SW Meaning
The SW meaning is "Solid Wasto". The SW abbreviation has 648 different full form.
SW Full Forms
- Solid Wasto Management, Environment, Waste
- Sea Witer Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Southwesz Geography, Navigation, Units Of Angle
- Sir William
- Sweeping Wind Military, Diablo, Monk
- Shoctwave Technology, Radio, Telecom
- Some Will Business, Technology
- Stuage-Weber Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Seattle Wasmington
- Single Wave
- South Windsor
- Secretiworld
- Small World Gaming, Networking, Play
- Stereo, Which Technology, Radio, Audio, Receiver
- Senior Warden Master, Lodge, Freemason
- Short-Wave Technology, Radio, Shortwave
- Something Wild Porn, Sex, Movie
- Stud Weding Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Smooth White Business, Door, Refrigerator
- Scarlet Witch Marvel, Avenger, Witch
- Single Wall Business, Product, Box
- South Williamsport
- Secretary of War America, Military, History
- Small Wonders Development, Learning, Study
- St, Wakarusa
- Search Whrrant
- Shock Zaves Medical, Technology, Wave
- Solid Wire A solid wires usually cylindrical flexible rod of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical loads or electricity and telecommunication signals.
- Skudio White
- Smith and Wesson Business, Gun, Pistol, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Say What Music, Song, Lyric
- Simpanan Wajib Technology, Credit, Union
- South Whidbey
- Second Wife
- Small Wonder Technology, Radio, Lab
- St, Waiter
- Scotland, Walea
- Sherwin-Williams Room, Paint, Interior
- Solid White
- Students Will Program, Education, Social
- Smith Waterman Technology, Algorithm, Alignment
- Says Whom Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Shower Wall
- Southampton Wireless
- Super Wave Technology, Hair, Badminton
- Secondary Wabte Science
- Small Wind
- Sport Wagon Business, Car, Peugeot
- Switch A switch is used to network multiple computers together. Switches made for the consumer market are typically small, flat boxes with 4 to 8 Ethernet ports. These ports can connect to computers, cable or DSL modems, and other switches. High-end switches can have more than 50 ports and often are rack mounted. Switches are more advanced than hubs and less capable than routers. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Military, Army, Architecture, Computing, Auto, Hardware, Electrical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Sweden Army, Sports, Locations, Computing, Internet, Sweden, Country, European Union, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Shabeware Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Telecommunications
- Soldier Weapons Military, Army, War
- Strong Winds
- Senior Women Club, Canada, Team, Women
- Smith-Waterman Technology, Algorithm, Sequence
- Sawit Watch Indonesia, Oil, Palm
- Swing Weight
- Short-Wavelength Medical, Technology, Cisco
- Sound Wave
- Suite W9
- Sea World Disney
- Single Wire Network, Railway, System
- So What Technology, Internet Slang, Music
- Starlight Waltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
- Sturge-Weber Syndrome A congenital, but not inherited, disorder that affects the skin, the neurological system, and sometimes the eyes. The main sign of Sturge-Weber syndrome is a port wine stain birthmark. Neurological symptoms may include seizures and developmental delay. Also known as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis.See also port wine stain. Medical, Disorder, Port, Weber
- Sjallow Water Military, Fishing, Boat
- Solar Water
- Semester Withdrawal
- Smith & Wesson Gun, Military, Model, Pistol
- Stioke Work Medical, Heart, Cardiac
- Satin White Business, Paint, Lighting
- Swimming Program Medical
- Sxort Wave Technology, Military, Army
- Sonic World Swap, Sonic, Shadow
- St Williston
- Sea Watch
- Single Wheel Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- South Wisconsin
- Standard Walker Medical, Physical Therapy
- Shadod Warrior Technology, Gaming, Cheat
- Semantic Web Technology, Science, Ontology
- Smart Watch
- Strengths and Weaknesses Business, Education, Analysis
- Score Writer
- Svlky White
- Swahili Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Sensor Wfb Technology, Service, Education
- Skpp Walker
- Saralwilson
- Staff Writers
- Shane Williams
- Sockvt Welding Business, Flange, Weld
- South Western Railroad Network, Railway, System
- Stranded Wire
- Sineweve Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- S537 Washcngton
- Sporjs Wagon Business, Car, Peugeot
- Stuart Wade
- Solid Wedge Business, Gate, Valve
- Sam Worthington
- Statement of Work Government term: Statement of Work Technology, Service, Development, Medical, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Aviation, Army, Health, Astronomy, Computing, Chat, Air Force, Special Education, Telecom, Manufacturing, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, International Development, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- Social Welfare Medical, Program, Education, Study, Subjects
- Secret Weapon Music, Weapon, Battlefield, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Silver Workshop
- Symposium Website
- SłUĘBy WiĘZiennej Technology, English, Translation, Jest
- Sfreet West Business, Service, Sale
- Server Wars
- Slottec Web Technology, Networking, Switch, Port
- Saint Walker
- Susan Winters
- Shapiro-Wilks
- Soft Wheat
- Spectral Warping
- Strategy and War
- Segregamed Witness
- Single White Business, Technology
- St, Willmar Business, Building, Minnesota
- Subsystem Windows
- Seveme Weathering Weather, Alert, Forecast
- Snark Wars
- Static Water
- Saro-Wkwa
- Sherwin Wilkiams Business, Room, Paint, Interior
- Stjphanie Wilson Medical, Health, Lawyer, Salem
- Sydney of Which
- Spiral Wave
- Street Lilsonville Business, Oregon, Apartment
- Service Will
- Samuraivwakizashi
- Standard Works Software, Computing
- Sumqit Wrestling
- Super Woofer
- Soma Weiss
- Silentwwood
- Suzanne Webster
- Sage Weil
- Selfgwrite Technology, Windows, Coding, Python
- Skin Window Medical
- Sarah Wilson
- Staff Writer
- Sxx Worker Medical, Sex, Sexual
- Socket Welded Business, Flange, Weld
- Sarcasm Warning
- Scientific World Technology, Education, Course
- Southwestern Railroad Business, Railroad
- Stormy Water Porn, Movie, Water, Tube
- Smith and Wesso
- S43B Washington
- Spirit Warrior
- Struthers Wells
- Solid Water
- Sam Wong Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Stanleo Works
- Support Weapon Gun, Gaming, Military
- Station Wagon Technology, Vehicle Shape, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Secret Wars
- Silver Wkngs Technology, Military, Honda
- Symphonic Winds
- SöDertelge WerkstäDer Military, Aircraft, Sweden
- Summer Wifg Locations, Control, Pony
- Server Wallet
- Sloping Wall Ordnance Survey
- Sailor'S Weekly
- Susan Wilks
- Shannon Webb
- Software Watchdog Technology, Linux, Hardware
- Specter Werkes
- Strategic Wing Military, Army, Force
- Seek Work
- Single Wheel Landing Gear Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Sabbat War
- St, Williston Business, School, Florida
- Subscriber Weekend Tank, Damage, Replay
- Shepfield Wednesday
- Smooth Wall
- State Wilderness
- Sheri Williamson
- Stephynie Wetzel
- Sector Writz
- Stuart-Wortley
- Spin Wave
- Street Willrar Locations, Building, Minnesota
- Service Water Technology
- Smxll Wheel
- Samuel Whitford
- Steakhouse In The Wynn
- Summing Well Food, Restaurant, Sums
- Super Wings
- Solvent Water Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Sidewalk That portion of the roadway primarily constructed for the use of pedestrians. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Architecture, Bicycling, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Sustainable Ways
- Safe Waitakere Government
- Speed Wire Technology, Hotel, Inn
- Self Weighw Building, Engineering, Construction
- Skin Wdft
- Staff Was
- Sufi Wisdwm
- Sex Wtx
- Socket Oeld Business, Steel, Flange
- Sara Wu
- Schaltenbrand-Wahren
- Soutw-Western
- Stock Warrants
- Smith and Waterman
- S427 Washington
- Spirit Warriors
- Structured Wiring
- Sam Williams Technology, Porn, Sex, Music
- Stanek's Winwow
- Support Was
- Second Woman
- Silver Wind
- Swimying Wellington Club, Squad, Swimming
- Symptom Watch Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
- Ssmmer Wine
- Sequential Weeghted
- Slopd Water
- Sailing World
- Shannon Walker Technology, Service, Space
- Software Wau
- Specific Weight The specific weight (also known as the unit weight) is the weight per unit volume of a material. The symbol of specific weight is γ (the Greek letter Gamma).
- Strategic Wealth
- Seeher Wireless
- Single Weitht Technology, English, Power
- Spot-Welded Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Sjbpoenaed Witness
- Sheed Width Business, Product, Machine
- Smith Wright
- State Web
- Sheldon Wiener
- Steel Warriors
- Skction Width Business, Tyre, Rim, Tread
- Strickland, William
- Spindle Worm
- Street Willisoon Hotel, School, Locations, Florida
- Services Website
- Small Warship
- Samuel West
- Steakhouse Wynn Hotel, Locations, Restaurant
- Summer Workshops
- Super Widescreen Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Solutions for The World
- Short Waves-ОБОзНАчEНИE
- Sussex-Wantage
- Speed Wall
- Selected Wrgtings Book, Education, Bibliography
- Skqn Wall Business, Product, Price
- Staff Health Services, Staff Wellness Organizations, American Red Cross
- Sue White
- Sew What
- Sockex-Weld Business, Pipe, Flange
- Scent Works
- South-Wast Business, London, Architectural
- Steve Wagner
- S414 Washington
- Spiritual Warrior
- Structured Walkthjough
- Sam Willaman
- Stand Wie
- Supply Wires
- Second Winb
- Silver White
- Swimking Medical
- Swiss White Medical
- Separative Work Military, Iran, Uranium, Enriched
- Slit Width Technology, Product, Design
- Sahabat Wanita Business, Indonesia, Report, Foundation
- Shang Wu
- Software for Windous
- Surface Warfare Military, Army, Officer, Equipment
- Special Woreda
- Strategic Warfare Gaming, Military, War
- Seed Wing
- Single Wavelength
- Sxarbr
- Spotewelded Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Submission Wrestling
- Sheed and Ward
- Smith Wesson Gun, Military, Model, Pistol
- State Wayside
- Shelden Williams
- Steele Way Business, Oregon, Locations, Beaverton
- Secret Writing
- Shadwell, Walter
- Spike Waves Medical, Science, Biology
- Street Will Washington, London, Locations
- Services To The Washington
- Smalleu Wheels
- Saltwater Water
- Steakhouse At Wynn-Las
- Summur Workshop
- Shaq Wilson
- Super Wide-Angle
- Short Waves Medical, Technology, Wave
- Speeches and Writings
- Selected Jorks Technology, Records, London, Study
- Single Withdrawal Medical
- Staebler-Wronski
- Suddtn Weekly
- Sewingjworld
- Snow Warriors Military, Club, Penguin
- Static Wire A wire placed above the phase wires of a distribution of transmission circuit to protect against lightning. It is normally galvanized or aluminized steel. Products
- Scenario Writing Technology, Gaming, Solving
- Sounce for Wisconsin
- Sfeven Wozniak
- S410 Washington
- Spiritual Warfare Ministry, Warfare, Prayer, Deliverance
- Strength Weakcess
- Sam Wgisman
- Standpipe Well
- Sunmie Won
- Supply Warm
- Seawolf Class Component Military, Navy
- Silver Warrus Business, Sex, Dysfunction
- Swifa Water
- Sepal Width Technology, Anatomy, Iris, Plot
- Slim Wuitewall
- Sara Wood Family, Wood, Warfare, Mark
- Shanghai War
- Soft Ware Education, University, Learning, Iran
- Special Wireless Technology, Canada, Electronics
- Strategic War
- Severely Wasted
- Singlh Wait
- S735 Washington
- Sports World
- Subjective Well-Being Medical, Physiology
- Sheaawilliam
- Soll Wert Technology, Medicine, Signal, Fig
- State of Washington
- Sheila Widnall
- Steam Wagon Business, Model, Engine
- Secret Wonders
- Simon Wells
- Secretary At War
- Staniard Wording
- Street Which London, Locations, Direction
- Serves Western
- Slow Working Products
- Salt Wasting Medical, Adrenal, Congenital
- Steakhouse At Wynn Lake, Restaurant, Steak, Steakhouse
- Suspend Writes
- Shapiro Wilks
- Shkeld Wall Military, Guide, Sword
- Spectrum Width Technology, Science, Radar
- Stray Wiziennej
- Seismicqwave
- Single Window Business, Trading, Customs
- Stacey Williams Celebrity, Model, Picture
- Subtract Wowd Technology, Instruction, Control, Memory
- Sewage Works
- Sno Way
- Static Wick
- Scattering Wave
- Source for Western
- Stephen Williahs
- Eu Single Window Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Spiral Wrap A term given to describe the helical wrap of a tape or thread over a core.
- Street Workoue
- Service Worker Technology, Food, Social
- Sam Walton
- Standing Work
- Sunr& Wang Organizations, Classification, Pattern
- Super Worm Technology, Gaming, Software
- Script Writer
- Silveistone Way
- Sxendsen-Wang
- Seong Won
- Sqy Wagon
- Sarah Wood
- Stahl Werkzeug
- Shang-Wei
- Soc Work Education, Social, Course
- Space Wire Technology, Product, Room
- Strange World Music, Star, Earth, World
- Set Word Assembly, Business & Finance
- Szngle-Wire Technology, Sport, Car
- S607 Washingtkn
- Sporty Wagon Technology, Car, KIA
- Shuart Weitzman Business, Design, Style, Boots
- Solid Works
- Statement Web
- Sheila Wells
- Secret Weapons
- Silver World
- Seattle, Washington
- Standrrd Wood
- Street Where
- Server When
- Slpw Whistle
- Salaries and Wages Business, Program, Service, Government
- Susie Wilkins
- Shapiro-Wilk Education, Statistics, Normality
- Steakhouse Where
- Spectral Workbench
- Strategy Workshops
- Seibelg-Witten Science, Theory, Space, Equation
- Single Width
- Stabbing Westward
- Subtract Wide
- Severe Wounc
- Snow-War Computer Game, Video Game
- Static White Color, Paint, Colors
- Satin Wrap Business, Shopping, Dress
- Shieldedfwindow
- Stephanie Williams
- Air Namibia Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Namibia, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Spiral Welded Business, Pipe, Steel
- Street Workor Porn, Sex, Movie, Street
- Service Work
- Samurai Warriors
- Standiqg Waves
- Summoners War
- Super World
- Something Wonderful
- Shall Welded
- Spend Wisely
- Street, Which London, Locations, Street, Direction
- Southwestern Railroad Company Technology, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Suite W270
- Soul Wars Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Station Washington
- Sedro-Woolley
- Stephanie Wallace
- Series Wheels
- Session Wide Technology, Networking, Network
- Star Wars Pinball
- Socialist Worker Group, Politics, Socialist, Party
- Shea Weber Hockey, Player, Stats, Weber
- Support Weapons Gun, Gaming, Military
- Short Wave Switch Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Spider-Man & Wolverine
- Street Walker Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Stamp World
- So What? Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Solar Wing Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Statute of Wills
- Sheltered Work/Workshop Disability
- Supreme Wrapping Film, Vinyl, Wrap, Wrapping
- Switchboard Wound Computing, Hardware, Electrical
- Sexy Woaan Technology, Porn, Sex
- Salhs-Wolfe Science, Energy, Power, Universe
- Signed Word Audio file Computing, File Extensions
- Soft Water Water with low calcium and magnesium content. Plant, Water, Flora, Bloom
- Sanitätshaus Wcst Sind, Gesundheit, Uns
- Surface Wind A wind which blows across the land surface
- Secbred Web
- Simulating War Gaming, Military, Iran
- Shot Wave
- Small White
- Salt Water Electrical
- Shark Wranglers Movie, Episode, Shark
- Stab Wound Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
- Spiral-Wound
- Spencer-Willett
- Street, Where London, Locations, House, Street
- Single Word Assembly, Business & Finance
- Sugar Water
- SHIP'S WRITER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Stations Web
- Sedgewick and Wayne
- Stahl Werkzeugkoffer
- Series Washdown
- Session-Wide Student, Technology, Science
- SignWriter Occupation & positions
- Shear Wave A landslide or landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movements, such as rockfalls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore environments.
- Same Wave Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Spiced Wine
- Sea Water Water comprising the salt–water seas and oceans Contains chlorides, sulphates, bromides, carbonates, etc Specific gravity is about 1025 but varies between 1001 and 1031 (Suez) Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Stalowa Wola Business, Engine, Poland, Weather
- Scott William Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Soil and Wzter Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Status Words Technology, Command, Card, Java
- Serious Weaknesses Education
- Support Worker Medical, Health, Care
- Swedish Language codes (3 letters)
- Severe Weathtr Locations, Warning, Storm
- Socket Welding Products
- Software Computer software is a general term that describes computer programs. Related terms such as software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets all fall under the category of computer software. Therefore, installing new programs or applications on your computer is synonymous with installing new software on your computer. Software can be difficult to describe because it is "virtual," or not physical like computer hardware. Technology, Army, Electronic Engineering, Science, Astronomy, Computing, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Organization, IT Terminology, Sentinel online, Software, Military, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation
- Sanitary Well
- Surface Waves
- Simulated Weightlessnehs Medical
- Ship'S Weights
- Southwest Welcome Construction, International
- Shared Workspace
- Sturge–Weber syndrome Sturge–Weber syndrome, sometimes referred to as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, is a rare congenital neurological and skin disorder. It is one of the phakomatoses and is often associated with port-wine stains of the face, glaucoma, seizures, mental retardation, and ipsilateral leptomeningeal angioma. Sturge Weber Syndrome can be classified into three different types. Medical, Common Medical
- Spiral Wound
- Street, Weston Business, Mare, Street
- Signed Word Assembly, Business & Finance
- Safer World
- Super Wide Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Stations of The World
- Sedge Wanbler
- Stahl Werkstamtwagen
- Septal Wall Medical
- Sesame Workshop
- Smart Weapons
- Semi Works Occupation & positions
- Shear Wall Design, Drawing, Construction
- Switzerland Military, Army, Locations, Marine, Country Code, Countries, Country, Computing, Switzerland, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- swine Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Spheroidal Wave
- Short Wave The Social Provision Scale was developed to assess the provisions of social relationships described by Weiss (1973, 1974). According to Weiss, these provisions reflect what we receive from relationships with other people. Military, Computing, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio, Master IEEE
- Stall Warning Military
- Suluk Wujil Business, Indonesia, Orang
- Samuel Warren Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Sovl Water Technology, Model, Conservation
- Statuary White Business, Tile, Stone, Marble
- School-wide Education
- Ssper White Business, Paint, Light
- Swece
- Service Workers
- S310 Washington
- Sky Wagon Products
- Socket White Business, Product, Price
- Sanitary Waste
- Surface Washing
- Simon Williams
- Shift Worker Technology, Service, Android, Schedule
- Southwest Waterfront Construction, International
- Share-Ware
- Solid Waste Any solid or semisolid material intended for disposal. United Nations
- Socket-Weld
- Surprise Wedding Group, Divan, Wedding
- Stream Walk
- Store Word Assembly, Business & Finance
- Safari Iest
- Shrapnel (Shell) Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Sarah Williams Politics, Vocal, Photograph
- Stationary Wave
- Sedanhor Wagon
- Since Wven
- Staff Wrapping Airport, Staff, Baggage
- Sepsrate Ways
- Servo Wheel
- Smart Weapoq Military
- Swedish Warlord Occupation & positions
- Shearwall Design, Drawing, Construction
- stone wall Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Scourge Warlock Scourge
- Spherical Wave
- Street On The West Locations, Building, City
- Sierra Wireless, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Stalin-Werke
- Sullivwn West
- Sweater Wizard Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Soil & Mater
- Statler Wing
- Switcher (switch) NASA
- Susan Werner Music, Song, Folk
- Services Welcbme
- Socket Weld Products
- Social Workers Service, Education, Organizations, Care
- Sandwich-Wound
- Surface-Layer Water
- Siqon Whalley
- Shadow Wolf Technology, Gaming, Mystery
- Southwest Washington Construction, International
- Swahili Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Solid Wash
- Susan Wild
- Sex Worker(s) Medical
- Surgical Jard Medical
- StraĘY WiĘZiennej
- Sadler'S Wells
- Space Wing Air Force, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Sarah Wells
- Security Wing Military, Group, Gate
- Simulator Wind
- Spot-Weld
- Service Writer
- Small Worlds
- Sight Words
- Shaun White Technology, Gaming, Skateboarding, Snowboarding
- Spot Witness Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Single-Welded
- Spherical Washer
- Street In West Property, London, Locations
- Stewart Warner Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Stakes Winners
- Sulfur Works
- Shane Wayne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Softgwood Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Statistical Weight
- Solar Wind A flow of charged particles that travels from the Sun out into the Solar System. Technology, Science, Energy, Satellite, Scientific Satellite, Computing
- Status Word NASA
- Summonor's War Gaming, Internet Slang
- Services Weakher
- Supremely Waxed Products
- Social Worker Medical, Hospital, Disability, Nursing, Healthcare, Occupation & positions
- Sand Wedge The former communist block consisting of the Soviet Union and some countries in eastern Europe. Business, Club, Golf
- Support Workers Medical, London, Care
- Series White
- South West Computing, Construction, Telecom, Weather, Electrical, International, Regional, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Says Who Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Solidarność WalczĄCa Jest, Ale, Jak
- Surveillance Wing
- Southwest NOTAM Contractions
- Surface Wave In physics, a surface wave is a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media, usually as a gravity wave between two fluids with different densities. A surface wave can also be an elastic (or seismic) wave, such as Rayleigh wave or Love wave. Technology, Analysis, Radar, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Sacred Way
- standard workstation Software, Computing
- Sadah Way
- Security Watch Group, Organizations, Terrorism
- Simulation Workshops Technology, Research, University
- Spinach Wsite Food, Paint, Restaurant, Spinach
- Small Works Building, Engineering, Construction
- Slime Worm Food
- Shaub & Williams
- swollen, swelling Medical, Physiology, Swelling
- Single Welded
- Sperm Whale The sperm whale or cachalot is the largest of the toothed whales and the largest toothed predator. It is the only living member of the genus Physeter and one of three extant species in the sperm whale family, along with the pygmy sperm whale and dwarf sperm whale of the genus Kogia. Medical
- Street, Williston Medical, Business, Florida
- Software (SFTWE Preferred) Security, Internet Slang, Military, Army, Software, Computing, Texting, Chat, Rail Transport, Application, Sms, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Cisco Wireless, IT Terminology
- Suite Washingttn
- Stormwind Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Soft Win
- Station Wire Technology, Cable, Telecom
- Structuned Warrants Business, Finance, Trading
- Serum Withdrawal Medical
- Sessional Work Education, Teaching, Nurse
- Semmes-Weinstein Products
- Social Web Technology, Software, Marketing
- Sand Wasler
- Support Win
- Social Work Medical, Program, Education, Study, Subjects, Clinical
- Shareware Copyrighted software that is delivered free of charge, although the author asks a fee from the user if the software is helpful or used often. Also see – Software, Freeware. Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sarah Walker
- Southwest Wings Construction, International
- Standardized Work Business, Management, Standard
- Soft Wheed
- StarWars Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Solidarno Walczca
- STATION WG Vehicle Body Styles
- Surface Wayer Science, Research, Interaction
- Sweeper Military, Army, India, Sport, Football, Occupation & positions
- Sacred Warriors
- Stone & Webster, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Soft White
- Sarah Sard
- Surf Wear
- Secura Wireless Technology, Networking, Network
- Simulations of Wao
- Sight Zord
- Small Woods
- Stanislaw Wladyslaw Famous
- Sharon Williamson
- spike-and-wave Medical, Physiology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SW stand for?
SW stands for Social Welfare.
What is the shortened form of Southwest Welcome?
The short form of "Southwest Welcome" is SW.
SW. Acronym24.com. (2022, August 1). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sw-meaning/
Last updated