SZR Meaning

The SZR meaning is "Scheuchzeriaceae". The SZR abbreviation has 21 different full form.

SZR Full Forms

  1. Scheuchzeriaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  2. Samostalna Zanatska Radnja
  3. Samoczynne ZałĄCzanie Rezerwy Technology, Server, Analysis, Hosting
  4. Samoczynne Zaczanie Rezerwy
  5. Shaikh Zayed Road
  6. Iata Code for Stara Zaroga Airport, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Locations
  7. Secret Zombie Room
  8. Stara Zagora Airport Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  9. School Zonder Racisme
  10. Seizure Taking of a ship by overpowering force, or by lawful authority. Medical, Medicine, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computing, Nursing, Common Medical
  11. Stichting Zorgcentra Rivierenland
  12. Sheik Zayed Road
  13. Stedelijk Ziekenhuis Roeselare
  14. Sheikh Zayed Rd
  15. Splatter Zombie Records
  16. Strontium Zinc Rhodate
  17. Sluzhba Zovnishnioyi Rozvidky
  18. Slovensky Zvaz Radioamaterov
  19. Slovenia Zveza Radioamaterjev
  20. Stara Zaroga Airport, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Bulgaria
  21. Single Zone Radar Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SZR stand for?

    SZR stands for Stedelijk Ziekenhuis Roeselare.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sheikh Zayed Rd?

    The short form of "Sheikh Zayed Rd" is SZR.


SZR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated