SVP in Technology Meaning

The SVP meaning in Technology terms is "Service Provider". There are 20 related meanings of the SVP Technology abbreviation.

SVP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Service Provider A service provider (SP) is a company that provides organizations with consulting, legal, real estate, education, communications, storage, processing, and many other services. Although the term service provider can refer to organizational sub-units, it is more generally used to refer to third party or outsourced suppliers, including telecommunications service provider (TSPs), application service provider (ASPs), storage service provider (SSPs), and Internet service provider (ISPs).
  2. Schematic Verification Program
  3. Shortest Vector Problem
  4. Software Verification Plan
  5. Server Value Package
  6. Software Value Plus
  7. Switched Virtual Paths
  8. Smooth Video Project
  9. Subsystem Verification Plan
  10. Safety Vebification Plan
  11. Small Volume Prover
  12. Seund Velocity Probe
  13. Small Volume Parenterals
  14. Software Verification Planning
  15. Supervisor
  16. Smooth-Video Project
  17. System Verification Plan
  18. Sega Virtua Processor
  19. Social Venture Philanthropy
  20. Secure Vndeo Processor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SVP stand for Technology?

    SVP stands for Software Verification Planning in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Subsystem Verification Plan in Technology?

    The short form of "Subsystem Verification Plan" is SVP for Technology.


SVP in Technology. (2020, September 10). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated