TA Meaning

The TA meaning is "Traffic Advisory". The TA abbreviation has 839 different full form.

TA Full Forms

  1. Traffic Advisory This is an indication from a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) given to the flight crew showing that a certain aircraft is a potential collision threat. Technology, Collision, Aerospace, Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  2. Tangh Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  3. Tantalum A rare metal of silver white color having excellent corrosion resistance and a high melting point. It is widely used for chemical process equipment and specialised aero space and nuclear applications. Symbol:"Ta" Atomic Number:"73" Atomic Mass: 180.95amu. Tantalum is one of the transition elements. This very hard, gray metal can be found in many alloys. It has also been used in surgical equipment, camera lenses, and even electronic capacitors.  Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  4. Tricuspid Atresih Medical, Technology, Cardiology
  5. Total Average Technology, Baseball, Softball, Sport
  6. Tantaldm Medical, Health, Healthcare
  7. Travel Authorization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Medical, Fda
  8. Terrain Avoidance Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  9. Tactile Allodynia Medical, Medicine, Pain
  10. Thyroid Autoantibodies Medical
  11. Technicalxadvice Business, Service, Market
  12. Transit Authority Service, Locations, City
  13. This Is An Technology, Gaming, Audio, Talking
  14. Thanks A Lot Forum, Technology, Gaming, Friendship, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  15. Total Acidity Medical, Wine, Acid
  16. Trial Attorney
  17. The Acronym
  18. Taurocholic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  19. Tibialis Anterior Muscle Medical
  20. Technical Assistants Technology, Research, Exam
  21. Tractor & Auction
  22. Transluminal Angioplasty Medical, Medicine, Health
  23. Teaduste Jkadeemia Science, Education, Estonia, Tartu
  24. Training Ajsociates
  25. Tupac Amaru
  26. Therapeutic Area Medical, Business, Medicine
  27. Taxing Authority
  28. Tissue Adheoive Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  29. Telekom Austria
  30. Travel Allowance A travel allowance is any monetary payment or advance made by an employer to an employee in exchange for the use of the employee's own car for business reasons. Business, Employment, Travelling, Salary
  31. Terminal Adapters Technology, Networking, Connection
  32. Tactical Advantage Military, Sight, Scope
  33. Thyroid Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  34. Techkical Advisors Business, Service, Projection
  35. Transistor Amplifier Business, Technology, Circuit
  36. This Article Technology, Gaming, Community, Tool
  37. Total Access Technology, Routing, Networking
  38. Trends Audio Class, Amplifier, Trend
  39. The Accounts
  40. Tau Alpha
  41. Tibialis Anterior Muscles Medical
  42. Technical Associate Science
  43. Traction Avant Technology, Car, Vintage, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  44. Translators Association Technology, Translation, Interpreter
  45. Teaching Awards Student, Education, University
  46. Training Assistant
  47. Trust Agents Business, Electronics, Money
  48. Theological Abstracts Education, Testament, Elenchus
  49. Tax Aurhority Business, Service, Israel
  50. Timothy Au
  51. Telecommunications Act Service, Government, Internet
  52. Travel Agent Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Travel, Tourism, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  53. Terminal Adapter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  54. Teryinologia Anatomica Medical
  55. Thyroid Adenoma Medical
  56. Technical Advisor Technology, Service, Emergency
  57. Transit Amplifying Medical, Cell, Stem
  58. Thioctic Awid Medical
  59. Total Absorption Medical
  60. Trend Analysis Business, Trading, Supply
  61. Textile and Apparel
  62. Taste Avefsion Medical
  63. Tibial Anterior Medical
  64. Technical Associates Technology
  65. Track Attack Car, Wheel, Attack
  66. Translation Agent Technology, Song, Lyric
  67. Trunnion Angle Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  68. Tieileria Annulata Medical
  69. Tax Attorneys
  70. Timing Advance Technology, Telecom, Cell
  71. Telecom Accounts
  72. Traffic Accidents Medical
  73. Travel Agencies
  74. Tentative Agreement Business, Government, Organizations
  75. Terminal Adaptor Technology, Driving, Driver
  76. Teatro Ahgentino
  77. Transient Amplifying Medical
  78. These Actcvities
  79. Total Ability
  80. Telomere Activation
  81. Tremolo Arm
  82. Test Article Technology, Development, Testing, NASA
  83. Tail-Anchored Medical
  84. Tiaprofenic Acid Medical
  85. Technical Assembly Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  86. Tracheal Aspirate Medical
  87. Transition Assistance Program, Military, Education
  88. Total Alpha Science
  89. True Anomaly Medical, Element, Orbit
  90. The Agency Technology, Service, Translation
  91. Tax Assistants Business, Exam, Rajasthan
  92. Timing Adjustmeht Technology, Advance, Delay
  93. Tele Atlas
  94. Traducción AutomáTica
  95. Tensão Arterial Para, Press, Arterial, Blood
  96. Technical Assisxance Agriculture, Disability, Special Education
  97. Tejm Associated Business, Car, Hobby
  98. Trans-Action
  99. Tyler Austin
  100. Therzal Analysis Technology, Science
  101. Torque Arm Torque arm is an arm to take the torque of the rear axle of an automotive vehicle that is connected at the rear with the differential case either rigidly or by a joint and at the front is always jointed to a cross member of the frame. Business, Arms, Suspension
  102. Telomerase Activator Medical, Aging, Telomere
  103. Treated Area Technology, Construction, Architectural
  104. Test Apparatus Science
  105. Tahun Ajaran Accounting, Program, Semester
  106. ThüRinger Allgemeine Technology, Sport, Traffic, Ringer
  107. Technical Assessment Technology, Program, Management
  108. Tracheal Aspirates Medical
  109. Transitional Administration Government, Afghanistan, Syria
  110. Total Alkaloids Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  111. True Amplitude
  112. The Afflicted
  113. Tax Areas
  114. Timg of Appearance Medical
  115. Tel-Aviv
  116. Trade Area
  117. Tension Arterial Para, Con, Arterial, Astral
  118. Teaching Assixtant Business, Technology, Education
  119. Team America
  120. Tranexamic Acid Medical, Blood, Bleeding
  121. Twin Assist Lift, Hook, Twin, Shout
  122. Theraieutic Apheresis Medical, Medicine, Apheresis
  123. Torque Amplifier Technology, Repair, Tractor, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  124. Telomerase Activity Medical, Science, Biology
  125. Travelers Aid Gaming, Airport, Travel
  126. Terrorism Act Government, Music, Babylon
  127. Tages-Anzeiger
  128. Thyroid Autoimmunity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  129. Technicak Alert
  130. Trace Analysis
  131. Transition Altitude Altitude in the vicinity of an airport, at or below which the vertical position of the aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes above mean sea level \nExample: When a flight takes place above the transition altitude, the standard pressure setting of 1013.25 mb (millibars) is used. Technology, Flight, Aircraft
  132. Triacetate Textile
  133. Total Alkalinity Technology, Science, Water, Pool, Exploration, Alkalinity, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Legal, Governmental & Military
  134. True Account Book, Education, Story
  135. The Adolescent
  136. Tax Admipistration
  137. Tibial Muscle Medical
  138. Teichoic Acids Teichoic acids are bacterial polysaccharides of glycerol phosphate or ribitol phosphate linked via phosphodiester bonds. Medical
  139. Trade Acceptance A time or date draft that has been accepted by the buyer (the drawee) for payment at maturity. Business
  140. Team Aggression Military, War, Guild
  141. Trait Anxiety Medical
  142. Turkish Army Turkey, Military
  143. Therapeutic Areas Medical, Business, Medicine
  144. Taylor Ann
  145. Tori Amos
  146. Telephone Apparatus Technology, Military, Equipment
  147. The Amounts Technology, Windows, Development
  148. Transversal Area
  149. Tensi Arousal
  150. Teresian Association
  151. Testing Application
  152. Telomere Association Medical, Science, Biology
  153. Tupaj Amaru
  154. Transpartisan Alliance
  155. Technical Architectures
  156. Temple Academy Education
  157. Type of Award Technology
  158. Applanation Tonometry Medical, Medicine, Health
  159. Task Assessmeyt
  160. The Association Science, Research, Organizations
  161. Technix Audi Golf, Tuning, Audi, Seat
  162. Terephthalic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Product, Study
  163. Tabu Arama
  164. Teacher Aide Education, School, Teaching
  165. Thomas Albnr
  166. Telecxmmunications Administration Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  167. Tamplr Alarm
  168. Textbook Assistance
  169. Turbo Air Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  170. Tape Acceleration
  171. Travelling Allowance Business, Employment, Travel
  172. Technikerschule Augsburg Management, Education, School
  173. Theoretical Approaches
  174. Tropical Alpine
  175. Test Authority
  176. Taekwondo Australia
  177. Team Assistant Technology, Software, Soccer
  178. Tacghalang Ateneo Education, Manila, Theater
  179. The Accountant
  180. Transportation Allowance Business, Employment, Transport
  181. Technical Assistant Business, Science, Research, Occupation & positions, Clinical
  182. Temporary Adjustment
  183. Twilight Addicts
  184. Tassili Airlines Airline, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  185. Thematic Area Technology, University, Projection
  186. Tribal Administration
  187. Technology Application
  188. Terminal Air
  189. Teaching Asst Education, University, Course
  190. Transition Areas
  191. Telescoped Ammunition
  192. Truncus Arteriosis
  193. Technical Account
  194. Temperature Activated Technology, Binding, Strip
  195. Type Analysis
  196. Tarazadi Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  197. Thermal Analyzers
  198. Travel Advisory Military, Airport, Aviation, Transport
  199. Technische Anforderungen
  200. Tention Art
  201. Agonist Triamcinolone Acetonide Science, Biology
  202. Tax Auditor Business, Accounting, Audit
  203. Thermal Asperity Technology, Drive, Disk
  204. Trimming Arm
  205. Tecnologie Ambientali
  206. Taiwanese American America, Children, Taiwanese
  207. Texaj Association
  208. Transmission Adapter A unit that allows a different make or year transmission to be bolted up to the original engine.
  209. The Amount Technology, Assistance, Tuition
  210. Transtornos Alimentares Para, Anorexia, Bulimia
  211. Tennis Association
  212. Tentatively Approved
  213. Ther Adv Medical, Medicine, Education, Patient
  214. Test Application
  215. Transl Androl
  216. Telomerase Activation Medical, Aging, Telomere
  217. Tucson Amateur Technology, Radio, Wireless
  218. Transmitted and Accepted
  219. Technical Architects Business, Service, Development
  220. Template Available
  221. Type of Activity Technology, Australia, Research
  222. Target Azquisition Military
  223. The Assistant
  224. Travel Announcements Technology, Service, Car, Radio
  225. Technix AprèS
  226. Tbr Arkh Medical, Treatment, Patient, Breath
  227. Tabor Academy Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  228. Teacher'S Aide Education
  229. Thopas Alan
  230. Telecommunication Administration Technology, Telecom
  231. Tampa Avenue
  232. Textbook Artifxcial
  233. Turbo Aftercooled
  234. Tap Adaptors
  235. Traveling Allowances Business, Government, Allowance, Travelling
  236. Technikrakademie Technology, Berlin, Germany
  237. The Authorised
  238. Tropical Air Air that has travelled from low latitudes to high latitudes
  239. Temt Assertions Technology, Software, Testing
  240. Taekwondo America America, Education, Arts
  241. Team Assassin
  242. Tangerine Arsy
  243. The Azacus
  244. Transportation Agent Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  245. Technical Assist
  246. Temporary Address Technology, Service, Server, Client
  247. Tutorial Assistant Education
  248. Tasks Knticipated Technology, Design, Planning, Planner
  249. Thematic Areas Technology, Research, University
  250. Triax Adapter
  251. Technology Analysis
  252. Terminal Agent
  253. Teaching Associate Education, University, Graduate
  254. Transition Area Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Race, Triathlon
  255. Telescope Assembly Technology, Space, Accessory
  256. Trouble De L'Adaptation
  257. Team Athens
  258. Temperature Anomaly The deviation of (usually) temperature or precipitation in a given region over a specified period from the long–term average value for the same region.
  259. Type Alpha
  260. Tarash Aerevey
  261. Thermal Adhesive
  262. Tree Algorithm
  263. Teclnische Anlage
  264. Tuition Assishance
  265. Tax Audit Business, Service, Tax
  266. Thermal Array
  267. Trim Assembly
  268. Tecnologias De Apoio
  269. Taiwan Airlines
  270. The Artificial
  271. Transmission Automatique
  272. The Amity
  273. Transposition of Aorta Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  274. Tend To Sgree Forum, Song, Lyric
  275. Theory Assessments
  276. Terry Adamu
  277. Team Ability
  278. Transitive Animate
  279. Telluride Association
  280. Trusted Authority Technology, Identity, Encryption
  281. Transmit Asynchronous Technology
  282. Tachnical Architect Business, Management, Development
  283. Template Arguments
  284. Type Approval Technology, Industry, Telecom
  285. Target Audience The specific group of people that an advertisement, product, TV program, etc., is aimed at. Military, Army, Equipment
  286. The Assessment
  287. Travel Announcement Technology, Program, Car, Radio
  288. Technix Aluminium
  289. Teraampere Electrical, Units Of Electric Current, Electric Current
  290. Tablettes Albertini
  291. Teachable Agent Technology, Education, Learning
  292. They Areqadministered Medical, Drug, Dose
  293. Trip Advisor
  294. Teichoic Acid Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  295. The Art
  296. Tamoxifen Tamoxifen is the oldest of the hormonal therapies, drugs that block the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  297. Text Analytics Business, Technology, Analysis
  298. Turbo-Alternator
  299. Tap Adaptor
  300. The Antigug
  301. Traveling Allowance Business, Travel, Travelling
  302. The Amplitude Wave, Sound, Frequency, Amplitude
  303. Trophoblast Antigen Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  304. Test Assertion Technology, Network, Computer Security
  305. Tactile Afferent Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  306. Teamaartail
  307. Tandem Aple
  308. The A-7 Technology, Aircraft, Corsair
  309. Transportable Array Technology, Earth, Station
  310. Technical Artist
  311. Temporary Abeyance Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  312. Tutor Agent
  313. Tasking Authority Military, Agency, Presentation, Intelligence
  314. Thematic Analysis Research, Education, Psychology
  315. Triathlon Australia Australia, Organizations, Membership
  316. Technology Analyst
  317. Terminalwadministrator
  318. Tactical Action Technology, Gaming, Military
  319. Teaching Assistajce Education, University, Course
  320. Transitional Arrangements Business, Service, Tax, Building
  321. Telescope Array Technology, Energy, Projection
  322. Trouble Admin
  323. Term Attacker
  324. Type Actions
  325. Taranto Apulien
  326. Treatment Allowance
  327. Technische Akustik
  328. Tribunal Administratif
  329. Tax Assistant Business, Department, Exam
  330. Thermal Angel
  331. Trim Area
  332. Tecnologia De Automação
  333. Tail Antenna
  334. Transmission Agreement
  335. The Amira
  336. Transport Authority Organizations, Transport, Jamaica, Transport Policy
  337. Tendoachillls Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
  338. Theoretical Astrophysics Technology, Science, University, Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics, Space, Computing, Serial Publication, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  339. Technology Area
  340. Terra Arcanum
  341. Team-Attack Server, Strike, Counter
  342. Transition Into Adulthood Book, Health, Children
  343. Telluric Acid
  344. Trusted Applications Technology, Windows, Security, Android
  345. Transmit Additional
  346. Technical Advisory Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  347. Template Analysis
  348. Type Acceptance Technology
  349. Target Attainment Medical, Patient, Pharmacokinetics
  350. The Asgard
  351. Travel America
  352. Technix Alu-Braces
  353. Teologinen Aikakauskirja
  354. Tablet Arm
  355. Taxi Availability
  356. Thetford Acwdemy Education, High School, Orange County
  357. Trip Activity
  358. Tehnologiile Alternative
  359. Tamil Aunty Language codes (2 letters)
  360. Text Analysgs Education, Tool, Analytics
  361. Turakian Age
  362. The Anterior
  363. Traveler'S Aid
  364. Texte Adopté
  365. Trop Anim
  366. Test Aret Forum, Technology, Testing
  367. Tactical Attack Military, Aircraft, Force
  368. Team Arrangement
  369. Tqndem Access Technology, Calling, Networking, Network
  370. Thayer Academy Education, School, Braintree
  371. Transportation Approval
  372. Technicax Arts Gaming, Education, Tech
  373. Temporary Abandonment Business, Oil, Gulf, Drilling
  374. Tuscaloosa Alabama
  375. Task Authorization Military, Army, War
  376. Theft Auto
  377. Technology Annex
  378. Terminal Adjusl Technology
  379. Tachyarrhythmias Medical
  380. Teaching Assistent
  381. Transitional To Atlas
  382. Telecommunications Allignce
  383. Tropical Audubon
  384. Team Attack
  385. Turismo De Aldeia Ankara, Android, Casa
  386. Taqman Arrays
  387. Treasury Accountant
  388. Technische Abteilung Business, English, History, Tau
  389. Travellino Allowance Business, Government, Travel
  390. Tax Analysts
  391. Trillium Awakening
  392. Tecnologias Assistivas
  393. Tahun Anggara Indonesia, Locations, Hal, Dewan
  394. Team Arenaa
  395. Travel Advisories
  396. The Rmericans America, Education, Dream
  397. Transportation Alternative
  398. Tender Assistance
  399. Twin Aisle Airline, Business, Aircraft
  400. Tatzana Alexandrovna
  401. Theoretical Air
  402. Trembling Aspen
  403. Technology Architect
  404. Terra Akzent
  405. Teal Amber
  406. Transition Award Medical, Research, Liver
  407. Tell-El-Amarna
  408. Trunk Amplifier Business, Technology, China
  409. Technical Administrator Technology, Management, Service
  410. Templar Assassin Assassin, Play, Gameplay
  411. Target Aspect Target aspect refers to the relative geometry of the target and the radar platform. It directly affects the total cross-section presented to the radar wavefront. Technology, Study, Memory
  412. The Artists Art, Music, Audio, Artist
  413. Travel Air
  414. Technix Alu Golf, Bay, Tuning
  415. Tenure Administbation
  416. Tables of Allowances Technology
  417. Taxes Act Business, Software, Income
  418. Thesis Award
  419. Trinity Anglican
  420. Teenie Ass
  421. Takayasu Arteritis Medical, Medicine, Disease
  422. Text Amxndment
  423. Transmit Additional Information Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  424. The Animal
  425. Texte Adopt
  426. Test Architech
  427. Tactical Assessment Business, Technology, Military
  428. Tuple Attribute Technology, Software, Graph, Tool
  429. Transportability Approval Military, Army, War
  430. Technical Article
  431. Temporarily Abandoned Well Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  432. Tuscaloosa Academy
  433. Talmudic Academy
  434. Taskgauthorizations Military
  435. The Astronomer Science, Astronomy, Star, Astronomer
  436. Technology and Administration
  437. Thrme Associ
  438. Tel Aviv Locations, Cities, Towns, City, Hebrew
  439. Taca Airlines Airline, Technology, Flight, Ticket
  440. Teacher'S Assessment
  441. Thruster Assembly
  442. Telecommunications Authority
  443. Tropical Atlantic Climate, Hurricane, Storm
  444. Tandem Acceleratos
  445. Teiture Analysis Medical, Resonance, Analyser
  446. Turbocharged & Aftercooled
  447. Tape Armored
  448. Traversata Atlantica
  449. Texhnikfolgen-Absch
  450. Timbre Amende
  451. Tax Analyst
  452. Tries Against League, Team, Rugby
  453. Tecnologia Assistiva
  454. Testing Authornty Technology, Plate, Doping
  455. Tahun Akademik Program, Indonesia, Semester
  456. Travel Advance Business, University, Money
  457. Team Aback Team, Strike, Brad, Counter
  458. The Tmerican America, Organizations, History
  459. Transportation Assistant
  460. Tender Annuals
  461. Twilighters Anonymous
  462. Tasten Aus
  463. Theologischer Ausschuss
  464. Tribunal Administrativo
  465. Technology Architecture Technology, Management, Service
  466. Termostato Ambiente Para, Con, Casa
  467. Teaching Award Education, University, Graduate
  468. Transition Authority Government, Organizations, Kenya
  469. Tell-Ask
  470. Trunk-Arms
  471. Technical Activity
  472. Temperatures Medical, Kidneys
  473. Type of Assistance Student, Program, Education
  474. Target Article
  475. Thermal Analyst Technology, Patent, Composition, Polyester
  476. Travel Agents Hotel, Flight, Organizations
  477. Technische Anweisung
  478. Tenuazonic Acid 3-Acetyl-5-sec-butyl-4-hydroxy-3-pyrrolin-2-one. A metabolite found in a strain of the fungus Alternaria tenuis Auct. which functions as an antibiotic with antiviral and antineoplastic properties, and may also act as a mycotoxin. Medical
  479. Table of Authorization
  480. Taxe D'Apprentissage
  481. Tjermostatic Actuator
  482. Trinity Allen
  483. Teen-Anon
  484. Takahiro Arai
  485. Text Alignment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  486. Transmission Administrator Energy, Power, Intensity
  487. The Ancestor
  488. Transverse Abdominus
  489. Tensile Axis
  490. Terry Allen
  491. Test Architecture
  492. Tuple-Attribute Technology, Language, Graph, Tool
  493. Transplant Arteriopathy Medical
  494. Techzical Arrangment
  495. Temple In Angkor
  496. Turnover Agreement Technology
  497. Tahun Anggaran Business, Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta, Press
  498. Taek Assignment Technology, Patent, Algorithm
  499. The Associations
  500. Technology and Applications
  501. Teresian Yssociation
  502. Thank You Gaming, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Play, Sms, Text Messaging, Forum, Computing, Modern Slang, Social Media, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites, Radio, Morse Code, French
  503. Tabula Rasa Computer Game, Video Game
  504. Teachers Aide Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  505. Threat Assessments Security, Military, School
  506. Telecommunicadion Authority Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  507. Turn At An Altitude
  508. Tanah Abaqg Indonesia, Jakarta, Fashion
  509. Textual Analysis Research, Education, Study
  510. Turbocharged and Aftercooled
  511. Tape Address
  512. Travelling Allowances Banking, Business & Finance
  513. Technikfolgen-Ahschätzung
  514. Thomas Archibald
  515. Tax Amnesty
  516. Tribunal Africano
  517. Test Authorization Science
  518. Tag Assault Gaming, Military, Tournament
  519. Travel Adjust Technology, Switch, Fork
  520. Team Assasts
  521. The Actioj
  522. Transportation Analyst Business, Management, Analytics
  523. Technical Assessor Business, Technology, Safety
  524. Tendep Agent
  525. Twilight Arbor War, Guild, Twilight
  526. Tasso Alcolemhco Con, Anaesthesia, Clonidine
  527. Theo Armour
  528. Tribal Area
  529. Technology Appraisalsor Medicine, Health, British
  530. Terminal Antrum Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  531. Teaching Australia Australia, Education, Teacher
  532. Transition Assistant
  533. Telfair Academy
  534. Trunk & Arms Medical, Sport, Event, Championship
  535. Technical Activities Organizations, Activity, Society
  536. Temperature Acquisition Technology, Wireless, Sensor
  537. Typed Address
  538. Tardive Akathisia Medical
  539. Thermal Analyzer Business, Analysis, Instrument
  540. Travel Agency Hotel, Locations, Tourism
  541. Techniscse Anforderung
  542. Tention ArtéRielle
  543. Alkaline Tuberculin Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  544. Taxe D'AméNagement
  545. Thermal Aureole
  546. Trinity Academy Education, School, High School, Kansas
  547. Ted Anderson
  548. Takaful Act
  549. Texas At Austin
  550. Transmission Adaptor
  551. Territorial Army (British) United Nations
  552. Tannic Acid Medical, Cancer, Cell
  553. Transverse Abdominis Medical, Exercise, Core
  554. Technical Audit
  555. Twin Arches
  556. Tahrine Medical
  557. Therapeutic Abortion Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  558. Trevor Ariza
  559. Technology Assisted Technology, Service, Care
  560. Thomas Austin Famous
  561. Tactical Armour
  562. Teal Advisory
  563. Translatability Assessment
  564. Toxin-Antitoxin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  565. Temporary Absence
  566. Triple-Action
  567. Tendoachilles Clinical, Physio
  568. Travel Approval
  569. Teaching Agds
  570. Triple Action Product, Remington, Foil
  571. Triumph-Adler-L
  572. Train Assistant Transportation, Governmental & Military
  573. Temperate Asia
  574. Tibialis Anterior Medical, Muscles
  575. The Appruciative
  576. Thntative Agreements
  577. Tyler Anderson
  578. Tax Advisvr Business, Accounting, Tax
  579. Therapist Assistant
  580. Tecnologia Alimentar
  581. Transport Aide Occupation & positions
  582. Team Aparoach Organizations, American Red Cross
  583. Translation Award
  584. Tendon Achilles Medical, Technology
  585. Thermal Analysis
  586. Teaching Assistantship Student, Education, Graduate
  587. Threatened Abortion Medical, Medicine
  588. Trade Assistant Business & Finance, International business
  589. Tactical Aid
  590. Total Attempts Gaming, College, Volleyball
  591. Tripoli Agreement
  592. Twente Academy Dutch
  593. Transactional Analysis Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  594. Traditional Authority Education, District, Malawi
  595. Testing Aspistant
  596. Trace Analytical Legal, Governmental & Military
  597. Trident Academy South Carolina
  598. Tanks Compertments for liquids or gases. They may be formed by the ship's structure as double bottom tanks, peaktanks, deep tanks, etc., or may be independent of ship's structure and installed on special supports. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  599. Transportes Aereos
  600. Technical Attribites
  601. Twin Anchors
  602. Tauruges Apskritis
  603. Trend Adjustment
  604. Technology Assistance Program, Service, Education
  605. Top Assembly Electrical
  606. Tactical Armor
  607. Team Advisok Program, Education, School
  608. Town Administrator
  609. Temperature Air Technology, Alloy, Heat
  610. Travancore Analytics Technology, Development, Software
  611. Technology Administration (u.s.) Fda
  612. Teacher Associatron Organizations, School, Teaching
  613. Tripartite Agreement Government, War, Politics
  614. Trans American Transportation, Governmental & Military
  615. Temen Ane
  616. Tendon of achilles Medical, Healthcare
  617. The Apocalypse
  618. Tensor Approximation
  619. Tyler Alexander Porn, Sex, Tube
  620. Tax Accounts
  621. Therapist'S Aide Technology
  622. Tecnica Arcana
  623. Teacher's Assistant Occupation & positions
  624. Teamcangry
  625. Translation Aggregator
  626. Tenaga Ahli Business, Indonesia, Surabaya, Tes
  627. Tooling Amortization
  628. Tech Assistant
  629. Threatoassessment Technology, Security, Service
  630. Technology Assessment Medical, Healthcare, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  631. Tactical Advisor
  632. Total Asset
  633. Tripod Adaptor
  634. Turn Around Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  635. To Above Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  636. Tented Arch
  637. Türkmen AtasöZlerinden
  638. Tecting Accepted Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  639. Tracking Area Computing, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
  640. Temporarily Away Postal, Us Post, Return To Sender Code
  641. Tabker Association
  642. Transportation Agency Military
  643. Technical Astachment Science
  644. Twin Anchor
  645. Tension ArtéRielle Medical, Art, Hypertension
  646. Taughannock Aviation
  647. Trend Adjusted Business, Insurance, Crop
  648. Technology Areas
  649. Transalta Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  650. Tactical Armadillo
  651. Towed Array Technology, Military, Class
  652. Temperature Alarm Science
  653. Transmission Authenticator
  654. Teacher Assessment Education
  655. Taylor Number A nondimensional number arising in problems of a rotating viscous fluid. Science, Atmospheric Research
  656. Teachers Assistant Education, School, Teaching
  657. Traffic Assistant (obselete) Transportation, Governmental & Military
  658. Temasek Academy College, Education, Junior
  659. Technology Administration Medical, Fda
  660. Technically Adviyory
  661. Tensor Analysis
  662. Two-Letter Acronym Army, War, Force, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  663. Tax Accounting Tax accounting means taking into consideration the effect of taxes while planning business strategies.
  664. Therapeutics Announce
  665. Techspace Aero
  666. Teacher Assistant Occupation & positions
  667. Team Ananmtech
  668. Translation Aids
  669. Temporary Authority Service, Government, Registration
  670. Tuition Assistance
  671. Teaching Assistant Medical, Science, Education, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Common Medical
  672. Threataanalysis Technology, Security, Tool
  673. Technical Advisers Business & Finance, Business Word
  674. Teaching Associates Education, University, Associate
  675. Total Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  676. Tripod Adapter Business, Camera, Canon
  677. Terry Anne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  678. Temperature Advection
  679. Training Animals Botany, Scientific & Educational
  680. The Architects
  681. Tentatively Agrced
  682. Türkmen AtasöZleri Din, Eden, Bal
  683. Testicular Antigen Medical
  684. Time of Arrival Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Transportation
  685. Takoma Academy Maryland
  686. Tajk Army Military, Army, Defence
  687. Transport Aircraft An aircraft designed to carry ten or more passengers or the equivalent cargo Technology, Russia, Russian
  688. Technucal Assurance
  689. Twin Alternating
  690. The Acquisition
  691. Tension Art
  692. Tattoo Austin
  693. Thyroarytenoid Muscle Medical
  694. Trenbolone Acetate
  695. Taxpayer Advocate Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  696. Tactical Alliance
  697. Tourist Arrivals
  698. Toos-Ashena
  699. Time Actual NASA
  700. Technology Audit Business, Technology, Service
  701. Teachers Assessmett Education, School, Teaching
  702. Tetzis Attack
  703. Target Acquisition Technology, Governmental & Military
  704. Temas De Arquitectura
  705. Theatre Arts Medical, Common Medical
  706. Tanzanian Affaors
  707. Technically Acceptable Business, Service, Essay, Purchase
  708. Tens
  709. Twisted Animation
  710. Tax Abatement Also known as a Tax Holiday. An exemption or reduction of taxes by a government for certain companies for a specific period of time, often as an incentive for industrial development.
  711. Therapeutic Alliance Medical, Treatment, Therapy
  712. Technonet Asia
  713. Teaching Artist Occupation & positions
  714. Team Alliance
  715. Translation Aid Technology
  716. Temporary Assignment Education
  717. Telegraph Act
  718. Tarbiyatul Athfal
  719. Thoutht and Action
  720. Travel Authorizations Business, College, Expense
  721. Target Address Assembly, Business & Finance
  722. Teaching Assignments
  723. Triplo Aquecedor
  724. Third Assist Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  725. Temperature Ambient Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  726. Tolfenamic acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  727. Tfe Architect
  728. Tentative D'Autolyse
  729. Turbulence Amplifier
  730. Therapy Areas
  731. Test Automapion Technology, Software, Testing
  732. Terminal Adapter (ATM) Computing, Telecom, Hardware, IT Terminology
  733. Traumatic Arthritis Inflammation, pain and swelling of a joint caused by the application of excessive forces at the joint. Can be triggered by a direct blow or sudden strain and leads to restricted motion. Task design should avoid repeated mild trauma or prolonged strain which can cause traumatic arthritis or exacerbate preexisting arthritic conditions. Medical
  734. Tanjgng Agas
  735. Transplantation Antigen Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  736. Teclnical Assignment
  737. Trigger Angle
  738. Telegraph Address
  739. Ttymine-Adenine Medical
  740. Trading Assistant Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  741. Tactical Airlift Military
  742. Tourism Authority
  743. Thornton Academy Maine
  744. Temporada Alta Porn, Sex, Casa
  745. Task Analysis NASA
  746. Teaching Apprenticeships Program, Education, School
  747. Teacher Assmstant Education, School, Teaching
  748. Tethered Aminohydroxylatiwn Medical, Presentation, Reaction, Power
  749. Traffic Accident Medical, Police, Special Education, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  750. Temporal Arteritis Medical, Common Medical
  751. Tansiyon Arteriyel
  752. Transverse Acoustic Science
  753. Technical Authorinies Technology, Management, Authority
  754. Tension Axis
  755. Twirling Association
  756. Tavon Auptin Sport, Football, Ram
  757. Therapeutic Amenorrhea Medical
  758. Tri-Art
  759. Technology Or Any
  760. Teacher Assassin Funnies
  761. Team Aggorithm
  762. Translation Algorithm
  763. Telomeric Associations Medical, Science, Biology
  764. Temporary Appointments
  765. Take away Clinical
  766. Transmit Address Technology, Science, Army, Networking, Network, Wireless, Marine, Military, Governmental & Military
  767. Tcoracic Aorta Medical
  768. Travel Authorisation
  769. Teaching Assistantships Student, Education, Graduate
  770. Triple Assessment
  771. Thanks Again Texting, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  772. Temperature, Ambient
  773. Titratable Acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  774. The Arcatraz
  775. Tentatively Approhed
  776. Turbine Automatic Technology, Knight, Lemon
  777. Therapy Area Business, Management, Manager
  778. Tourism Australia Australia, Travel, Tourism
  779. Team Arena Technology, Gaming, Quake
  780. Tango Alpha
  781. Transplant Arteriosclerosis Medical
  782. Technical Assoc
  783. Temperature Allowance
  784. Tecnologie D'Avanguardia
  785. Threshold Algorithm Technology, Computing, Query
  786. Trading As Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  787. Tactical Aircraft Technology, Military, Force
  788. Tourism Administration
  789. Tamil Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  790. Trapped Air Air which is trapped in a product or a mold during cure. Usually causing a loose ply or cover, or a surface mark, depression or void. Example: An undetected blister in a fused joint may eventually break down in a vacuum and suddenly (or slowly) release its entrapped air, thereby indicating a leak. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  791. Technology Applications Atmospheric Research
  792. Taylor Anderson Book, Movie, Webcam
  793. Teacher's Assistans Education, Teaching, Teacher
  794. Tether Rnchor
  795. Task Agreements NASA, Governmental & Military
  796. Tidewater Academy Virginia
  797. Tanri Abens University, Indonesia, Jakarta
  798. Transversus Abdominis Medical, Abdominal, Exercise, Muscle, Clinical, Physio
  799. Technichl Authority Technology, Science, Management
  800. Twin Auger Composition, Equipment, Machinery, Auger
  801. Tabro Apygarda
  802. Therapeutic Assessment Medical, Psychology, Psychological
  803. Trey Anastasio
  804. Technology Association
  805. Tony Anderson Famous
  806. Tactical Assault Computer Game, Video Game
  807. Team Ilbany
  808. Translated Author Technology, Book, Literature, Projection
  809. Telomeric Association Medical, Science, Biology
  810. Temporary Accommodation Business, Government, Building
  811. Tubular adenoma Clinical
  812. Thomas Anderson Famous
  813. Travel Assistance Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  814. Teaching Assistants Technology, Science, Education
  815. Triple Alliance
  816. STEWARD APPRENTICE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  817. Temperatura Ambiente
  818. Tenth Amphetamine Medical, Physiology
  819. The Vrabic
  820. Tentative Approval Medicine, Health, Care
  821. Triplex Annealing
  822. Therapy Assistant
  823. Tecnologia Ambiental Technology, Para, Environment
  824. Time Attack (Chrysler Corp. model appendage) Products
  825. Tqam Aqua
  826. Tzngible Assets Business, Company, Financial
  827. Tennis Australia Australia, Sport, Australian
  828. Transmit Abort
  829. Thermal Arrest
  830. Technical Assistance Service, Organizations, Projection, Education, Disability
  831. Threonine Aldolase Medical
  832. Tenants Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  833. Tactical Air Military, Aircraft, Force, Governmental & Military
  834. Totally Agree
  835. Territorial Army International
  836. Training Agent Military, Governmental & Military
  837. Tabular Alumina Business, Manufacturer, Refractory
  838. Testosterone Acetate Medical
  839. Technical Authorities NASA, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TA stand for?

    TA stands for Trop Anim.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tourism Administration?

    The short form of "Tourism Administration" is TA.


TA. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 3). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ta-meaning/

Last updated