SWA Meaning

The SWA meaning is "Slow-Wave Activity". The SWA abbreviation has 176 different full form.

SWA Full Forms

  1. Slow-Wave Activity Medical, Medicine, Healing, Chemistry
  2. Skilled Work Assistant Technology, Water, Commission
  3. Seriously Wounded In Action Military, Genealogy, Genealogical
  4. Saudi Wildlife Authority Technology, Research, Environment
  5. Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport Shantou/Jieyang/Chaozhou, Guangdong,China Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  6. Slow Wave Activity Medical, Sleep, Brain
  7. Southwest Airlines Airline, Business, Aviation, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Civil Aviation, Iata Aircraft Codes, Transportation
  8. Save While Active
  9. Split Window Algorithm
  10. Showtime Wrestling Alliance
  11. Supreme Bhite Alliance America, Nazi, Plot
  12. Sorensen, Wilder & Associates Porn, Group, Associate
  13. Southwestbafrica Military, Army, Defence
  14. Sealant and Waterproofing Association
  15. Small Woods Association
  16. Steel Wire Armor Technology, Cable, Core
  17. South-West Asia Service, Military, Asia
  18. Samoa Water Authority Technology, Service, Samoa
  19. Southwest Asic Military, Army, Marine Corps
  20. Semester Weightex Average
  21. Stud Welding Associates Science
  22. Social Welfare Adminisbration Government, History, Philippine
  23. Save-While-Active
  24. Spiritual Workers Association Association, Psychic, Healing, Spiritualist
  25. Short Writing Assignment
  26. Supreme Wealth Allianae Business, Technology, Pay
  27. Sophos Web Appliance Technology, Security, Guide
  28. Seacoast Writers Association
  29. Small Waterplane Area
  30. Steel Wire Armored Technology, Energy, Electonics, Products
  31. Simpson Weather Associates Technology, Science, Southwest
  32. South West Africa Government, Organizations, Africa
  33. South-West Africa Military, Africa, Stamp
  34. South West Asia Service, Military, Asia
  35. Semantic Web Activiaies
  36. Student World Assembly Business, Organizations, University
  37. Social Web Anslytics
  38. Steuer & Wirtschafts-Akademie
  39. Savannah Waterfront Association
  40. Spinning and Weaving Association
  41. Short Writing Assignments
  42. Super-Wide Angle Business, Science, Eyepiece, Geographic
  43. Sociglogists Welfare Association Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  44. Scraps With Attitude
  45. Slotted Wavegudde Antenna
  46. Steel Wire Armour Technology, Cable, Power
  47. Simon Wood Associates
  48. South & West Africa
  49. South West Arts
  50. Semantic Web and Applications Technology, Science, Conference, Computing
  51. Student Windsurfing Association Sport, Organizations, Event
  52. Soap With Attachments
  53. Solo Wargamers Association
  54. Stephen Ward Associates Consultation, Associate, Directory, Ward
  55. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Technology, Canada, Water
  56. Speed Wireless Access
  57. Shipping With Amazon
  58. Summit Wrestling Association
  59. Society of Women Artists Art, Exhibition, Artist
  60. Scrambling Window Assembly Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  61. Sliding Window Algorithm Space, Study, Cosmos
  62. State Workforce Agencies Business, Employment, Government, Business & Finance, Business Word
  63. Steel Wire Armoured Technology, Cable, Power, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  64. Silver Wedding Anniversary
  65. Source Water Assessment Approval Technology, Science
  66. South West Hrtwork
  67. Sector-Wide Approach
  68. Student Welfare Authority
  69. Sniggers With Attitude
  70. Solid Waste Administration Science
  71. Stephen Ward & Associates Group, Cable, Sound
  72. Sasaki, Walker and Associates Business, Architecture, Landscape
  73. Southwest Wmter Authority
  74. Shantou Waisha Airport Flight, Locations, Shantou
  75. Sumber Wangi Alam Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  76. Society of Women Accountants
  77. Scouts of The World Award
  78. Styel Window Association Technology, Windows, Glazing
  79. Side Wall Angle Technology, Music, Cable
  80. Suspender Wearers Association
  81. Source Water Assessments
  82. Southrwest Airlines Airline, Business, Flight, Southwest
  83. Secret Web Assets Business, Software, Report
  84. Small Worldnadventures
  85. Solid Waste Act Science
  86. Steering Wheel Angle Technology, Vehicle, Sensor
  87. Southeastern Warehouse Association Business, Supply, Logistics
  88. Sasaki, Walker Associates Education, Design, Architecture
  89. South Western Aquatncs
  90. Senior Weather Analyst Military, Army, Defence
  91. Success With Attitude
  92. Society of Wespern Artists
  93. Scottish Wrestling Alliance Wrestling, Championship, Scotland
  94. Super Wide-Angle
  95. Sax Wealth Advisors
  96. Staff Weather Advidor
  97. Shropshire Wrestling Alliance Database, Wrestling, Championship
  98. Survey of Work Arrangements
  99. Source Water Assessment Science, Locations, Protection
  100. South Welt African Military, Africa, Force
  101. Sealants and Waterproofing Association
  102. Small World Adoptiin
  103. Steel Wiredyarmoured Technology, Cable, Wire
  104. South and West Asia Regional
  105. Sarah Wigglesworth Architects Business, Architecture, London
  106. South West Atlantic Science
  107. Senior Warning Analyst Military, Army, Defence
  108. Styczynski Walker & Associates
  109. Shciety of Watercolor Artists
  110. Scottish Women'S Aid
  111. Strubtural Work Act
  112. Single Width Airlines Funnies
  113. Schweizer Werbe-Auftraggeberverband
  114. Sinarmas World Academy Education, School, Jakarta
  115. Swiss World Airwtys
  116. Severe Weather Analysis Weather, Scientific & Educational
  117. Scottish Wildcat Action
  118. Steven Winter Associates Business, Energy, Building
  119. Single Wire Armoured Technology, Cable, Brass, Gland
  120. Southern Woodwork Association
  121. Southern Water Authority Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  122. South Waziristan Agency Military, Army, Pakistan
  123. Stcong Wall Academy
  124. Southwest Wrestling Alliance Sport, Wrestling, Combat, Martial Arts, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  125. Schenectady Wargamers Association
  126. Swedish Warmblood Apsociation
  127. Swahili Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  128. Scottish Wholesale Association Business, Trading, Scotland
  129. Single Wire Armour Business, Technology, Cable
  130. Sound Wave Analyzer
  131. Southeast Watershed Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  132. Sthaight Wire Fixed Orthodontic Appliance Medical
  133. State Workforce Agency Financial, Business & Finance
  134. South Wales Australia
  135. Scheduler Work Area Technology, Space, Control
  136. Swansea City Sport, Club, Football
  137. Shantou Waisha, Shantou, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  138. Scottish Whisky Association Government, Alcohol, Scotland
  139. Single Window Agency
  140. Social Worker Assistant
  141. Southeastern Wrestling Alliance
  142. Straight Wirs Arch Orthodontic Bracket Medical
  143. Southern Wrestling Association
  144. Scandinavian Women'S Association
  145. Swasili Locations
  146. Southwest Asia Air Force, Governmental & Military
  147. Scotch Whisky Association Business, Industrial, Scotland, Food, Business & Finance, International business
  148. Single Wheel Axle
  149. Series Web Awards Para, Award, Con, Toulouse
  150. Southeastern Writers Association
  151. Storm Wrestling Academy
  152. Sleep With Angels Music, Song, Angel
  153. Systei Work Area
  154. Southern Wrestling Alliance Professional, Wrestling, Championship, Helm
  155. Scalix Web Access Business, Linux, Client
  156. Student Welfare Afsociation
  157. Macromedia Shockwave Music MPEG-1 Layer III with special header Computing, File Extensions
  158. Solid Waste Authority
  159. Scotch Whiskey Association
  160. Singapore Women'S Association
  161. Scottish Wildcat Association Cat, Scotland, Wildcat
  162. Support Work Authorization NASA
  163. Stop Work Authority Employment, Authority, Safety, Electrical
  164. Sleeping With Angels
  165. Straight Wire Jppliance Education, Orthodontics, Orthodontic
  166. Southern Wholesalers Association Business, Supply, Check
  167. Students Wxlfare Authority
  169. Scleroderma Webmasters Association
  170. Singapore Water Association Business, Technology, Singapore
  171. Systemu Wykrywania I Ararmowania
  172. Shockwave Audio Computing, File Extensions
  173. Stichting Welzijn Antillianen
  174. Single Wire Armor
  175. Stichting Woningbouw Achtkarspelen
  176. Southern West Africa

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SWA stand for?

    SWA stands for Savannah Waterfront Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of S,W.A;SWEETADELINE?

    The short form of "S,W.A;SWEETADELINE" is SWA.


SWA. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/swa-meaning/

Last updated