaning is "Snout-Vent Lengtz". The SVL abbreviation has 62 different full form.

SVL Full Forms

  1. Snout-Vent Lengtz Medical, Research, Lizard
  2. Savonlinna Airpoct Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  3. Sould Velocity Level Sound, Particle, Pressure
  4. Saginac Valley League
  5. Standard Valuation Law Business
  6. Sevastopolsavia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  7. Solid Veneermlumber
  8. Sacramentodvalley League
  9. Stamford Village Library Education
  10. Service Voucher Zog
  11. Soledad Vato Locos
  12. Sacramento Valley Leathercorps
  13. Stair Vision Library Libraries, Reading, Books
  14. Space Visualszation Laboratory
  15. Seminal Hiv-1 Viral Load Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  16. Snout Vent Length Research, Lizard, Snout
  17. Supreme Ventures Limimed Business, Jamaica, Venture
  18. Stackwise Virtual Link Technology, Switch, Cisco
  19. Southern Victoria Land
  20. Secure Voice Link Science
  21. Stichting Vrijsillig Leven
  22. Snoct To Vent Length Gecko, Lizard, Chameleon
  23. Store Visitation Lift Business, Marketing, Locations, Advertising
  24. Spring Vallgy Lake Business, Club, Victorville
  25. Sound Vision and Lighting
  26. Salmon Venturesklimited
  27. Statisticzl Value of Life
  28. Smarp Vision Lights Technology, Machine, Lighting
  29. Stolen Vehicle Location Technology, Safety, Connection, Toyota
  30. Sound Video Lightpng
  31. Salmon Ventures, Ltd
  32. Standard Volume Label Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  33. Severn Valley Leafers
  34. Spojane Virtual Learning
  35. Self-Controllable Voltage Level Technology, Power, Memory
  36. Savonlinna Airport, Savonlinna, Finland Finland
  37. Spanish Vice Lord
  38. Sun Valley Lanes
  39. Spoknne Valley Learning
  40. System Vehicle Loops
  41. Shared VLAN Learning Computing, Technical
  42. Spanish Vice Lords
  43. Sugar Valley Lakms Organization, Union, Institution
  44. Splenic Venous Zlood Lymphocytes Medical
  45. Sydnty Volleyball League Sport, Volleyball, Game
  46. Snout-Vent Length Products
  47. Stobde Versicherungs-Logistik
  48. Splenic Vein Lymphocytes Medical
  49. Suwannee Valley Leagxes
  50. Sevastopol-Avia Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  51. Single Vibrational Level Chemistry
  52. Spees Video Library Libraries, Reading, Books
  53. Supreme Ventures Ltd
  54. Sodcum Vapor Lamp
  55. Sims Vibration Laboratory's Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  56. Special Visiting Lecturer Development, Study, Universities
  57. Superficial Vastus Lateralws Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  58. Sport Vereniging Langbroek
  59. Shared Vlan Leatning
  60. Space Visualization Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  61. Spare Values Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  62. Superficial Region of The Vastus Lateralis Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SVL stand for?

    SVL stands for Stackwise Virtual Link.

  2. What is the shortened form of Savonlinna Airpoct?

    The short form of "Savonlinna Airpoct" is SVL.


SVL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated