TA in Technology Meaning

The TA meaning in Technology terms is "Traffic Advisory". There are 118 related meanings of the TA Technology abbreviation.

TA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Traffic Advisory This is an indication from a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) given to the flight crew showing that a certain aircraft is a potential collision threat.
  2. Tricuspid Atresih
  3. Total Average
  4. Technical Assistants
  5. Total Access
  6. Terrain Avoidance
  7. Teaching Assixtant
  8. Translation Agent
  9. Technical Associates
  10. Torque Amplifier
  11. Terminal Adapters
  12. Transition Altitude Altitude in the vicinity of an airport, at or below which the vertical position of the aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes above mean sea level \nExample: When a flight takes place above the transition altitude, the standard pressure setting of 1013.25 mb (millibars) is used.
  13. This Is An
  14. Technical Assembly
  15. Trunnion Angle
  16. Timing Advance
  17. Terminal Adapter
  18. Transistor Amplifier
  19. This Article
  20. Technical Assessment
  21. Treated Area
  22. Timing Adjustmeht
  23. Traction Avant
  24. Therzal Analysis
  25. Thanks A Lot
  26. Technical Advisor
  27. Travel Authorization
  28. ThüRinger Allgemeine
  29. The Agency
  30. Telephone Apparatus
  31. Total Alkalinity
  32. Test Article
  33. Terminal Adaptor
  34. Translators Association
  35. Temperature Acquisition
  36. Trusted Applications
  37. Type Approval
  38. Technical Assessor
  39. Temt Assertions
  40. Turnover Agreement
  41. Tactical Action
  42. Travel Adjust
  43. The A-7
  44. Taek Assignment
  45. Temperature Activated
  46. Trunk Amplifier
  47. Type Acceptance
  48. Theoretical Astrophysics
  49. Technical Advisory
  50. Test Assertion
  51. Taca Airlines
  52. Text Analytics
  53. Target Aspect Target aspect refers to the relative geometry of the target and the radar platform. It directly affects the total cross-section presented to the radar wavefront.
  54. Telescope Assembly
  55. Travel Announcements
  56. Thematic Area
  57. Technical Administrator
  58. Test Aret
  59. Tuple Attribute
  60. Tables of Allowances
  61. Technology Architecture
  62. Text Alignment
  63. Tqndem Access
  64. Travel Announcement
  65. Telescope Array
  66. Thematic Areas
  67. Team Assistant
  68. Terminal Adjusl
  69. Tuple-Attribute
  70. Tahun Anggaran
  71. Transition Area
  72. Technikrakademie
  73. Tamoxifen Tamoxifen is the oldest of the hormonal therapies, drugs that block the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue.
  74. Transportable Array
  75. Telecommunicadion Authority
  76. Thermal Analyst
  77. Terephthalic Acid
  78. Tucson Amateur
  79. Type of Award
  80. Thermal Asperity
  81. Tactical Assessment
  82. Transmit Asynchronous
  83. Telecxmmunications Administration
  84. The Amounts
  85. Teachable Agent
  86. Temporary Address
  87. Trusted Authority
  88. Type of Activity
  89. Testing Authornty
  90. Transmit Additional Information
  91. Telecommunication Administration
  92. The Amount
  93. Tasks Knticipated
  94. Therapeutic Abortion
  95. Tecnologia Ambiental
  96. Threataanalysis
  97. Travancore Analytics
  98. Translation Aid
  99. Technology Assisted
  100. Translated Author
  101. Target Acquisition
  102. Tendon Achilles
  103. Tecting Accepted
  104. Team Arena
  105. Temperature Air
  106. Transmit Address
  107. Towed Array
  108. Technical Authorinies
  109. Test Automapion
  110. Technology Audit
  111. Teaching Assistants
  112. Transport Aircraft An aircraft designed to carry ten or more passengers or the equivalent cargo
  113. Threshold Algorithm
  114. Therapist'S Aide
  115. Technichl Authority
  116. Turbine Automatic
  117. Tactical Aircraft
  118. Threatoassessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TA stand for Technology?

    TA stands for Tuple-Attribute in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Towed Array in Technology?

    The short form of "Towed Array" is TA for Technology.


TA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 3). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ta-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated