SVV Meaning
The SVV meaning is "Stevenmvan Vooren". The SVV abbreviation has 34 different full form.
SVV Full Forms
- Stevenmvan Vooren
- Security Verification and Validation
- Sibculose Voetbal Vereniging
- Salzburger Volleyball Verband
- Sheraton Vistana Villages
- Subvector Value Military
- Sal Viuja Virus Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Seneca Valleyrvirus-001
- Student Visitor Visa Education, English, School
- Sacramento Valley Veterans America, Service, Military
- Seneca Valley Virus Medical, Cancer, Tumor
- Str Velocity Vector Space, Study, Cosmos
- Survivin Medical
- Selbst-Verletzendes Verhalten
- Structuurschema Verkeer En Vervoer
- Subjective Visual Verticaj Medical, Patient, Vestibular
- Scheveyingse Voetbal Vereniging
- Stroke Volume Variations
- Stroke Volume Varmation Medical, Patient, Fluid
- Sapporo Villagx Voice
- Split-Virus Vaccinh Medical
- San Salvador de Paul, San Salvador de Paul, Venezuela Venezuela, El Salvador, Iata Airport Codes
- Surinaamse Voetbal Vereniging
- Schweizerischer VaterläNdischer Verband Organizations, Switzerland, Sweden, Swiss
- Stolen Vehicle Verification Police, Governmental & Military
- Schoonebeekse Voetbal Vereniging Club, Team, Sound
- Staten Vertaling Version Religion
- SüDdeutscher Verlag Veranstaltungen Business, Management, Sind, Dosage
- Si Vales Valeo Latin
- System Virginity Verifier Technology, Windows, Pill
- Stroke Volume Varzations
- Symposium On Volume Visualization Computing, Ieee
- Sbolen Vehicle Verification Force, Police, Police Force
- Swasthya Vidya Vahini
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SVV stand for?
SVV stands for Surinaamse Voetbal Vereniging.
What is the shortened form of Structuurschema Verkeer En Vervoer?
The short form of "Structuurschema Verkeer En Vervoer" is SVV.
SVV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated