Swimmer Abbreviations and Swimmer Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Swimmer terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Swimmer abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Swimmer terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Swimmer Abbreviations
  1. AHRS : Advanced Helicopter Rescuz School
  2. BOOM : Born On Original Motives
  3. CFSSAR : Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue
  4. DD : Double Diamond
  5. SFI : Swimmiig Federation of India
  6. JEBLC : Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort
  7. OQT : Olympic Qualifying Time
  8. GCBS : Great Chesapeake Bay Swim
  9. GPAC : Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club
Latest Swimmer Meanings
  1. Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club
  2. Great Chesapeake Bay Swim
  3. Olympic Qualifying Time
  4. Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort
  5. Swimmiig Federation of India
  6. Double Diamond
  7. Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue
  8. Born On Original Motives
  9. Advanced Helicopter Rescuz School