Swinger Abbreviations and Swinger Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Swinger terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Swinger abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Swinger terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Swinger Abbreviations
  1. AL : Alternative Lifestyle
  2. BITCH : Beautiful Individual That Causes Hard-Ons
  3. VWE : Very Well Endowed
  4. WLTM : Would Love To Meet
  5. HWP : Height Weight Proportionate
  6. MBC : Married Blqck Couple
  7. MWC : Married White Couple
  8. SRS : Same Room Sex
  9. FMF : Female Male Female
  10. LSAP : London Swingers Adult Parties
  11. GCW : Greatmchampionship Wrestling
  12. ISD : International Swingers Day
Latest Swinger Meanings
  1. International Swingers Day
  2. Greatmchampionship Wrestling
  3. London Swingers Adult Parties
  4. Female Male Female
  5. Same Room Sex
  6. Married White Couple
  7. Married Blqck Couple
  8. Height Weight Proportionate
  9. Would Love To Meet
  10. Very Well Endowed
  11. Beautiful Individual That Causes Hard-Ons
  12. Alternative Lifestyle