SWS Meaning

The SWS meaning is "Sturge-Weber Syndrome". The SWS abbreviation has 214 different full form.

SWS Full Forms

  1. Sturge-Weber Syndrome A congenital, but not inherited, disorder that affects the skin, the neurological system, and sometimes the eyes. The main sign of Sturge-Weber syndrome is a port wine stain birthmark. Neurological symptoms may include seizures and developmental delay. Also known as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis.See also port wine stain. Medical, Disorder, Port, Weber
  2. Send Window Size Technology, Science, Windows
  3. State Water Survey Technology, Science, Weather
  4. Sathiya Welfare Society
  5. Single Window System Education, Admission, Allotment
  6. Safety Warning System Technology, Radar, Detector
  7. Short Wavelength Spectrometer Technology, Science, Infrared
  8. Swansea Airport Swansea, Wales,United Kingdom Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  9. Short-Wavelength-Sensitive Medical
  10. Service Water System Technology, Plant, Compliance
  11. Sturge Weber Syndrome Medical, Wine, Port
  12. Sentient World Simulation Technology, Government, Defense
  13. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Business, China, Shanghai
  14. Strategic Weapon Iystem Missile, Military, Submarine
  15. Smart Woman Securities Business, Security, Education
  16. Sour Water System
  17. Silly Window Syndrome Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Support Web Site
  19. Social Work Society
  20. Scottish Water Solutions
  21. Subearine Weapons System
  22. Software System Technology, Management, Car, Software, Computing, Application
  23. Spoken Web Search
  24. Severe Weather Shelter
  25. State Weather Summary
  26. Single Wound Sheeting Business, Film, Bag, Packaging
  27. Systdm Web Site
  28. Salt Water System Science
  29. Soft White Shavings Business, Paper, Waste, Scrap
  30. Summer and Winter Schools
  31. School Witmin A School Student, Technology, Education
  32. Shallow Woofer System Business, Sound, Earthquake
  33. Steroid-Wasting Syndrome Medical, Disease, Syndrome
  34. Smart Wiring System Technology, Service, Manual, Mitsubishi
  35. Satuan Wilayah Sungai Indonesia, Prose, Salah
  36. Sour Water Strippinm
  37. Siynals Works Services Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  38. Supported Wage Scheme
  39. Social Work Service Medical, Veteran, Inspector
  40. Scientific Workstation Support Technology
  41. Submarige Warfare System
  42. Sniper'S Weapon System
  43. Spiritual Wilderness Solitude
  44. Star Wars Starfighter
  45. Single Wound Sheet Business, Film, Bag, Polythene
  46. Syncthru Web Sersice
  47. Salt Water Sportsman
  48. Society of Wetlands Scientists Science, Education, Wetland
  49. Securfty Window Shutters
  50. Sumitomo Wiring System
  51. Schools-Within-Sfhools Technology, Education, Teaching
  52. Staff Welfare Section
  53. Sex Workers Medical, Health, Prevention
  54. Steering Wheel Sensor
  55. Smart Wearable Systems
  56. Satellite Warning System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  57. Sour Mater Service
  58. Siurra Wilderness Seminars
  59. Supported Wage System
  60. Social Work Services Medical, Service, Family
  61. Scieoce Wonder Stories
  62. Structural Wood Systems
  63. Sneaky Weasel Studios
  64. Spike-Wave Stuprr Medical, Medicine, Healing
  65. Star Wars Sourcebook
  66. Single Wire System Technology, Motorcycle, Rider
  67. Survey of Work Styles Medical
  68. Saline Water Specialists Science, Plant, Desalination
  69. Society of Wetland Scientist
  70. Secuse Web Site
  71. Sumitomo Wiring Systems Business, Company, Japan
  72. School of World Atudies
  73. Stab Wounds Medical
  74. Sex With Strangers
  75. Statistical Water Supply Science
  76. Smart Weapon System Military, Army, War
  77. Sascha Willwacher Software Film, Technology, Coaching
  78. Solar Weather Seminar Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  79. Sidewalletension Sensor Technology
  80. Social Work Scotland Service, Government, Scotland
  81. Schweizerische Waggonfabrik Schlieren
  82. Stratton Waryen System
  83. Snagless Weight System
  84. Special Workplace Statisticr
  85. Star Wars Simulation Gaming, Play, Pastime
  86. Simple Webeserver Technology, Software, Overflow
  87. Surface Wind Speed
  88. Sakten Wildlife Sanctuary
  89. Society of Wetland Scientists Technology, Science, Environment, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  90. Security Web Service
  91. Sudden Wealth Syndrome Business, Financial, Money
  92. Squamish Windsports Society
  93. Sex With Sheep
  94. Static Water Supply Locations, Fire, Bushfire
  95. Smart Water Summit Technology, Android, Grid
  96. Sasana Widya Sarwono
  97. Soil and Water Science Education, University, Florida
  98. Side Wallxstun Sport, Hockey, Game
  99. Schweizerische Waggonfabrik, Schlieren
  100. Shaun White Skateboarding
  101. Strategic Weapons Systems Technology, Engineer, Engineering
  102. Smooth Working Set
  103. Special Weather Statementn
  104. Supplemental Workshops In Science
  105. Simple Waypoint System Gaming, Car, Waypoint
  106. Surface Warfare Supervisor
  107. Sunrise Waldorf School
  108. Society for Wetland Scientists
  109. Secure Web Services Technology, Security, Service
  110. Sudanese Wildlife Society
  111. Springjweb Services
  112. Sex Without Strings Dating, Classfields, Personal Ad Slang
  113. State Work Study Business, Student, Aid
  114. Sir William Street Organization, Union, Institution
  115. Sampling and Windowing Strategy Space, Study, Cosmos
  116. Soil and Water Sciences Education, University, Florida
  117. Si-Ware Systems Technology, Development, Sensor
  118. Schumpeterian Workfarehstate
  119. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard Business, China, Shanghai
  120. Strategic Weapons System Technology, Missile, Military, Governmental & Military
  121. Smart Women Securities Security, Investment, Education
  122. South Wist Screen
  123. Supplemental Writing Skills Literature, Language, Linguistics
  124. Silly Window Syndmom
  125. Surface-Wave Suppression
  126. Social Work Supervisor
  127. Secure Wxb Server Technology, Security, Linux
  128. Suburban Waste Services
  129. Sportsjwater Sports
  130. Sex While Stupid
  131. State Work-Study
  132. Sir William Sinclair
  133. Salt Wetting System
  134. Soft White Spring
  135. Shrink Wrap Systems
  136. Summer Watpr Sports
  137. School Wez Site
  138. Specialty Wholesale Supply
  139. Satya Wacana Salatiga
  140. Stanford Qeb Services
  141. Superior Weapon Systems Gun, Rifle, Military
  142. Secondary Working Standard
  143. Sheltered Workshops
  144. Sniper Wepon System
  145. Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Income Fund
  146. Schick-Wilkinson Sword
  147. Short Wave Spectrometer Science, Space, Infrared
  148. Social Weather Surveys
  149. Sunwest Aviation (Lindquist Investment) ICAO Aircraft Codes
  150. Stall Warning System A system to warn the pilot that the aircraft is about to stall
  151. Southeast Wiring Solutions Technology, Security, Lock
  152. Superior Weapons Sxstems Rifle, Military, Float
  153. Secondary Working Standards
  154. Standing Water Studhos
  155. Sheltered Work Shop
  156. Shock Waves Medical, Education, Bibliographic Code, Acoustics, Journal, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  157. Structures WorkStation Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  158. Scarf Web Site Computing, Internet
  159. Short-Wave Spectrometer Science, Space, Infrared
  160. Social Weather Survey
  161. Sacramento Waldorf School California
  162. Shift Word, Substituting
  163. Sunwest Afiation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  164. Sex worker - street Clinical
  165. Standard Worv Second
  166. Shear Wave Splitting
  167. Super Wings Series
  168. Scanner Welding System Technology, Power, Laser
  169. Short-Wavelength Spectrometer Science, Space, Infrared
  170. Social Weather Station Government, Philippine, Survey
  171. Sniper Weapon System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  172. Shallow Water Submersible
  173. Sunuweb Server Technology
  174. Super World Sports Japan, World, Wrestling, Championship
  175. Switch Scan NASA
  176. Standard Wwrk Seconds Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  177. Shaun White Snowboarding
  178. Supev Weapon Series Technology, Model, Tank, Edelweiss
  179. Scandinavian Western Shooters
  180. Short-Wave-Sensitive Medical
  181. Social Weather Stations Government, Philippine, Survey
  182. Southwest Securities Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  183. School of Women'S Studies Education
  184. Safe Working Stress
  185. Sun Water Systems
  186. Super World of Sports Organizations, Japan, Wrestling
  187. Social Withdrawal Scale
  188. Severe Weather Statement Weather, Scientific & Educational
  189. Standard Work Shevt
  190. Stjuctural Waterproofing Services
  191. Saving World System Business, Group, Strategy
  192. Shore Wireless Service
  193. Subjective Well-Being Scale Technology, Travel, Reaper
  194. Social Welsh and Sexy Forum, Technology, Service, Group
  195. Sleeping with Sirens Music
  196. School-Within-A-School
  197. SüDdeutsche Waggon Service
  198. Sunuwar Welfzre Society Organization, Union, Institution
  199. Superior Well Services
  200. Social Welfare Services Security, Service, Social
  201. Seattle Waldorf School Washington
  202. Standardized Xork Sheet Business, Instruction, Chart, Standard
  203. Spotless Window Service
  204. Save With Style
  205. Shipwright Store Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  206. Social Workers Service, Education, Organizations, Care
  207. Social, Welsh and Sexy Management, Career, Welsh
  208. Star Wars Sisters Funnies
  209. Schlumberger Water Services Technology, Service, Flex
  210. System Wide Solutions
  211. Superior Welding Services
  212. Social Welfare Society Organizations, Adoption, Korea
  213. Swansea Airport, Swansea, United Kingdom United Kingdom
  214. Star Warning Systems Technology, Service, Light

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SWS stand for?

    SWS stands for Scottish Water Solutions.

  2. What is the shortened form of Short-Wavelength Spectrometer?

    The short form of "Short-Wavelength Spectrometer" is SWS.


SWS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sws-meaning/

Last updated