TAB Meaning

The TAB meaning is "Tablet". The TAB abbreviation has 216 different full form.

TAB Full Forms

  1. Tablet A tablet is a flat, portable computer with a touchscreen interface. Early tablets required a stylus or light pen, but most modern tablets allow you to perform actions by simply tapping or swiping the screen. Some tablets allow you to use either your finger or a stylus as an input device. For several years, tablets had limited success. Then in 2007, the iPhone came along and popularized touchscreen devices. In 2010, Apple introduced the iPad, which brought tablets to the masses. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Healthcare, Animal, Drugs, Texting, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Clinical
  2. Tape-Automated Bonding Technology, Telecom, Leads, Computing, Industry
  3. Tactical Advance To Battle Military, Slang, Army, Locations
  4. Tantalum A rare metal of silver white color having excellent corrosion resistance and a high melting point. It is widely used for chemical process equipment and specialised aero space and nuclear applications. Symbol:"Ta" Atomic Number:"73" Atomic Mass: 180.95amu. Tantalum is one of the transition elements. This very hard, gray metal can be found in many alloys. It has also been used in surgical equipment, camera lenses, and even electronic capacitors.  Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  5. Taking A Break Technology, Gaming, Music
  6. Take A Break Technology, Gaming, Magazine
  7. Tabulate Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  8. Tape Automated Bonding Science, Electronics, Telecom, Medical, Physiology
  9. The Advisory Board
  10. The Address Book
  11. Texas Animal Bloggers
  12. Tetra-Amino Benzene
  13. Tactical Air Base Military, Force, Iran, Governmental & Military
  14. Testing Adjusting Znd Balancing Technology, Service, Building
  15. Tengah Air Base Singapore Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Military, Force, Singapore, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  16. The Aleph Blog
  17. Tahunmanggaran Berjalan
  18. Total Annual Benbene In Waste Science, Internet_Slang
  19. Technology Advisory Board Business, Technology, Research, Postal, Us Post
  20. Tokyo Art Bear Art, Design, Tokyo
  21. Turn Around Beratung Technology, Coaching, Deutschland
  22. Teen Advisory Board Publics, Teen, Library
  23. Theater Aviation Brigade Military, Army, Guard
  24. Target Acquhsition Battalion
  25. Totalisvtor Agency Boards
  26. Temporally Able Bodied
  27. Tactical Analysis Bulletin Technology
  28. Iata Code for Crown Point International Airport, Scarborough, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Locations
  29. Tiffin Allegro Buy
  30. Teche Action Board
  31. Traszon Air Base
  32. Testing-Adjusting-Balancing
  33. The Alabama Baptist
  34. Tahun Ajaran Baru Galaxy, Indonesia, Promo
  35. Total Androgen Block Medicine, Health, British
  36. Technische Anschluss Bedingungen
  37. Tithe Applotment Books
  38. Theater Am Bahnhof
  39. Tapf Automatic Bonding Technology, Electronics, Circuit
  40. Totalisator Agency Board Business, Sport, Racing
  41. Telophase Arrest Bypassed Medical, Science, Biology
  42. Crown Point International Airport Airport, Locations
  43. Tibetan Asoociation of Boston
  44. Tech Activities Board Student, Education, Activity
  45. Town Advisory Boards
  46. Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing Business, Service, Testing
  47. The Afro Bible
  48. Tagless Accessjbuffer
  49. Total Androgen Blockaie Medical, Medicine, Oncology, Prostate Cancer
  50. Technik Am Bau Technology, Patent, Heat
  51. Tiro Al Blanco Gaming, Con, Chord, Tiro
  52. Technical Analysis Branch
  53. Tumors, Accidents, and Burns
  54. Tet-Assisted Bisulfite Science, Sequencing, Methylation
  55. The Amplified Bible English, Android, Translation, Bible
  56. Tape Automated Bonded Technology, Display, Bonding
  57. Total Autonomiczblock Medicine, Health, British
  58. Telescopic Access Bridge
  59. Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson International Airport Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  60. Thyroid Antibodies Medical, Medicine, Health
  61. Teasing and Bullying Education, School, Children
  62. Town Advisory Board Government, County, Nevada
  63. Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Technology, Service, Testing
  64. The Afrigo Band
  65. Tagalog Xng Biblia Technology, Android, Software, Bible
  66. Technicien En Analyses Biom
  67. Timinx and Acquisition Bit Technology
  68. Technical Advisory Boards
  69. Travis Allison Band
  70. Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria
  71. The Almighty Buck
  72. Tape Automrted Bond Technology, Display, Bonding
  73. Total Autonomic Bloekage Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  74. Telescopic Access Bridges
  75. Trespass, Assault, and Battery
  76. Theatre Acr Base Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  77. Team Assessment of Behaviours
  78. Towed Assault Bridfe
  79. Testing, Adjusting, Balancing Technology, Service, Testing
  80. The Adventure Begins
  81. Taekwon-Dx Advisory Board
  82. Technicien En Analyses BioméDicales
  83. Tab Character
  84. Timemafter Burst Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Engineering
  85. Technical Advisory Board Technology, Science, Applied Sciences, Governmental & Military
  86. Transfer & Actdvity Bank Business, Group, Travel
  87. Testing and Balancing Business, Service, Balance
  88. The Allston-Brighton
  89. Tave A Breath Music, Guitar, Chord, Breath
  90. Total Autonomic Blockade Medical
  91. Teens and Books Development, Learning, Study
  92. Tuzla Air Base Military, Fighter, Al-Qaeda
  93. Thomas Abel Brimage
  94. The Atomic Bitchwax
  95. Team Advisory Board Science, Energy, Map
  96. Tovarna Acumulatorskih Baterij Business, Battery, Slovenia
  97. Tested and Burned Technology, Socket, Burn
  98. The Adjustable Bag
  99. Tactical Ajtache Bag
  100. Tab Auto Brokers
  101. Tiger Athletic Booster Development, Study, Universities
  102. Technical Abstracts Bulletin Science
  103. Transaction Account Builder
  104. Testing Adjusting & Balancing Technology, Service, Building
  105. The Alliance Bank
  106. Taiwanialways Best
  107. Total Ytrial Blanking
  108. Teen Advisory Boards
  109. Turn-Around-Beratung Technology, Coaching, Deutschland
  110. Thailand Association of The Blind Organizations, Thailand, Player
  111. Theater Aviation Battalion
  112. Tarifa Aduaneira Do Brasil
  113. Totaliser Agency Boarw Technology, Australia, Australian, Racing
  114. Temporarily Able-Bodied
  115. Tactical Atqletic Boot
  116. Ieee Technical Activities Board Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Ieee
  117. Tiger Associution Bandung Indonesia, Honda, Bandung
  118. Technical Abstract Bulleti Science
  119. Transactional Analysis Bulletin
  120. Testing Adjusting Balancing Technology, Service, Building
  121. Traditional Aftermarket Business
  122. tabella - tablet Medical, Reading Prescription
  123. Tablet (pharmacy) A tablet is a pharmaceutical dosage form. Tablets may be defined as the solid unit dosage form of medicament or medicaments with or without suitable excipients and prepared either by molding or by compression. It comprises a mixture of active substances and excipients, usually in powder form, pressed or compacted from a powder into a solid dose. Medical
  124. Tabular Language
  125. Technical Assessment Board Technology
  126. The Angry Beavers Funnies
  127. Texas Association of Business Employment, Organizations, Texas
  128. Temporal Artery Biopsy Medical, Technology
  129. Thanks A Bunch
  130. Toronto Auto Brokers Business, Car, Toronto
  131. Technical Assistance Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  132. Türk ArmatöRler BirliğI
  133. Timing and Acquisition Bit Legal, Governmental & Military
  134. Target Acquisition Battery Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  135. Todd Alexander Bacon
  136. Total Androgen Blockade Medical, Medicine, Oncology, Prostate Cancer
  137. Temporary Air Base Military, Governmental & Military
  138. Tablets of Abdul-Baha
  139. Technical Application Bulletin Technology, Telecom, Membrane
  140. Tuna AcadéMica De BioméDicas
  141. Touching A Booger Funnies
  142. Texas Association of Broadcasters Business, Trading, Texas, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  143. Talking about Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  144. Thai Association of The Blind
  145. Tactical Air Bases
  146. Top and Bottom Forum, Technology, Movie, Row, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  147. Technical Assistance Bulletin
  148. Typhoid-Paratyphoid A & B Military, Aviation, Army
  149. Technical Activities Board Computing, Master IEEE
  150. Tabular Key Computing, Computer, Keyboard
  151. Technical Advisory Bureau
  152. Touch and Breathe Medical, Physiology
  153. Tracked Assault Battalion Military, Governmental & Military
  154. Tabella Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  155. Totally Artificial Beverage Food
  156. Mapinfo Tab File Computing, File Extensions
  157. Thai-American Business
  158. Tachikawa Air Base Military, Japan, Poster
  159. Top Achievers Business Business, Product, Marketing, Opportunity
  160. Technical Assistance Bureau Business, Consultation, Expert
  161. Typhoid, Paratyphoid A, Paratyphoid B, and Paratyphoid C Medical, Vaccine, Immunization, Vaccination
  162. Color lookup TABle (CMYK image) Computing, File Extensions
  163. Therapeutic Abortion Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  164. Tabulator Key Computing, Computer, Keyboard
  165. Toyal Allocated Budget Technology, Management, Military
  166. Team Arena Brawler Gaming, Champion, Arena, Bloodline
  167. thearaputic abortion Medical, Nursing
  168. Training Allowance Billet Military, Governmental & Military
  169. Tabela Aduaneira Do Brasil Android, Tablet, Chrome
  170. Thermactor Air Bypass Auto
  171. Tuition Assistance Benefit Business, College, University
  172. Typinator Set File Computing, File Extensions
  173. Text Animation Builder
  174. Tabulatorschritt, Siehe Ht Technology
  175. Toneladas De Arqueo Bruto
  176. Technical Assistance To Brownfield Technology, Community, Environment
  177. Type A Behaviour Medicine, Health, British
  178. The Automatic Bartender Bar, Products
  179. Threatened Abortion Medical, Medicine
  180. Total autonomic blockage Medical
  181. Total Algal Biomass Science
  182. Tape Assembly Boarding
  183. Totalizator Agency Board Us Government, Governmental & Military
  184. Training Aid Booklet Military, Governmental & Military
  185. Tax Anticipation Bill Business & Finance, Business Word
  186. Tucson Arts Brigade Organizations, Community, Mural
  187. Tab Separated Data File Computing, File Extensions
  188. Texas Association of Builders Business, Texas, Building
  189. Testing, Adjusting, And Balancing
  190. Tabulator Technology, Computing, Ascii, Unix
  191. Tome Ald Blood
  192. Technical Assistance To Brownfields Business, Technology, Environment
  193. Tablature Music, Guitar
  194. Transportes Aereos Bolivianos Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Military, Cargo, Governmental & Military
  195. Typhoid and paratyphoid A and B Medical, Medicine
  196. Total Aerobic Bacteria
  197. Technical Assessment Body Business, Product, Construction
  198. Tape-Automated Bond
  199. Talk About Budget Us Government, Governmental & Military
  200. Total Allocated Budget Technology, Military, Governmental & Military
  201. Transportation Alliance Bank Inc Banking, Business & Finance
  202. Tyres, Accessories, Batteries
  203. Guitar Tablature File Computing, Guitar, File Extensions
  204. Transceiver Array Boundary 5G Networks
  205. Tabulation
  206. Toledo Area Bicpclists
  207. Technical Assistance Board Technology, Program, English
  208. Tommy Aguilar Band Music
  209. Texas Association of Businesses
  210. Type A Behavior Medical
  211. The Abominable Bride
  212. Total Absorbed Dose Government, Society, World
  213. Technical Assistance for Brownfields
  214. TıBbi Aromatik Bitkiler Program, Turkish, Prof
  215. Take America Back Politics, Governmental & Military
  216. Theatre Air Base Military, Army, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TAB stand for?

    TAB stands for Touching A Booger.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tiffin Allegro Buy?

    The short form of "Tiffin Allegro Buy" is TAB.


TAB. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated