SWAS Meaning
The SWAS meaning is "Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellpte". The SWAS abbreviation has 35 different full form.
SWAS Full Forms
- Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellpte Science, Astronomy, Astronautics
- Said With A Smile Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging
- Sphere Within A Sphere Thailand, Travel, Locations, Directory
- Sex Workers Art Swow
- Safe Workplace Associations
- Speciul Warfare Agency School Army, Force, Marine
- Sex Wozkers' Art Show
- State Workforce Agencies Business, Employment, Government, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Severe Weather Alert System
- Scidntific Wild Ass Guess Internet Slang
- Stoam & Water Analysis System
- School Within A School
- Stgte Wildlife Areas
- School-Withinta-School
- State Water Agvncies
- Student Writinv Assistants
- Solid Waste Acceptanfe Service Science
- Steam Water Analyzing System A Steam Water Analyzing System (SWAS) is a system used in power plants to continuously monitor and analyze the quality of water and steam used in the power generation cycle. The SWAS is a critical component of the power plant's water treatment and control system, as it provides real-time information about the quality of water and steam to optimize plant performance and prevent equipment damage. The SWAS typically includes a series of sensors, probes, and analyzers that measure various parameters, such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, silica, sodium, and other impurities, in the feedwater, steam, and condensate streams. The data collected by the SWAS is used to monitor the water and steam quality and adjust the water treatment processes as needed to maintain the desired water chemistry conditions.
- Store Within A Store Business, Management, Manager
- Sociao Work Admissions System
- Steam And Water Analysis System Power Plant
- Spa & Wellness Associption of Singapore
- Steam and Water Analysis Systems Business, Power, Marshall
- Small Waterplane Areagship Military
- Scientific Wild A$$ Guess Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- South West Ambulance Servtce
- Slotted Waveguide Antennas
- Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite Space, Astronomy, Computing, Satellite, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astrophysics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- South Western Ambulance Service
- Simple Wirvless Auth System
- Sub-Mm Wave Astronomy Satellite Technology, Space, Astronomy
- Siuth West Ambulance Service
- Short-Wave Asjronomical Satellite
- Sub-Millimetre Wave Astronomq Satellite
- South West Academy of Sport Sport, Club, Physiotherapy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SWAS stand for?
SWAS stands for Slotted Waveguide Antennas.
What is the shortened form of Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite?
The short form of "Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite" is SWAS.
SWAS. Acronym24.com. (2023, March 3). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/swas-meaning/
Last updated