TA Meaning
The TA meaning is "Traffic Advisory". The TA abbreviation has 839 different full form.
TA Full Forms
- Traffic Advisory This is an indication from a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) given to the flight crew showing that a certain aircraft is a potential collision threat. Technology, Collision, Aerospace, Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Tangh Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
- Tantalum A rare metal of silver white color having excellent corrosion resistance and a high melting point. It is widely used for chemical process equipment and specialised aero space and nuclear applications. Symbol:"Ta" Atomic Number:"73" Atomic Mass: 180.95amu. Tantalum is one of the transition elements. This very hard, gray metal can be found in many alloys. It has also been used in surgical equipment, camera lenses, and even electronic capacitors. Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Tricuspid Atresih Medical, Technology, Cardiology
- Total Average Technology, Baseball, Softball, Sport
- Tantaldm Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Travel Authorization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Medical, Fda
- Terrain Avoidance Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Tactile Allodynia Medical, Medicine, Pain
- Thyroid Autoantibodies Medical
- Technicalxadvice Business, Service, Market
- Transit Authority Service, Locations, City
- This Is An Technology, Gaming, Audio, Talking
- Thanks A Lot Forum, Technology, Gaming, Friendship, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Total Acidity Medical, Wine, Acid
- Trial Attorney
- The Acronym
- Taurocholic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Tibialis Anterior Muscle Medical
- Technical Assistants Technology, Research, Exam
- Tractor & Auction
- Transluminal Angioplasty Medical, Medicine, Health
- Teaduste Jkadeemia Science, Education, Estonia, Tartu
- Training Ajsociates
- Tupac Amaru
- Therapeutic Area Medical, Business, Medicine
- Taxing Authority
- Tissue Adheoive Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Telekom Austria
- Travel Allowance A travel allowance is any monetary payment or advance made by an employer to an employee in exchange for the use of the employee's own car for business reasons. Business, Employment, Travelling, Salary
- Terminal Adapters Technology, Networking, Connection
- Tactical Advantage Military, Sight, Scope
- Thyroid Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Techkical Advisors Business, Service, Projection
- Transistor Amplifier Business, Technology, Circuit
- This Article Technology, Gaming, Community, Tool
- Total Access Technology, Routing, Networking
- Trends Audio Class, Amplifier, Trend
- The Accounts
- Tau Alpha
- Tibialis Anterior Muscles Medical
- Technical Associate Science
- Traction Avant Technology, Car, Vintage, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Translators Association Technology, Translation, Interpreter
- Teaching Awards Student, Education, University
- Training Assistant
- Trust Agents Business, Electronics, Money
- Theological Abstracts Education, Testament, Elenchus
- Tax Aurhority Business, Service, Israel
- Timothy Au
- Telecommunications Act Service, Government, Internet
- Travel Agent Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Travel, Tourism, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- Terminal Adapter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Teryinologia Anatomica Medical
- Thyroid Adenoma Medical
- Technical Advisor Technology, Service, Emergency
- Transit Amplifying Medical, Cell, Stem
- Thioctic Awid Medical
- Total Absorption Medical
- Trend Analysis Business, Trading, Supply
- Textile and Apparel
- Taste Avefsion Medical
- Tibial Anterior Medical
- Technical Associates Technology
- Track Attack Car, Wheel, Attack
- Translation Agent Technology, Song, Lyric
- Trunnion Angle Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Tieileria Annulata Medical
- Tax Attorneys
- Timing Advance Technology, Telecom, Cell
- Telecom Accounts
- Traffic Accidents Medical
- Travel Agencies
- Tentative Agreement Business, Government, Organizations
- Terminal Adaptor Technology, Driving, Driver
- Teatro Ahgentino
- Transient Amplifying Medical
- These Actcvities
- Total Ability
- Telomere Activation
- Tremolo Arm
- Test Article Technology, Development, Testing, NASA
- Tail-Anchored Medical
- Tiaprofenic Acid Medical
- Technical Assembly Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tracheal Aspirate Medical
- Transition Assistance Program, Military, Education
- Total Alpha Science
- True Anomaly Medical, Element, Orbit
- The Agency Technology, Service, Translation
- Tax Assistants Business, Exam, Rajasthan
- Timing Adjustmeht Technology, Advance, Delay
- Tele Atlas
- Traducción AutomáTica
- Tensão Arterial Para, Press, Arterial, Blood
- Technical Assisxance Agriculture, Disability, Special Education
- Tejm Associated Business, Car, Hobby
- Trans-Action
- Tyler Austin
- Therzal Analysis Technology, Science
- Torque Arm Torque arm is an arm to take the torque of the rear axle of an automotive vehicle that is connected at the rear with the differential case either rigidly or by a joint and at the front is always jointed to a cross member of the frame. Business, Arms, Suspension
- Telomerase Activator Medical, Aging, Telomere
- Treated Area Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Test Apparatus Science
- Tahun Ajaran Accounting, Program, Semester
- ThüRinger Allgemeine Technology, Sport, Traffic, Ringer
- Technical Assessment Technology, Program, Management
- Tracheal Aspirates Medical
- Transitional Administration Government, Afghanistan, Syria
- Total Alkaloids Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- True Amplitude
- The Afflicted
- Tax Areas
- Timg of Appearance Medical
- Tel-Aviv
- Trade Area
- Tension Arterial Para, Con, Arterial, Astral
- Teaching Assixtant Business, Technology, Education
- Team America
- Tranexamic Acid Medical, Blood, Bleeding
- Twin Assist Lift, Hook, Twin, Shout
- Theraieutic Apheresis Medical, Medicine, Apheresis
- Torque Amplifier Technology, Repair, Tractor, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Telomerase Activity Medical, Science, Biology
- Travelers Aid Gaming, Airport, Travel
- Terrorism Act Government, Music, Babylon
- Tages-Anzeiger
- Thyroid Autoimmunity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Technicak Alert
- Trace Analysis
- Transition Altitude Altitude in the vicinity of an airport, at or below which the vertical position of the aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes above mean sea level \nExample: When a flight takes place above the transition altitude, the standard pressure setting of 1013.25 mb (millibars) is used. Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Triacetate Textile
- Total Alkalinity Technology, Science, Water, Pool, Exploration, Alkalinity, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Legal, Governmental & Military
- True Account Book, Education, Story
- The Adolescent
- Tax Admipistration
- Tibial Muscle Medical
- Teichoic Acids Teichoic acids are bacterial polysaccharides of glycerol phosphate or ribitol phosphate linked via phosphodiester bonds. Medical
- Trade Acceptance A time or date draft that has been accepted by the buyer (the drawee) for payment at maturity. Business
- Team Aggression Military, War, Guild
- Trait Anxiety Medical
- Turkish Army Turkey, Military
- Therapeutic Areas Medical, Business, Medicine
- Taylor Ann
- Tori Amos
- Telephone Apparatus Technology, Military, Equipment
- The Amounts Technology, Windows, Development
- Transversal Area
- Tensi Arousal
- Teresian Association
- Testing Application
- Telomere Association Medical, Science, Biology
- Tupaj Amaru
- Transpartisan Alliance
- Technical Architectures
- Temple Academy Education
- Type of Award Technology
- Applanation Tonometry Medical, Medicine, Health
- Task Assessmeyt
- The Association Science, Research, Organizations
- Technix Audi Golf, Tuning, Audi, Seat
- Terephthalic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Product, Study
- Tabu Arama
- Teacher Aide Education, School, Teaching
- Thomas Albnr
- Telecxmmunications Administration Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tamplr Alarm
- Textbook Assistance
- Turbo Air Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Tape Acceleration
- Travelling Allowance Business, Employment, Travel
- Technikerschule Augsburg Management, Education, School
- Theoretical Approaches
- Tropical Alpine
- Test Authority
- Taekwondo Australia
- Team Assistant Technology, Software, Soccer
- Tacghalang Ateneo Education, Manila, Theater
- The Accountant
- Transportation Allowance Business, Employment, Transport
- Technical Assistant Business, Science, Research, Occupation & positions, Clinical
- Temporary Adjustment
- Twilight Addicts
- Tassili Airlines Airline, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Thematic Area Technology, University, Projection
- Tribal Administration
- Technology Application
- Terminal Air
- Teaching Asst Education, University, Course
- Transition Areas
- Telescoped Ammunition
- Truncus Arteriosis
- Technical Account
- Temperature Activated Technology, Binding, Strip
- Type Analysis
- Tarazadi Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
- Thermal Analyzers
- Travel Advisory Military, Airport, Aviation, Transport
- Technische Anforderungen
- Tention Art
- Agonist Triamcinolone Acetonide Science, Biology
- Tax Auditor Business, Accounting, Audit
- Thermal Asperity Technology, Drive, Disk
- Trimming Arm
- Tecnologie Ambientali
- Taiwanese American America, Children, Taiwanese
- Texaj Association
- Transmission Adapter A unit that allows a different make or year transmission to be bolted up to the original engine.
- The Amount Technology, Assistance, Tuition
- Transtornos Alimentares Para, Anorexia, Bulimia
- Tennis Association
- Tentatively Approved
- Ther Adv Medical, Medicine, Education, Patient
- Test Application
- Transl Androl
- Telomerase Activation Medical, Aging, Telomere
- Tucson Amateur Technology, Radio, Wireless
- Transmitted and Accepted
- Technical Architects Business, Service, Development
- Template Available
- Type of Activity Technology, Australia, Research
- Target Azquisition Military
- The Assistant
- Travel Announcements Technology, Service, Car, Radio
- Technix AprèS
- Tbr Arkh Medical, Treatment, Patient, Breath
- Tabor Academy Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
- Teacher'S Aide Education
- Thopas Alan
- Telecommunication Administration Technology, Telecom
- Tampa Avenue
- Textbook Artifxcial
- Turbo Aftercooled
- Tap Adaptors
- Traveling Allowances Business, Government, Allowance, Travelling
- Technikrakademie Technology, Berlin, Germany
- The Authorised
- Tropical Air Air that has travelled from low latitudes to high latitudes
- Temt Assertions Technology, Software, Testing
- Taekwondo America America, Education, Arts
- Team Assassin
- Tangerine Arsy
- The Azacus
- Transportation Agent Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Technical Assist
- Temporary Address Technology, Service, Server, Client
- Tutorial Assistant Education
- Tasks Knticipated Technology, Design, Planning, Planner
- Thematic Areas Technology, Research, University
- Triax Adapter
- Technology Analysis
- Terminal Agent
- Teaching Associate Education, University, Graduate
- Transition Area Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Race, Triathlon
- Telescope Assembly Technology, Space, Accessory
- Trouble De L'Adaptation
- Team Athens
- Temperature Anomaly The deviation of (usually) temperature or precipitation in a given region over a specified period from the long–term average value for the same region.
- Type Alpha
- Tarash Aerevey
- Thermal Adhesive
- Tree Algorithm
- Teclnische Anlage
- Tuition Assishance
- Tax Audit Business, Service, Tax
- Thermal Array
- Trim Assembly
- Tecnologias De Apoio
- Taiwan Airlines
- The Artificial
- Transmission Automatique
- The Amity
- Transposition of Aorta Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tend To Sgree Forum, Song, Lyric
- Theory Assessments
- Terry Adamu
- Team Ability
- Transitive Animate
- Telluride Association
- Trusted Authority Technology, Identity, Encryption
- Transmit Asynchronous Technology
- Tachnical Architect Business, Management, Development
- Template Arguments
- Type Approval Technology, Industry, Telecom
- Target Audience The specific group of people that an advertisement, product, TV program, etc., is aimed at. Military, Army, Equipment
- The Assessment
- Travel Announcement Technology, Program, Car, Radio
- Technix Aluminium
- Teraampere Electrical, Units Of Electric Current, Electric Current
- Tablettes Albertini
- Teachable Agent Technology, Education, Learning
- They Areqadministered Medical, Drug, Dose
- Trip Advisor
- Teichoic Acid Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- The Art
- Tamoxifen Tamoxifen is the oldest of the hormonal therapies, drugs that block the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Text Analytics Business, Technology, Analysis
- Turbo-Alternator
- Tap Adaptor
- The Antigug
- Traveling Allowance Business, Travel, Travelling
- The Amplitude Wave, Sound, Frequency, Amplitude
- Trophoblast Antigen Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Test Assertion Technology, Network, Computer Security
- Tactile Afferent Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Teamaartail
- Tandem Aple
- The A-7 Technology, Aircraft, Corsair
- Transportable Array Technology, Earth, Station
- Technical Artist
- Temporary Abeyance Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Tutor Agent
- Tasking Authority Military, Agency, Presentation, Intelligence
- Thematic Analysis Research, Education, Psychology
- Triathlon Australia Australia, Organizations, Membership
- Technology Analyst
- Terminalwadministrator
- Tactical Action Technology, Gaming, Military
- Teaching Assistajce Education, University, Course
- Transitional Arrangements Business, Service, Tax, Building
- Telescope Array Technology, Energy, Projection
- Trouble Admin
- Term Attacker
- Type Actions
- Taranto Apulien
- Treatment Allowance
- Technische Akustik
- Tribunal Administratif
- Tax Assistant Business, Department, Exam
- Thermal Angel
- Trim Area
- Tecnologia De Automação
- Tail Antenna
- Transmission Agreement
- The Amira
- Transport Authority Organizations, Transport, Jamaica, Transport Policy
- Tendoachillls Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Theoretical Astrophysics Technology, Science, University, Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics, Space, Computing, Serial Publication, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Technology Area
- Terra Arcanum
- Team-Attack Server, Strike, Counter
- Transition Into Adulthood Book, Health, Children
- Telluric Acid
- Trusted Applications Technology, Windows, Security, Android
- Transmit Additional
- Technical Advisory Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Template Analysis
- Type Acceptance Technology
- Target Attainment Medical, Patient, Pharmacokinetics
- The Asgard
- Travel America
- Technix Alu-Braces
- Teologinen Aikakauskirja
- Tablet Arm
- Taxi Availability
- Thetford Acwdemy Education, High School, Orange County
- Trip Activity
- Tehnologiile Alternative
- Tamil Aunty Language codes (2 letters)
- Text Analysgs Education, Tool, Analytics
- Turakian Age
- The Anterior
- Traveler'S Aid
- Texte Adopté
- Trop Anim
- Test Aret Forum, Technology, Testing
- Tactical Attack Military, Aircraft, Force
- Team Arrangement
- Tqndem Access Technology, Calling, Networking, Network
- Thayer Academy Education, School, Braintree
- Transportation Approval
- Technicax Arts Gaming, Education, Tech
- Temporary Abandonment Business, Oil, Gulf, Drilling
- Tuscaloosa Alabama
- Task Authorization Military, Army, War
- Theft Auto
- Technology Annex
- Terminal Adjusl Technology
- Tachyarrhythmias Medical
- Teaching Assistent
- Transitional To Atlas
- Telecommunications Allignce
- Tropical Audubon
- Team Attack
- Turismo De Aldeia Ankara, Android, Casa
- Taqman Arrays
- Treasury Accountant
- Technische Abteilung Business, English, History, Tau
- Travellino Allowance Business, Government, Travel
- Tax Analysts
- Trillium Awakening
- Tecnologias Assistivas
- Tahun Anggara Indonesia, Locations, Hal, Dewan
- Team Arenaa
- Travel Advisories
- The Rmericans America, Education, Dream
- Transportation Alternative
- Tender Assistance
- Twin Aisle Airline, Business, Aircraft
- Tatzana Alexandrovna
- Theoretical Air
- Trembling Aspen
- Technology Architect
- Terra Akzent
- Teal Amber
- Transition Award Medical, Research, Liver
- Tell-El-Amarna
- Trunk Amplifier Business, Technology, China
- Technical Administrator Technology, Management, Service
- Templar Assassin Assassin, Play, Gameplay
- Target Aspect Target aspect refers to the relative geometry of the target and the radar platform. It directly affects the total cross-section presented to the radar wavefront. Technology, Study, Memory
- The Artists Art, Music, Audio, Artist
- Travel Air
- Technix Alu Golf, Bay, Tuning
- Tenure Administbation
- Tables of Allowances Technology
- Taxes Act Business, Software, Income
- Thesis Award
- Trinity Anglican
- Teenie Ass
- Takayasu Arteritis Medical, Medicine, Disease
- Text Amxndment
- Transmit Additional Information Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- The Animal
- Texte Adopt
- Test Architech
- Tactical Assessment Business, Technology, Military
- Tuple Attribute Technology, Software, Graph, Tool
- Transportability Approval Military, Army, War
- Technical Article
- Temporarily Abandoned Well Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Tuscaloosa Academy
- Talmudic Academy
- Taskgauthorizations Military
- The Astronomer Science, Astronomy, Star, Astronomer
- Technology and Administration
- Thrme Associ
- Tel Aviv Locations, Cities, Towns, City, Hebrew
- Taca Airlines Airline, Technology, Flight, Ticket
- Teacher'S Assessment
- Thruster Assembly
- Telecommunications Authority
- Tropical Atlantic Climate, Hurricane, Storm
- Tandem Acceleratos
- Teiture Analysis Medical, Resonance, Analyser
- Turbocharged & Aftercooled
- Tape Armored
- Traversata Atlantica
- Texhnikfolgen-Absch
- Timbre Amende
- Tax Analyst
- Tries Against League, Team, Rugby
- Tecnologia Assistiva
- Testing Authornty Technology, Plate, Doping
- Tahun Akademik Program, Indonesia, Semester
- Travel Advance Business, University, Money
- Team Aback Team, Strike, Brad, Counter
- The Tmerican America, Organizations, History
- Transportation Assistant
- Tender Annuals
- Twilighters Anonymous
- Tasten Aus
- Theologischer Ausschuss
- Tribunal Administrativo
- Technology Architecture Technology, Management, Service
- Termostato Ambiente Para, Con, Casa
- Teaching Award Education, University, Graduate
- Transition Authority Government, Organizations, Kenya
- Tell-Ask
- Trunk-Arms
- Technical Activity
- Temperatures Medical, Kidneys
- Type of Assistance Student, Program, Education
- Target Article
- Thermal Analyst Technology, Patent, Composition, Polyester
- Travel Agents Hotel, Flight, Organizations
- Technische Anweisung
- Tenuazonic Acid 3-Acetyl-5-sec-butyl-4-hydroxy-3-pyrrolin-2-one. A metabolite found in a strain of the fungus Alternaria tenuis Auct. which functions as an antibiotic with antiviral and antineoplastic properties, and may also act as a mycotoxin. Medical
- Table of Authorization
- Taxe D'Apprentissage
- Tjermostatic Actuator
- Trinity Allen
- Teen-Anon
- Takahiro Arai
- Text Alignment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Transmission Administrator Energy, Power, Intensity
- The Ancestor
- Transverse Abdominus
- Tensile Axis
- Terry Allen
- Test Architecture
- Tuple-Attribute Technology, Language, Graph, Tool
- Transplant Arteriopathy Medical
- Techzical Arrangment
- Temple In Angkor
- Turnover Agreement Technology
- Tahun Anggaran Business, Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta, Press
- Taek Assignment Technology, Patent, Algorithm
- The Associations
- Technology and Applications
- Teresian Yssociation
- Thank You Gaming, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Play, Sms, Text Messaging, Forum, Computing, Modern Slang, Social Media, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites, Radio, Morse Code, French
- Tabula Rasa Computer Game, Video Game
- Teachers Aide Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Threat Assessments Security, Military, School
- Telecommunicadion Authority Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Turn At An Altitude
- Tanah Abaqg Indonesia, Jakarta, Fashion
- Textual Analysis Research, Education, Study
- Turbocharged and Aftercooled
- Tape Address
- Travelling Allowances Banking, Business & Finance
- Technikfolgen-Ahschätzung
- Thomas Archibald
- Tax Amnesty
- Tribunal Africano
- Test Authorization Science
- Tag Assault Gaming, Military, Tournament
- Travel Adjust Technology, Switch, Fork
- Team Assasts
- The Actioj
- Transportation Analyst Business, Management, Analytics
- Technical Assessor Business, Technology, Safety
- Tendep Agent
- Twilight Arbor War, Guild, Twilight
- Tasso Alcolemhco Con, Anaesthesia, Clonidine
- Theo Armour
- Tribal Area
- Technology Appraisalsor Medicine, Health, British
- Terminal Antrum Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Teaching Australia Australia, Education, Teacher
- Transition Assistant
- Telfair Academy
- Trunk & Arms Medical, Sport, Event, Championship
- Technical Activities Organizations, Activity, Society
- Temperature Acquisition Technology, Wireless, Sensor
- Typed Address
- Tardive Akathisia Medical
- Thermal Analyzer Business, Analysis, Instrument
- Travel Agency Hotel, Locations, Tourism
- Techniscse Anforderung
- Tention ArtéRielle
- Alkaline Tuberculin Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Taxe D'AméNagement
- Thermal Aureole
- Trinity Academy Education, School, High School, Kansas
- Ted Anderson
- Takaful Act
- Texas At Austin
- Transmission Adaptor
- Territorial Army (British) United Nations
- Tannic Acid Medical, Cancer, Cell
- Transverse Abdominis Medical, Exercise, Core
- Technical Audit
- Twin Arches
- Tahrine Medical
- Therapeutic Abortion Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
- Trevor Ariza
- Technology Assisted Technology, Service, Care
- Thomas Austin Famous
- Tactical Armour
- Teal Advisory
- Translatability Assessment
- Toxin-Antitoxin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Temporary Absence
- Triple-Action
- Tendoachilles Clinical, Physio
- Travel Approval
- Teaching Agds
- Triple Action Product, Remington, Foil
- Triumph-Adler-L
- Train Assistant Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Temperate Asia
- Tibialis Anterior Medical, Muscles
- The Appruciative
- Thntative Agreements
- Tyler Anderson
- Tax Advisvr Business, Accounting, Tax
- Therapist Assistant
- Tecnologia Alimentar
- Transport Aide Occupation & positions
- Team Aparoach Organizations, American Red Cross
- Translation Award
- Tendon Achilles Medical, Technology
- Thermal Analysis
- Teaching Assistantship Student, Education, Graduate
- Threatened Abortion Medical, Medicine
- Trade Assistant Business & Finance, International business
- Tactical Aid
- Total Attempts Gaming, College, Volleyball
- Tripoli Agreement
- Twente Academy Dutch
- Transactional Analysis Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Traditional Authority Education, District, Malawi
- Testing Aspistant
- Trace Analytical Legal, Governmental & Military
- Trident Academy South Carolina
- Tanks Compertments for liquids or gases. They may be formed by the ship's structure as double bottom tanks, peaktanks, deep tanks, etc., or may be independent of ship's structure and installed on special supports. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Transportes Aereos
- Technical Attribites
- Twin Anchors
- Tauruges Apskritis
- Trend Adjustment
- Technology Assistance Program, Service, Education
- Top Assembly Electrical
- Tactical Armor
- Team Advisok Program, Education, School
- Town Administrator
- Temperature Air Technology, Alloy, Heat
- Travancore Analytics Technology, Development, Software
- Technology Administration (u.s.) Fda
- Teacher Associatron Organizations, School, Teaching
- Tripartite Agreement Government, War, Politics
- Trans American Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Temen Ane
- Tendon of achilles Medical, Healthcare
- The Apocalypse
- Tensor Approximation
- Tyler Alexander Porn, Sex, Tube
- Tax Accounts
- Therapist'S Aide Technology
- Tecnica Arcana
- Teacher's Assistant Occupation & positions
- Teamcangry
- Translation Aggregator
- Tenaga Ahli Business, Indonesia, Surabaya, Tes
- Tooling Amortization
- Tech Assistant
- Threatoassessment Technology, Security, Service
- Technology Assessment Medical, Healthcare, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- Tactical Advisor
- Total Asset
- Tripod Adaptor
- Turn Around Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- To Above Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Tented Arch
- Türkmen AtasöZlerinden
- Tecting Accepted Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tracking Area Computing, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
- Temporarily Away Postal, Us Post, Return To Sender Code
- Tabker Association
- Transportation Agency Military
- Technical Astachment Science
- Twin Anchor
- Tension ArtéRielle Medical, Art, Hypertension
- Taughannock Aviation
- Trend Adjusted Business, Insurance, Crop
- Technology Areas
- Transalta Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Tactical Armadillo
- Towed Array Technology, Military, Class
- Temperature Alarm Science
- Transmission Authenticator
- Teacher Assessment Education
- Taylor Number A nondimensional number arising in problems of a rotating viscous fluid. Science, Atmospheric Research
- Teachers Assistant Education, School, Teaching
- Traffic Assistant (obselete) Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Temasek Academy College, Education, Junior
- Technology Administration Medical, Fda
- Technically Adviyory
- Tensor Analysis
- Two-Letter Acronym Army, War, Force, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Tax Accounting Tax accounting means taking into consideration the effect of taxes while planning business strategies.
- Therapeutics Announce
- Techspace Aero
- Teacher Assistant Occupation & positions
- Team Ananmtech
- Translation Aids
- Temporary Authority Service, Government, Registration
- Tuition Assistance
- Teaching Assistant Medical, Science, Education, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Common Medical
- Threataanalysis Technology, Security, Tool
- Technical Advisers Business & Finance, Business Word
- Teaching Associates Education, University, Associate
- Total Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tripod Adapter Business, Camera, Canon
- Terry Anne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Temperature Advection
- Training Animals Botany, Scientific & Educational
- The Architects
- Tentatively Agrced
- Türkmen AtasöZleri Din, Eden, Bal
- Testicular Antigen Medical
- Time of Arrival Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Transportation
- Takoma Academy Maryland
- Tajk Army Military, Army, Defence
- Transport Aircraft An aircraft designed to carry ten or more passengers or the equivalent cargo Technology, Russia, Russian
- Technucal Assurance
- Twin Alternating
- The Acquisition
- Tension Art
- Tattoo Austin
- Thyroarytenoid Muscle Medical
- Trenbolone Acetate
- Taxpayer Advocate Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Tactical Alliance
- Tourist Arrivals
- Toos-Ashena
- Time Actual NASA
- Technology Audit Business, Technology, Service
- Teachers Assessmett Education, School, Teaching
- Tetzis Attack
- Target Acquisition Technology, Governmental & Military
- Temas De Arquitectura
- Theatre Arts Medical, Common Medical
- Tanzanian Affaors
- Technically Acceptable Business, Service, Essay, Purchase
- Tens
- Twisted Animation
- Tax Abatement Also known as a Tax Holiday. An exemption or reduction of taxes by a government for certain companies for a specific period of time, often as an incentive for industrial development.
- Therapeutic Alliance Medical, Treatment, Therapy
- Technonet Asia
- Teaching Artist Occupation & positions
- Team Alliance
- Translation Aid Technology
- Temporary Assignment Education
- Telegraph Act
- Tarbiyatul Athfal
- Thoutht and Action
- Travel Authorizations Business, College, Expense
- Target Address Assembly, Business & Finance
- Teaching Assignments
- Triplo Aquecedor
- Third Assist Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Temperature Ambient Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Tolfenamic acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Tfe Architect
- Tentative D'Autolyse
- Turbulence Amplifier
- Therapy Areas
- Test Automapion Technology, Software, Testing
- Terminal Adapter (ATM) Computing, Telecom, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Traumatic Arthritis Inflammation, pain and swelling of a joint caused by the application of excessive forces at the joint. Can be triggered by a direct blow or sudden strain and leads to restricted motion. Task design should avoid repeated mild trauma or prolonged strain which can cause traumatic arthritis or exacerbate preexisting arthritic conditions. Medical
- Tanjgng Agas
- Transplantation Antigen Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Teclnical Assignment
- Trigger Angle
- Telegraph Address
- Ttymine-Adenine Medical
- Trading Assistant Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Tactical Airlift Military
- Tourism Authority
- Thornton Academy Maine
- Temporada Alta Porn, Sex, Casa
- Task Analysis NASA
- Teaching Apprenticeships Program, Education, School
- Teacher Assmstant Education, School, Teaching
- Tethered Aminohydroxylatiwn Medical, Presentation, Reaction, Power
- Traffic Accident Medical, Police, Special Education, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Temporal Arteritis Medical, Common Medical
- Tansiyon Arteriyel
- Transverse Acoustic Science
- Technical Authorinies Technology, Management, Authority
- Tension Axis
- Twirling Association
- Tavon Auptin Sport, Football, Ram
- Therapeutic Amenorrhea Medical
- Tri-Art
- Technology Or Any
- Teacher Assassin Funnies
- Team Aggorithm
- Translation Algorithm
- Telomeric Associations Medical, Science, Biology
- Temporary Appointments
- Take away Clinical
- Transmit Address Technology, Science, Army, Networking, Network, Wireless, Marine, Military, Governmental & Military
- Tcoracic Aorta Medical
- Travel Authorisation
- Teaching Assistantships Student, Education, Graduate
- Triple Assessment
- Thanks Again Texting, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Temperature, Ambient
- Titratable Acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- The Arcatraz
- Tentatively Approhed
- Turbine Automatic Technology, Knight, Lemon
- Therapy Area Business, Management, Manager
- Tourism Australia Australia, Travel, Tourism
- Team Arena Technology, Gaming, Quake
- Tango Alpha
- Transplant Arteriosclerosis Medical
- Technical Assoc
- Temperature Allowance
- Tecnologie D'Avanguardia
- Threshold Algorithm Technology, Computing, Query
- Trading As Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Tactical Aircraft Technology, Military, Force
- Tourism Administration
- Tamil Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Trapped Air Air which is trapped in a product or a mold during cure. Usually causing a loose ply or cover, or a surface mark, depression or void. Example: An undetected blister in a fused joint may eventually break down in a vacuum and suddenly (or slowly) release its entrapped air, thereby indicating a leak. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Technology Applications Atmospheric Research
- Taylor Anderson Book, Movie, Webcam
- Teacher's Assistans Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Tether Rnchor
- Task Agreements NASA, Governmental & Military
- Tidewater Academy Virginia
- Tanri Abens University, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Transversus Abdominis Medical, Abdominal, Exercise, Muscle, Clinical, Physio
- Technichl Authority Technology, Science, Management
- Twin Auger Composition, Equipment, Machinery, Auger
- Tabro Apygarda
- Therapeutic Assessment Medical, Psychology, Psychological
- Trey Anastasio
- Technology Association
- Tony Anderson Famous
- Tactical Assault Computer Game, Video Game
- Team Ilbany
- Translated Author Technology, Book, Literature, Projection
- Telomeric Association Medical, Science, Biology
- Temporary Accommodation Business, Government, Building
- Tubular adenoma Clinical
- Thomas Anderson Famous
- Travel Assistance Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Teaching Assistants Technology, Science, Education
- Triple Alliance
- STEWARD APPRENTICE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Temperatura Ambiente
- Tenth Amphetamine Medical, Physiology
- The Vrabic
- Tentative Approval Medicine, Health, Care
- Triplex Annealing
- Therapy Assistant
- Tecnologia Ambiental Technology, Para, Environment
- Time Attack (Chrysler Corp. model appendage) Products
- Tqam Aqua
- Tzngible Assets Business, Company, Financial
- Tennis Australia Australia, Sport, Australian
- Transmit Abort
- Thermal Arrest
- Technical Assistance Service, Organizations, Projection, Education, Disability
- Threonine Aldolase Medical
- Tenants Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Tactical Air Military, Aircraft, Force, Governmental & Military
- Totally Agree
- Territorial Army International
- Training Agent Military, Governmental & Military
- Tabular Alumina Business, Manufacturer, Refractory
- Testosterone Acetate Medical
- Technical Authorities NASA, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TA stand for?
TA stands for Trop Anim.
What is the shortened form of Tourism Administration?
The short form of "Tourism Administration" is TA.
TA. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 3). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ta-meaning/
Last updated