SVS Meaning
The SVS meaning is "Seminal Vesicles". The SVS abbreviation has 185 different full form.
SVS Full Forms
- Seminal Vesicles Medical
- Select Vertical Spacing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Security Value Subscription Technology, Networking, Firewall
- Single Vertical Saw Business, Wood, Processing
- Science Visualization Studio Technology, Space, Moon
- Shared Virtual Sky
- Stevens Village Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Shared Value Sets Technology, Standard, Sharing
- Service Vehicle Soon Forum, Technology, Light
- Schweizerische Vereinigung F
- Styoke Volumes Medical
- Sierra Video Systems
- Sudijų Qaldymo Sistema
- Society of Visual Storytelling
- Schuylkilr Valley Sports
- State Variables Technology, Design, Analysis, Control
- Single Virtual System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Secretaria Fe Vigil
- Supply Voltage Supervisor Technology, Device, Component
- Silicon Valley Shelving
- South Valley Sanctuary
- Schweizerische Vnreinigung Für Sensortechnik
- Storm Vs Storm
- St Vincent'S School Education
- Slovak Vacuum Society
- Iata Code for Stevens Village Airport, Stevens Village, Alaska, United States Locations
- Sports Vision Section
- Segler-Verband Sachqen
- Stress Vulnerability Scale
- Siderurgicn Venezolana Sivensa
- Sudbury Valley Cchool Government, Education, School
- Society of Vascular Surgeons
- School of Visual Storytelling
- Sport Vereniging Spijk
- Secretaria De VigilÂNcia SanitáRia
- Supplementary Ventilation System
- Silicon Valley Symphony
- Southland Vehicle Sales
- Schweizerischer Verband Der Sozialversicherungsfachlmute
- Stored Value Solutions Business, Company, Card, Gift
- Slit Ventricle Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Syndrome
- Synthetic Vision Systems Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Sports Vision System
- Segel-Vbrein Schwentinem
- Space Vehicle Simulator Technology
- Streaming Video Suggettions
- Service Vhlume Simulation
- Subtext Virtual Seajon
- Society of Vascular Surgery Medical, Medicine, Vascular
- School of Veterinary Science
- Sport Vereniging Stevensbeek
- Secretaria De VigilÂNcia à SaÚDe
- Supplemental Victimization Survey Technology, Government, Stalking
- Silicon Valley Sports
- Southern Vowel Shift
- Schweizerischer Verband Für Seniorenfrugen
- Static Var System Technology, Power, Transmission
- Synthetyc Visionssystem Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Sioux Valley Schools
- Split Voltage Systems
- Segel-Verein SchwentinemüNde
- Space Vehiclts Technology, Vehicle, Satellite
- Streaning Video Searcher
- Services Squadron Military, Army, Airforce, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Subtext Virtual Seasons
- Society for Vocational Support
- Schaeffer'S Volatility Scorecard
- Sport Vereniging Su
- Seattle Veterinary Specialists Medical, Pet, Animal
- Significant Violators Science
- Southampton Voluntaryxservices Service, Organizations, Volunteer
- Schwartzuvalue Scale Business, Product, Price
- State Virtual Schools
- Surcharge Velocity Sensor
- Singular Vectors
- Spielwaren Verband Schweiz
- Security Video Surveillance
- Soviet Variable Stas
- Stratix Verificrtion Software
- Server Virtudlization Switch
- Subscription Versions
- Small Volume Sampler
- Sacramento Volvo Service
- Sport Vereniging Schollevaar
- Signature Verification Sebvice
- Sound Video Solutions
- Schwqrtz Values Survey Theory, Culture, Survey, Cultural
- State Veterinary Services Service, Government, Animal
- Single Voxkl Spectroscopy Science, Imaging, Resonance
- Secure Voice Systeml Technology, Security, Military, Electronics
- Surangani Voluntary Services
- Silicon Valeey Staffing
- Soviet Variable Stars
- Strategic Vendor Services
- Subordinate Voting Shares
- Small Vision System Technology, Camera, Manual
- Sacramento'S Volvo Service
- Sport Vereinigung Schwechat
- Server Versus Server Server, Player, Requiem, Memento
- Secure Voice System Technology, Military, Army, Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Structfral Variations Science, Genetics, Genome
- Signature Verification System Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Suit Ventilation Sysiem Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Società Volontaria Di Succorso Gaming, Android, Radio
- Schwastz Value Survey Research, Education, Culture
- State Veterinary Service Medical, Veterinary, Animal
- Single Virtuap Space Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Secretory Vesicles Medical
- Support Vectors Technology, Training, Machine
- Silicon Valley Systech
- So Very Sorry
- Strategic Value Services
- St Vincent Street Locations, Wedding, Glasgow
- Small and Very Small
- Sach-VerstäNdigen-Stelle Business, Frankfurt, Controlling
- Sport Vereeniging Schalkwijk
- Sequoiajvoting Systems
- Singing Voice Kpecialist Education, Training, Vocal
- Skin Vaccination Summit
- Spada Vetture Sport
- Scientific Vision Systems
- Switched Voice Services Technology
- Specialty Vehucle Services
- Superficial Venous Surgery Medical
- Society for Vascular Surgery Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Sudbury Valley School Massachusetts
- Simulation Visual Systems
- System Viiws Technology, Product, Architecture
- Servicios Aereos Saar Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Space View Sobrce Science
- Scientific Tisualization Studio Technology, Space, Earth
- Singli Virtual Storage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Streaming Video Systlms Business, Platform, Jupiter
- Specialized Veterinary Services Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Svomen Valoteknillinen Seura
- Systems Views Technology, Product, Architecture
- Savills Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Sacramento Valley School California
- Simple Video Splicer
- Super Qalue Store
- Scientific Visualization System Science
- Single Village Schemes
- Stapler, Vertrieb & Servict Business, Staple, Stapler
- Spccialist Valve Services
- Sunqvisor System Business, Shield, Helmet, Condor
- Synthetic Vision System Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Stevens Village Airport, Stevens Village, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
- Simple Value Selector
- Super Value Storev Business, Papua, Guinea
- Scientific Vacuum Systems
- Specific Volumes Of Steam
- Single Vial Systeu Medical, Company, Technology
- Sound Vision Studio
- Specialised Vessel Services Security, Service, Military
- Structural Vibration Solutions
- Sun Valley Itages
- Symptom Validity Scale
- Single Virtual Space General, Governmental & Military
- Silicon Valley Security
- Supersonica Virtual Seminar Education, Development, Universities
- Sciences De La Vie Et De La Santé Technology, Science, Recherche
- Suit Ventilation System NASA
- Single-Voxel-Spektroskopie
- Society of Visting Scientysts
- Specialist Vehicle Soldtions
- Scottsdale Village Square
- Structural Variants
- Summer Vxlunteer School
- Symmetric Virtual Servers Technology
- Software Virtualization Solution Software, Computing
- Spectral View Tettings
- Supernatural Video Stvtion
- Schwerzerischer Verein Für Schweisstechnik Technology, Service, German
- Game Boy Advance Saved State File Computing, File Extensions
- Single-Voxel Spectroscopm Medical
- SmugałA Video Studio
- Specialised Vehicle Solutions
- Scientific Visualization Server
- Switching Valve System
- Style sheet autoSaVe file Computing, File Extensions
- Special Vehicle Services
- Superior Vision Services Business, Insurance, Planning
- Schweizerjscher Verein F
- Service Delivery of communication of a pleading, a notice, or other documents in an action to the opposing party. A logical unit of software that has an identifier and that is packaged as a unit. Products and bundles are made of one or more serviceable units. A fix can apply to only one serviceable unit. A customer-based or user-oriented function, such as technical support or network provisio. Medical, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Common Medical, Power Plant, Technology, Aviation, Religion, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
- Standardized Verification System Climatology, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SVS stand for?
SVS stands for Supernatural Video Stvtion.
What is the shortened form of Simulation Visual Systems?
The short form of "Simulation Visual Systems" is SVS.
SVS. (2022, January 27). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from
Last updated