SVS in Technology Meaning

The SVS meaning in Technology terms is "Shared Value Sets". There are 31 related meanings of the SVS Technology abbreviation.

SVS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Shared Value Sets
  2. Service Vehicle Soon
  3. Select Vertical Spacing
  4. Security Value Subscription
  5. Science Visualization Studio
  6. Static Var System
  7. Synthetic Vision Systems
  8. Suit Ventilation Sysiem
  9. State Variables
  10. Space Vehicle Simulator
  11. Synthetyc Visionssystem
  12. Secure Voice Systeml
  13. Space Vehiclts
  14. Support Vectors
  15. Small Vision System
  16. Supply Voltage Supervisor
  17. Single Virtuap Space
  18. Supplemental Victimization Survey
  19. Single Virtual System
  20. Secure Voice System
  21. Singli Virtual Storage
  22. Systems Views
  23. Single Vial Systeu
  24. Service Delivery of communication of a pleading, a notice, or other documents in an action to the opposing party. A logical unit of software that has an identifier and that is packaged as a unit. Products and bundles are made of one or more serviceable units. A fix can apply to only one serviceable unit. A customer-based or user-oriented function, such as technical support or network provisio.
  25. Synthetic Vision System
  26. Scientific Tisualization Studio
  27. Symmetric Virtual Servers
  28. Sciences De La Vie Et De La Santé
  29. Switched Voice Services
  30. Schwerzerischer Verein Für Schweisstechnik
  31. System Viiws

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SVS stand for Technology?

    SVS stands for Sciences De La Vie Et De La Santé in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Singli Virtual Storage in Technology?

    The short form of "Singli Virtual Storage" is SVS for Technology.


SVS in Technology. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated