SWP Meaning

The SWP meaning is "Sumbangan Wajib Peserta". The SWP abbreviation has 171 different full form.

SWP Full Forms

  1. Sumbangan Wajib Peserta
  2. Short-Winding Protection
  3. Sub Wilayah Pembangunan
  4. Seasonal Worker Programme
  5. Strategic Workforce Planner
  6. Safe Work Procedures Technology, Science, Safety
  7. Single-Wire Protocol Technology, Card, Interface
  8. Safe Work Procedure Technology, Science, Safety
  9. Simple Web Printing Technology
  10. Safe Work Plans
  11. Siemens Wind Power Business, Energy, Turbine
  12. Swakopmund Airport Swakopmund, Namibia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  13. Safe Working Pressure The maximum permissible pressure in cargo hoses. Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  14. Short Wavelength Prime Science
  15. Standard Working Procedures Technology, Australia, Procedure
  16. Settling With Power
  17. Surfaco Wave Pole
  18. Socialist Worker Party Government, Group, War
  19. Summer Qork Program
  20. Staff Warfare Officer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  21. Salvadorans With Pride
  22. Stem Water Potential
  23. Short Wavelength Primary Technology
  24. Software Simulation Package Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  25. Seasonal Workers Programme
  26. Small Woodlands Program
  27. Stadent Work Profile
  28. Single Wafer Processing Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  29. Southern Wood Piedmont
  30. Standard Work Procedure
  31. Secure Web Pay
  32. Surface Wave Propagation
  33. Socialist Worker'S Party Organizations
  34. Suggested Whjlesale Price
  35. Salt Water Pump
  36. Steel Waste Package Science
  37. Short Water Pump Business, Bracket, Chevy
  38. Swap Xile Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  39. Software Program Army, Force, Marine
  40. Seasonal Work Permit
  41. Satuan Wilayah Pengelolaan
  42. Student Wellness Progrtm
  43. Single-Wafer Processing Technology, Tool, Semiconductor, Metal
  44. South West Pacific Business, Australia, Organizations, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  45. Standardization Work Plan Military
  46. Sectarian Wankers Party Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  47. Surface Water Pipe
  48. Socialiste Workers Party
  49. Southwestbpennsylvania Railroad Company Technology, Organizations
  50. Sugar Waeer Purple
  51. Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier
  52. Star Wars Philippines
  53. Severe Weather Probability Overlay Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  54. Sustainuble Water Partnership Business, Management, Security
  55. Society of Wedding Professionals Business, Android, Event
  56. Seafood Watch Program
  57. Satuan Wilayah Pengembangan Technology, Indonesia, Banking, Hal
  58. Student Web Page Education, Development, Universities
  59. Siemens Westinghouse Power
  60. South-Wedt Pacific Australia, Organizations, Event
  61. Square-Wave Polarography
  62. Sea Water Pump
  63. Snow White Pearl Business, KIA, Paint, Touch
  64. Southwest Pennsjlvania Railroad Organizations
  65. Suffolk Water Park
  66. Sailor World Photo Army, War, Force
  67. Start-Up Work Permit
  68. Srvere Weather Potential Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  69. Sustainable Winegrowinf Program Business, Wine, Sustainability
  70. Society of Wedding Planners
  71. Scott Winer Productions
  72. Satuan Wilayah Pembangunan Locations, Java, Surabaya
  73. Stop-And-Wait Protocol Technology, Presentation, Computing
  74. Shropshire Waste Partnership
  75. South-West of Pacific
  76. Sport Wrestling Portal
  77. Sea Warrior Program
  78. Smith Watson Parker
  79. Shuthwestern Pennsylvania Railroad Organizations
  80. Success With People
  81. Safe Work Practices An integrated set of policies, procedures, permits, and other systems that are designed to manage risks associated with non-routine activities such as performing hot work, opening process vessels or lines, or entering a confined space. Electrical
  82. Sweep Long oar used in barges and lighters for turning them Only used rarely for propulsion Formerly used in small sailing vessels. To propel with sweeps.To search for a sunken object by towing a bight of wire until it is brought up by the object3 To search an area of the sea with two or more ships working in concert. Occupation & positions
  83. Standing Warning Program Military, Army, Defence
  84. Severe Wecther Probability Science
  85. Sustainable Winegrowing Practices Technology, California, Wine
  86. Socialistische Werkers Partij
  87. Satin White Pearl
  88. Stewart Warner Performance
  89. Shrink Wrapped Pallets
  90. Source Water Protection Technology, Program, Planning
  91. Seasonal Workers Program Australia, Government, Australian
  92. Smart Web Printing
  93. Subordinate Lork Package Technology
  94. Single Wavelength Power
  95. South Wales Policf Government, Crime, Law Enforcement
  96. Standard Work Practice Technology, Service, Capacitor
  97. Set Waypoilt Technology
  98. Survey Uf Western Palestine Locations, Israel, Palestine, Village
  99. Socialist Workers' Party
  100. Sarawak Workers Party Government, Group, Malaysia
  101. Sterile Water Papule
  102. Short Wave Pass
  103. Software Write Protect
  104. Seasonal Worker Program Australia, Government, Migration
  105. Small World Products
  106. Stupid White Peoile
  107. Single-Word Programming Technology
  108. Southern Writers' Project
  109. Soviet Warsaw Pact
  110. School Wellness Policy
  111. Skill With Prize
  112. Small World Phenomenon Religion
  113. Sweet Potatoes Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery
  114. Specill Work Procedure Science
  115. Supreme White Power Essay, Power, Anarchist, Tattoo
  116. Space, Weight and Power Military, Governmental & Military
  117. Saving Water Partnership
  118. Systematic Withdraw Plan
  119. South West Philly
  120. School Wide Program Education, School, Planning
  121. Skill With Prizes
  122. Southwest Pennsylvania Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  123. Star Work Sky Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  124. Special Working Permit Business, Immigration, Philippine
  125. Supported Work Progdam
  126. Small White Pieces Business, Cashew, Kernel, Nuts
  127. Vi Swap File Computing, File Extensions
  128. Systematic Withdrawal Paans Business, Planning, Fund
  129. Schoolwide Program Development, Learning, Study
  130. Skills With Prizes
  131. Systematic Withdrawal Plan Mortgage, Business & Finance
  132. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Business, Company, Organizations, Grain
  133. Specialxworking Party Military
  134. Superior Watershed Partneeship
  135. Small Wars Program
  136. Swap File Computing, File Extensions
  137. Systematic Wrthdrawl Plan
  138. Surface Water Pbotection
  139. School-Wide Program Education, Planning, Educational
  140. Skilled Worker Program
  141. Swp Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  142. Specialty Wood Products
  143. Sunwell Plateau Gaming, Play, Pastime
  144. Sliding Window Processing
  145. Severe Weather Probability Weather, Scientific & Educational
  146. Systematic Withdfawal Program
  147. Surface Warfare Plan
  148. Scholarship Working Party
  149. Single Wire Protocol Technology, Card, Interface
  150. Specialised Welding Products Business, Machine, Welder
  151. Science With Practice
  152. Sun Weblog Publisher
  153. Sliding Window Protocol Technology, Control, Wait
  154. South Wales Police United Kingdom
  155. Switching Pattern Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  156. Spiral Wnlded Pipe
  157. Suaface-Wave Propagation
  158. Steam working pressure The Finance and Administrative Services
  159. Schindler Waggon Pratteln Business, Product, Tool
  160. Sound Wave Photbgraph
  161. Space, Weight and Ptwer Technology, America, Military
  162. School Wide Project
  163. Summer Writina Program Education, University, Writing
  164. Sliding Windows Protocol
  165. Swakopmund, Namibia Namibia, Iata Airport Codes
  166. Swiss Watzr Process Business, Coffee, Decaf
  167. Spider Writer Project
  168. Supreme Whte Power
  169. Schoolwide Programs Education
  170. Schindler Waggon, Pratteln
  171. Sysvem Weight Penalty

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SWP stand for?

    SWP stands for Sterile Water Papule.

  2. What is the shortened form of Source Water Protection?

    The short form of "Source Water Protection" is SWP.


SWP. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 14). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/swp-meaning/

Last updated