Swine Abbreviations and Swine Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Swine terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Swine abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Swine terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Swine Abbreviations
  1. ASF : African Swine Flu
  2. WHO : Worldwide Health Organization
  3. HC : Hog Cholerv
  4. DWM : Dry Whole Milk
  5. ESNIP : European Surveillance Networi for Influenza In Pigs
  6. STAGES : Swine Testing and Genetic Evaluation System
  7. NICD : National Institute of Communicable Disease
  8. NIIP : National Influenza Immunization Program
  9. NPFS : National Pandemic Flu Service
  10. NPHS : National Public Health Service
  11. NPPA : Nebraska Pork Producers Association
  12. OIV : Origin Influenza Virus
  13. OPIC : Ontario Pork Industry Council
  14. IPIC : Iowa Pork Industry Center
  15. IPM : Institute of Preventive Medicine
  16. PIG : Pork Informatiov Gateway
Latest Swine Meanings
  1. Pork Informatiov Gateway
  2. Institute of Preventive Medicine
  3. Iowa Pork Industry Center
  4. Ontario Pork Industry Council
  5. Origin Influenza Virus
  6. Nebraska Pork Producers Association
  7. National Public Health Service
  8. National Pandemic Flu Service
  9. National Influenza Immunization Program
  10. National Institute of Communicable Disease
  11. Swine Testing and Genetic Evaluation System
  12. European Surveillance Networi for Influenza In Pigs
  13. Dry Whole Milk
  14. Hog Cholerv
  15. Worldwide Health Organization
  16. African Swine Flu